Letter to my parents

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Letter to my parents

Post by Erik »

Honoured Harald Redbeard and Aud Wisewoman,

My dear parents, my apologies for delay in my usual letter to you, but it has been delayed for very good reasons. I am on campaign! I have also changed regiments and am now a Ten Thane of Mularik's Company. Now father, I know you wanted me to serve in your old regiment and I therefore joined the Colymar Cavalry. Sadly though, I have come to the conclusion that it was not the unit for me, for a number of reasons. Firstly, unlike yourself, I would never have made more than an averagely good officer in the cavalry, I found myself relying on my sergeants too much when faced with tactical decisions. I am far more at home in a Magical regiment. Secondly, the cavalry use broadsword, whereas I am more comfortable with Orlanth's sacred spear. And finally, I was eager to serve at the front. Now the noble Okinakt Yrshison has shown himself unwilling to volunteer the Colymar Cavalry, whereas I knew that the gallant Rufus Bronzer was fighting with his battalion and had a vacant Ten Thane post open. Now the Colynar Cavalry are a fine unit and I am proud to have served with them, but I feel I can do my duty to Boldhome far better in Mularik's Company.
You will be pleased father, that the Temple of Orlanth has done me the honour of raising me to the rank of God-talker! I have great hopes of my future service in the Temple. Mother, I know it was your wish that I serve Ernalda as you do, but again, I found it was not the best cult for a warrior. Please pray to the Earth Queen for me this month, I hope I still have her favour.
I expect our battalion to be able to return to Boldhome for Sacred Time. The Hundred Thane Rufus Bronzer is a good officer and leads us well, also, with luck, the rest of the Regiment will be coming to our aid this month and we can send our enemy Delecti's forces back to the Upland Marsh and out of our lands.
Please give my greetings to the rest of the family,

Your (cold, muddy and wet) son, Erik
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