The search for knowledge and truth!

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The search for knowledge and truth!

Post by Torben »

"I would like some information please, to clear up some confusion that seems to have arriven", so said the young tousled hair youth who sat opposite an aged scholar of the Lhankor Mhy cult. He'd made his way to the Great Library, as rumour heard it called, after a somewhat fractious encounter at the Temple of the Blessed Mother herself, Chalana Arroy, where his previous regard for that cult had been shattered after he was unceremoniously ejected from the temple grounds by it's members simply for the innocent enquiry about joining Cult Broar the Benevolent!

"Yes, young man, how can I help you? What information is it that you wish to know?", asked the aged scholar.

"Well, you see, it's like this......I met a King on my way to Boldhome and he gave me this letter here", the youth passed over a crumpled sheet that he'd been clasping in his hand, "It's all about joining a cult and how I can purchase the rank of Rune Lord. It looks really good to me since all the other cults around here keep telling me I can't join as anything but a lay member EVEN though I know I have a real affinity to magic and power and all that stuff. Every one of them turns their noses up at me - literally (!) - and say I'm too lowly and I need to improve my status. Quite frankly that's ridiculous as back home I was firmly established as one of the leading latrine pit diggers and emptiers, we were in high demand you know! PLUS...PLUS....since I've been here I've already met this King I mentioned, a Baroness and that Erik fellow who is, apparently, really high up in the City and he offered me a job! Also I've got an invite to a wedding but still all these rotten cults won't let me join, other than as a lay member....all of them EXCEPT this one the King has told me about".

"King you say, you met King Argrath and he gave you a letter to join a cult!! By the Gods, young fellow, that's an honour indeed!! I'm surprised with such a connection that you've met with such resistance and indifference"?

"No....he wasn't called Argrath....well, if he was he didn't sign his name as that....if you look at the signature at the bottom of the letter you'll see it's King Hofarson...or, at least, I think that's what it be honest my reading and writing skills aren't that great, well we didn't have much use of them in the old latrine business line of work and the only other thing I spoke to him about was this investment in a diamond mine that he said he could 'cut me into' and for my 10 lunars I'm going to get back 100!! Trouble is the chap I was supposed to collect the money from, a Grumbold somebody, he hasn't paid up yet. I'm guessing there's some kind of delay, maybe because they've found more diamonds than imagined and so I might be due some extra lunars? Anyway before I could ask him anything else he'd hobbled over to his horse and rode away, impressive really what with him having just the one leg".

"King leg......investment in a diamond mine....oh dear...oh deary poor young man. I'm afraid you've fallen victim to one Broar, aka Brear / Broaranna, Hofarson, Boldhome's notorious lunatic conman! It appears you've been, what we Lhankor Mhy call, Suckered Clear As Morning.....more commonly known as SCAMMED! This King Broar is certainly no King and you can wave goodbye to those 10 lunars, this Cult Broar the Benevolent doesn't exist either, except for maybe in Broar's head".

"Oh no....whatever can I do...I feel such a fool.....that was all the money I had until I borrowed a few hundred off of those money lenders, now I won't have 100 lunars towards the repayment costs. This is terrible news, what can I do sir"?

"Panic not young man, for starters I heartily suggest, what with your acute magic and power ability, you sign up with us, here, at the Cult of Lhankor Mhy. Next why not try having a word with some of those other contacts that you mentioned to me early, the Baroness and Erik as they're bound to have a few lunars they could help you out with, at least temporarily until you can find your feet, so to speak. Rumour has it that Erik may well be off to the Front shortly so you'd best nip over and see him before he leaves, if he offered you a job then maybe you could ask for some wages in advance and then work off the debt as at least that will save you getting your legs broken by the moneylenders if you don't pay up or getting sent to the Front in disgrace".

"Thank you so much Mr Scholar sir, I'm really grateful for your advice. I'll go to see Erik straight away, he seemed so nice I'm sure he'll help me out! Now about this Lhankor Mhy membership, can I be a Runelord or, a God Talker is it? An Initiate at least, surely....."?

"Now, let's not rush things, all in good time young man I think Lay membership is right for just now. Torben did you say the name was...just pop your signature down here lad, at the bottom of the scroll there...oh, and you'd best put this on...cult regulations". The scholar handed over a large, black and bushy beard attached to a couple of ear hooks.

" we go again.....ooooh...ouch...this damned beard's all rough and itchy"!
Torben Dungshuvler
Lt.Warlord, Free Philosophers Regt
Initiate of Orlanth / Lay Member of Lhankor Mhy
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Joined: Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:21 pm

Re: The search for knowledge and truth!

Post by Fionn »

As the despondent Torben walks to the liberary door, a spare figure in uniform astops him

" I hear you are looking for a career in the military, but are finding acceptance difficult with little proof of your talents. Well, the Free Philosophers require nothing but honest toil; joining the cult of Lhankor Mhy shows you to be honest, and anyone who (pause and a wrinkle of the nose) sees you can tell you are used to toil. I can answer for your being accepted, though regimental funds are too depleted at the moment to allow a subsidy. But if you do join us, write to me when you wish to become a Ten-thane, and I will lend you a mount; it is plain that you know one end of a horse from the other!"
Fionn the dagger, soldier and scholar (Warlord and Loremaster).
Posts: 309
Joined: Fri Mar 31, 2023 12:45 pm

Re: The search for knowledge and truth!

Post by Torben »

Mighty Fionn,

I would love to join the regiment, that's just the start I need and kind Lord Erik has already said he is willing to loan me 50 lunars so I will have enough to pay for the position and if you can loan me a horse I'm sorted! When it comes to horses, just to mention, I've had some past experience as once we'd cleared out a latrine pit back in Balmyr, and loaded up all the contents into this big cart, father always used to let me ride the horse that pulled it all.

Thank you very much for your help and support, I only wish my writing skills were such that I could fully detail to you how much it means to me but, sadly, my education with the old letters and numbers was limited as father always used to say in the Dungshuvler family what was important was 'Turds not words' we are, but I'm hoping Lhankor Mhy can help address that deficiency.

All the best and everything,

Torben Dungshuvler
Soon to be one of those Ten Thane types!
Torben Dungshuvler
Lt.Warlord, Free Philosophers Regt
Initiate of Orlanth / Lay Member of Lhankor Mhy
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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