My Friends,
Since the Gods, well at least a couple of them, have deemed to bless me with the good fortune of amassing several thousand lunars in loot, far more than required for my modest needs, I feel that it is only right to extend good fortune to others.
It is, therefore, with pleasure that I announce my pledge of 1000 lunars towards any future Ransom payments, required to secure the release of any of our fine number who may fall into the hands of Lunar Empire Forces.
The monies have been separated from the remainder of my loot stash and secured in a place of safety to await any use. If we don't need to use it then I intend to hold a lavish return home party after the Summer Campaign, open to all those who took part, regardless of regiment.
Good luck to you all and may the Gods keep us safe.
The Dungshuvler Donation Declaration
The Dungshuvler Donation Declaration
Torben Dungshuvler
Hundred-Thane, Free Philosophers Regt
Initiate of Orlanth / Lay Member of Lhankor Mhy
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
Hundred-Thane, Free Philosophers Regt
Initiate of Orlanth / Lay Member of Lhankor Mhy
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods