A Festive Meeting at the Pea Pod

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Re: A Festive Meeting at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu was stunned and surprised by the Baroness' suggestion. "That is an absolutely capital suggestion, Baronness! Do we know of any Daka Fal clergy who could summon her shade to the court?"
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Asst. Rune Priest of Orlanth
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Re: A Festive Meeting at the Pea Pod

Post by Julian »

Julian responding to Quatlu’s enquiry “i would like to propose that during this coming Sacred Time, we join together and undertake a Hero Quest for the Great Temple of Orlanth. As it is our first such attempt, and I feel it is important that we succeed and hopefully all survive, I am proposing that we attempt the Quest of The Arming of Orlanth, and I would select the Cautious strategy. Having never attempted such a Quest before, I am unsure of all of the conditions, permissions required and time involved, which might be in conflict to some of our personal goals and activities. Be advised that the Hero Quest will consume the entire four weeks of Sacred Time.”

Kind gentlefolk I would like to be considered for such a Quest. I may not be well known or experienced but I would follow you, my seniors, into the fray singing our battle songs!!
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
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Re: A Festive Meeting at the Pea Pod

Post by Fionn »

Fionn strolls up and calls "Jorl? A round of buttered rum for my friends. It is a suitable celebration for winter, and we have much to celebrate this month. Rufus and I are safely returned (though we do not forget poor Varadan), and Ivarenna and Quatlu have been promoted".

He lowers his voice a little to say "Rune Lord, I hope to attend your first celebration at the Orlanth temple; the Lightbringers must be seen to remain staunch allies. For that reason I will happily enact Lhankor Mhy in your Heroquest if you wish; but my talents lie in battle rather than magic. Erinestra is now a servant of the Knowing God; might she bring more lustre to your efforts?"
Fionn the dagger, soldier and scholar (Warlord and Loremaster).
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Re: A Festive Meeting at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu smiled, slowly shook his head in the negative and raised his palm outward towards Fionn. "Fionn, protest as you will, you were specifically the one chosen by the assembled members here because of your staunch support of Baron Rufus in his time of need, your efforts to use your experience and teaching skills improve the Battle skill of the King's warriors, and your unfailing loyalty to the Lightbringers. It has been allotted to you to fill the role of Lhankor Mhy on this Hero Quest by the members of this guild, and we could ask for no one more honorable to perform this sacred task. Should we move forward, and I believe we will, I will make the official public announcement and you may advise us then of your decision. But we sincerely hope that you will honor us with your participation on this inaugural Hero Quest." He looked at the group of assembled adventurers and asked, "So say we all?"
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Asst. Rune Priest of Orlanth
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Re: A Festive Meeting at the Pea Pod

Post by Ivarenna »

"Dear Fionn, welcome! It is good to see you safely back from the front!

I echo Quatlu's words. It is you who we would like to see on this quest. No disrespect to Erinestra but she is yet to initiate into Lankhor Mhy so is not privy to the deeper mysteries of your cult.

However, HeroQuesting is a potentially perilous undertaking so only assent to join us if you are confident that you are spiritually prepared."
Baroness Ivarenna Hainasdaughter of the Balmyr
Aide to Goldgotti the City Treasurer
Assistant Rune Lord of Orlanth
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Re: A Festive Meeting at the Pea Pod

Post by Ivarenna »

"Anyway, I had better go and speak with Insterda about arranging that Daka Fal shaman for the trial. I'll pop back to report later."

***** [a few hours pass in which Ivarenna meets with the Deputy of Public Harmony. As fellow tribeswomen of the Balmyr they know each other well.]

Ivarenna reenters the Pea Pod ...

"I have bad news. It appears that with the trial being held next week, it will not be possible to arrange to get a shaman to summon Ondureen's ghost to testify. [ooc we would need some rules for this sort of thing which we don't have as yet]

"Separately Insterda was none too pleased to hear that Broar had just insulted our tribe. I'm sure she won't let that interfere with her ruling on the case 'though.

"She does need some witnesses for the prosecution. She also asked me if anyone recalled Broar instigating his followers to beat up a Lankhor Mhy priest. She seemed to remember that it was late in Storm Season of 1630. This was before I had arrived in Boldhome but perhaps one of you old hands can remember something."
Baroness Ivarenna Hainasdaughter of the Balmyr
Aide to Goldgotti the City Treasurer
Assistant Rune Lord of Orlanth
Hundred-thane, Third Battalion, Mularik's Company
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Re: A Festive Meeting at the Pea Pod

Post by Rufus »

Rufus storms into the Peapod, slams the door, demanding a bottle from the startled bar staff and stomps over to a table on his own and starts to get drunk.

His fellow officers and other patrons exchange perturbed glances as Rufus is heard quietly cursing the Lunars, fate and life in general.

Julian and Fionn sidle over to cheer Rufus up. He snarls "We could have them Lunars beat at Goldedge but I just couldn't summon the power to be decisive (OoC - rolled a 1) and in addition, there was easy loot to be had but again failed (OoC rolled a double 1 - again!). Fate must be conspiring against me!" he states, taking another swig.

Quatlu and Erik amble over with warm smiles but this does not cheer him up - indeed he hurtfully rejoinders "Whilst I am at the front, you two are rising in society. It is not right that common folk lord it over nobles whilst we defend the King's honour on the battlefield"

Ivarenna speaks up "Rufus, mate, I think you are looking at this wrong. Consider what has gone well. You have been mentioned in battlesongs again (Rufus snarls in response), you have a beautiful mistress (Rufus acknowledges this with a nod) and sacred time approaches with the chance of a hero quest. (Rufus looks quizzical). The chaps here were thinking you could join them to serve Orlanth and gain his favour. What do you say?" The thought of a hero quest slowly dawns on Rufus's mind and his demeanour changes. "A heroquest - with you fine, capital fellows! I can think of no better companions! Count me in!" he exclaims. Ivareena reminds him to apologise to his fellow warriors - which he does in cheery good heart. But the thought that Erik and Quatlu do not have titles yet hold senior ranks in the military is clearly something that is starting to bother him. "Chaps", he declares "Why not accompany me to the front to seek glory, wealth and in your case, well earned recognition?"

Ivareena then makes a further request "I am considering going to the front myself and was wondering if I could join Mularik's company in some capacity?"

Rufus smiles broadly again. "For someone of your noble standing, I state that any vacant position is available for you. You are most welcome".
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
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Re: A Festive Meeting at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu is disturbed by his friend's entrance into the Pea Pod, and he looks over at Ivareena quizzically. When Julian and Fionn attempt to cajole him into a better humor, and fail miserably, then he and Erik attempt to put a smile back on the baron's face. This too fails, and their friend laments that the two of them are lording their rank over their fellow Sword Brother. "Rufus, you are our Sword Brother and dear friend, an honorable and successful regimental commander and warrior, recognized by one and all for your noble deeds on the battlefield and your steadfast loyalty to the King. We would never dream of lording anything over you, much less our own failures to as yet gain the honor of a title from the King for exploits on the battlefield. Please do not ever consider that Erik and I would ever take such a low and base position against you." Yet it seemed Rufus still did not acknowledge the attempt to raise his spirits.

The Baroness Ivareena, on the other hand, was able to completely turn his outlook around with well-placed words of encouragement and the promise of Hero Questing in Sacred Time. For any Orlanthi, that would be the promise that would brighten any worshipper's face... and indeed it did! When he mentioned going off to the Front, Quatlu sat down heavily on his seat and replied, "I plan to do exactly that, Baron, but I must first finish my training at the Lhankor Mhy Academy and complete several planned activities before I take the step to march my regiment back to the Front. After our Hero Quest in this coming Sacred Time, I will be free to take that exact course of action. I beg you to be patient with me, as some of us are needing increases in our leadership and tactics before we again march onto the field of battle. But Orlanth willing, I will march with you to achieve victory at the Front in Early Sea."
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Asst. Rune Priest of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
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Re: A Festive Meeting at the Pea Pod

Post by Julian »

Julian is surprised and disconcerted by Baron Rufus’s demeanour. Julian thinks he understands because he too has lost out to chance and fate. However he recognises that his friends have been a refuge and the support he needed to pick himself up again. However he dares not say this to a mighty Baron!
So he requests that Jorl bring more drinks and some of his delightful pasties and cakes to help lighten the mood.
He encourages Rufus and Quatlu to discuss the hero quest (as once again he has volunteered for the unknown!) He acts with deference to the Noble lady and generally just try’s in a ham fisted way to bring the mood up in the place!
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
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Re: A Festive Meeting at the Pea Pod

Post by Erik »

Erik listened to Rufus's words and heard the frustration in his voice. "We are all mortals, and cannot always control our fate. You may not have had the results you desired in the recent campaign - although you gained a well earned mention - but I am certain you have military glory to come. As for titles, they are for His Majesty to bestow and it is for him to find me worthy - or not. I will strive to do honour to our city, our King and our regiment whenever I am at the front, but I am content to wait for honours to come to myself. I am glad that you are agreed on the plans for a Heroquest and I can think of none I would rather undertake such a quest with than alongside yourself and our good friends here. Let us drink a toast - to the forthcoming Sacred Time and our Heroquest!"
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