To: The lacklustre losers of Lhankor Mhy

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To: The lacklustre losers of Lhankor Mhy

Post by Torben »

Chief Librarian (or whatever daft title you claim for yourself),

Look, I've been more than a patient man (God, actually!) and hung around in your cult for nigh on a year now.......but for what?

Someone, maybe yourself, is obviously slipping some long life elixir potion into the wine at the Temple since no-one has died off in ages and advancement within the Cult is at an absolute standstill. Ok, in the early days it was a bit of a doddle just the odd ceremony to attend, a bit of homelore study etc but then once I was talked into taking up that Initiate-ship lark, well it just went downhill and the promise of a lucrative God Talker role vanished into the clouds.

Whats' more all this always having to wear a fake beard if you don't have a beard yourself, bonkers, what's the point of it?!! The damned things are frightfully itchy and keep going skewwhiff on my chin.

I think the final nail in the old coffin was when you turned down my modest and quite reasonable request for a week off of my duties this month, what skin was it off your nose if I had a week off? You lousy rogue, sat in your fancy comfy temple chair for Chief Librarian's and dictating to the rest of us, don't you know who I am?! I'm Broar Hofarson / Broarson and I'm a very busy man as well as a God. I've not had a woman in months because I can't get anytime off, can you imagine the prospect of knowing you can't head off to the Temple of Uleria because you've got another book on Dwarven mining tools to translate! It's not natural man, us younger members have needs you know, we need the interaction with a few flighty young ladies rather than the constant company of geriatric duffers.

As far as I can see it the only real perk of joining the dullards of Lhankor Mhy is the easy membership of the Scribbled Scroll early but as I qualify now, in my own divine right, I've nothing to lose by my forthcoming announcement -

"I, Broar Hofarson (aka Broar Broarson) submit my resignation from the Lhankor Mhy cult and am damned pleased to be able to do so. I've wasted nearly a year of my life, time I now can't get back, pandering to the cult, dusting all those old books, arranging scrolls in alphabetical order and helping to lug around various bookcases. Well, no more my friend, I'm off....cheerio".

(OOC - Broar Hofarson resigns from the Lhankor Mhy cult)
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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