Dangk Heortgason

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Posts: 385
Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2023 6:06 pm

Dangk Heortgason

Post by Erik »


Whilst your colleague, Rufus Bronzer, has fought bravely, leading his battalion against the enemies of Boldhome, you have spent your time in the taverns and the temple of Uleria. You have lost the confidence of your men, I hear you have not been seen in the regimental barracks for months now. I therefore, respectfully, request that you tender your resignation with immediate effect, for the good of Boldhome and Mularik's Company.

Erik Stargazer
Ten Thane, Mularik's Company
God-talker of Orlanth
Aide to City Lawspeaker
Colymar Tribe.

(OOC: Erik asks the Hundred Thane Dangk Heortgason to resign from Mularik's Company).
Posts: 385
Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2023 6:06 pm

Re: Dangk Heortgason

Post by Erik »

To Lt.Warlard Heort Bevunesdaughter,

My lady, My thanks for accepting me into this worthy regiment and allowing me to serve with the brave Hundred Thane Rufus Bronzer at the front. Whilst the Battalion fought with great honour and skill the enemy is strong and, as yet, holds out against us. I would therefore ask you, in your wisdom, to bring the rest of the regiment to our aid in the coming month. An enemy as skiiled as Delecti the Necromancer is a dangerous foe.
You may be aware that I have asked Hundred Thane Dangk Heortgason to resign from the regiment. Although I am new to the unit, it may be that a fresh look at a problem will see things others may miss. You must be aware of his drinking and wenching to excess, neglecting his duties. I realise that he is family, but I have no doubt that you will put the good of the regiment first and set aside your maternal feelings. I therefore ask you to use your influence to persuade him to quietly resign from Mularik's company.

Yours in service to the Regiment

Erik Stargazer
Ten Thane Mularik's Company
God-talker of Orlanth
Aide to City Lawspeaker
Colymar Tribe

(OOC: Erik asks the Lt. Warlord of Mularik's Company (Commanding the unit in absenceof a Warlord) to volunteer the regiment for campaign. He also asks her to use her influence to persuade Hundred Thane Dangk Heortgason to resign from the regiment).
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