An appeal from the front

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An appeal from the front

Post by Rufus »

Are you interested in fame and fortune whilst defending our city and serving our glorious king?

Rufus has been serving at the front and has seen needless loss of life due to an absence of healers. (see the musings from the front article in the courier)

So if an initiate of Chalana Arroy or Ernalda would wish to become the regimental healer to the elite regiment of Mularik's company then they would be most welcome. It is the top magical regiment and as healer you would also enjoy the perks of serving such a powerful and successful unit as well advancing the cause of the Kingdom!
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Asst Runelord
Chieftain's son.
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Re: An appeal from the front

Post by Erik »

I would add my voice to my colleague's appeal. There are gallant soldiers who may have a chance at life if Mularik's company had a healer attached to our ranks. I call for initiates of Chalana Arroy and Ernalda to show their courage and patriotism by joining the fight. (I realise that those who are serving already in other regiments already are honour bound to continue with their own units).

Erik Stargazer
Ten Thane Mularik's Company
God-talker of Orlanth
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Re: An appeal from the front

Post by Torben »

My friends, this is just the job for me!!

I've been pondering on my initial choice of joining the Colymar Cavalry but ever since I was callously rejected as an Aide by that Colymar Chieftain and my pal Erik left to join this, far better, regiment I have come ot the conclusion that the Colymar Cav can bog-off and Mularik's are the lads for me.

I shall be putting in my application this very month, once I have been and had a word with those dullards in Lhankor Mhy!
Torben Dungshuvler
Lt.Warlord, Free Philosophers Regt
Initiate of Orlanth / Lay Member of Lhankor Mhy
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: An appeal from the front

Post by Erik »

(OOC: On this point, if Broar joins Mularik's Company as regimental healer, would he come to the front if only one battalion is serving there? Would it make any difference if 2 of the 3 battalions were on campaign? Could he volunteer to serve with a frontline battalion? Or does he even need to be at the front, would the part of the unit fighting still get the +1 on a death roll just by his being appointed as regimental healer? )
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