Amidst the clamour of battle, the air rent by the cries of the injured, the yells of the brave and the moans of countless undead minions, a tragic scene emerges....
"Healer Broar....healer Broar....has anyone seen healer Broar"? The anguish in the trooper's face was evident as he frantically searched amongst the ranks of Mularik's Company, pushing aside his comrades as he sought for the recently appointed regimental healer.
"I think he's over there, down by the regimental pay chest and stores wagon as he said something about needing to check if the horses were ok and he said animals need love and care too", exclaimed another trooper.
"Sod the animals there's a crisis, Lt Warlord Heort Bevunesdaughter has been struck down by an accursed Dancer and this very minute lies gravely wounded, we need the healer!! There's no time to lose I must bring this Broar fellow to her as soon as possible...oh brave Heort...I've served under you for many a season and I'll not fail you now.....where is that pesky healer.....ah, oiy you, Broar fellow, come quickly our valiant commander lays seriously hurt, your services are needed"!
" you say? Someone's wounded? Well, yes I guess I can try and assist but I was just enquiring about the old pay chest over there, I notice it's locked, very wise of course in such times, but there's a key...I presume....someone has the key"?
"Healer Broar, with all due respect Lt Warlord Heort Bevunesdaughter is close to death, she needs urgent medical assistance to save her life. Please come with me, we need to run, bring all of your medical supplies".
"Puff...pant...puff.....hey, not so fast trooper....I've got all this kit to carry and you never answered about the key....puff...wheeze..."
"She's just over there healer, there by the rock you can see several of the Thanes beside her now".
"Yes, yes, all in good time this kind of skill requires patience and quiet my man, hardly conducive with all this noise and the arrows flying around everywhere....they never mentioned this to me when I signed up. I'm a healer, I said, a man of peace versed in the skilled arts of the Blessed Goddess, we conduct our skills in the confines of a hospital or temple normally, I'll have to adapt a bit out here! Now, just out of curiosity, before I begin my attendance to our beloved Commander, what would happen....and, for a moment, don't get me wrong here...but were, perhaps, our beloved Commander not happen to 'make it', what would that mean for the regiment"?
"Well, we've already lost our Warlord and were the Lt Warlord also to die then command of the regiment would fall to the Senior Hundred-Thanes....of course there would still be the vacancies for the Warlord and Lt Warlord positions...but, of course, hopefully it won't come to that as when you joined you told the regiment that your skills as a Healer were unsurpassed, there were none better and that we were getting the best healer in the whole of Boldhome, so you'll save her, I know it".
"Ah, yes, well let's not be too hasty....these battlefield cases can be quite tricky and what with being up against undead and all that, with all those foul poisons that they use....hmmmh...yes...I can see this is going to be quite, the way you did say vacancies? Vacancies that would mean, for example, if a healer suddenly decided not to be a healer anymore but he was already in the regiment as an effective subaltern then he could apply...right...then he would be in command"!!
"Well, yes, I guess he could".
"Splendid, splendid.....ok, here she is....oooh..dear that doesn't look good at all....that arrow there, lodged just above the eye if I can just manage to press down correctly and twist the old arrow there....making sure I don't accidentally fall forward and....oh...damn it....ooops....well, hey look, you could see it wasn't my fault, a simple mishap, I'm mean I've only been here a week, you've got to pick things up you know....and that muddy ground, these boots....accident waiting to happen really! Still, at least it was quick! Anyway, who told her to come to the Front this season anyway....yes, think...who was it using influence to convince her it was a good move...someone who could benefit from her demise and try and grab the rank for themselves.....yes....I'm thinking the same, a certain Erik Stargazer.....I'll say no more"!
A tragic end...RIP Lt Warlord Heort Bevunesdaughter
A tragic end...RIP Lt Warlord Heort Bevunesdaughter
Torben Dungshuvler
Lt.Warlord, Free Philosophers Regt
Initiate of Orlanth / Lay Member of Lhankor Mhy
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods

Lt.Warlord, Free Philosophers Regt
Initiate of Orlanth / Lay Member of Lhankor Mhy
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods