Profile Flair Legend


Air is the Fifth Born, the Son of Earth and Sky (Sky was also the son of Earth). It is the Breaker of Laws, Destroyer of Heaven, Fighter Against Darkness, and Liberator of the Sun. It usually manifests as a storm god, such as Orlanth or the Storm Bull.

A character strong in the Air Rune might be Passionate, violent, proud, and/or unpredictable.


Denotes the ancient wheel. As usual, there are claims for it to be the First Rune, for there would have been no growth from Chaos without it. Folktales speak of the World Bird which escaped from the Maws of Chaos upon this wheel.

A character strong in the Movement Rune might be restless, easily bored, and/or adventurous.


This all-purpose Rune can symbolize the mastery of mortals, of magic, or of elements. As the mastery of magic, it symbolizes a cult of power, like Orlanth's.

A character strong in the Mastery Rune might be commanding, inspirational. and/or persuasive.


Symbolizes the Ancient Cup from which the whole world was poured at the dawn of creation. This is the symbol of growth and life.

A character strong in the Fertility Rune might be sexual, nurturing, and/or warm.


Earth is the third Element, Daughter of the Seas, Mother of the Sky, Wife to Many, Supporter of All. At least half the cults in Glorantha include the Earth in some manifestation or other, as Life-Giver, Stone-Father, Shaker, or Primal Ancestress. Its color is green.

A character strong in the Earth Rune might be pragmatic, prudent, worldly, and/or sensual.


Said to represent the Divine Harp with which Order was separated from Chaos. It is quite ancient and revered throughout Glorantha.

A character strong in the Harmony Rune might be social, cooperative, and/or empathetic.

Equal Exchange

The Rune of communication, exchange, merchants, and trade.


This Rune is connected with the art of alchemy, and the dwarfs. They claim that this is the First Rune, for it provided the foundation from which all else was created.

A character strong in the Stasis Rune might be stubborn, conservative, and/or traditional.


A Rune of the ancient, all-seeing Sky gods. Said to represent the torch that mortals used to escape from Chaos in the Great Darkness and to survive until the Dawn. Yet another candidate for First Rune, for its constancy and order set creation apart from random, unsettled Chaos.

A character strong in the Truth Rune might be honest, loyal, disciplined, and/or inquisitive.


Known to be the First Sword, the immortal and cursed weapon which the god Humakt used to bring death to the world. Others claim this to be the first of the Runes, citing the separation of the world from Chaos as the first action in creation.

A character strong in the Death Rune might be cold, stoic, restrained, and/or ascetic.


This Rune is also called the Dragon’s Eye and is supposed to represent the armor plate over the eye of a dragon. Dragons are thought to be the progenitors of all beasts (at least those with four or more legs) though no one has had the nerve to ask a dragon about it. It is thought to have originally been a Dragonewt Rune, and its complexity would indicate this.

A character strong in the Beast Rune might be instinctual, wild, and/or physical.


The Puppeteer Troupe, the major cult of the Father of Illusion, always claimed that this was the First Rune, for without Illusion, there would be none of us to think we ever were. They refuse to explain further.

A character strong in the Illusion Rune might be dishonest, deceptive, and/or manipulative.


Directly derived from Chaos. Anarchistic cults claim that this was the first step of creation from Chaos, therefore Disorder is the First Born of the Powers and the foundation of the universe.

A character strong in the Disorder Rune might be anti-social, self-centered, and/or destructive.