My Dearest Orlanthi brothers & sisters

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My Dearest Orlanthi brothers & sisters

Post by Torben »

Fellow Orlanthi,

I have to say how impressed I was with our Temple when coming along for my recent Initiate-ship ceremony, it's a lot bigger than the Chalana Arroy place of worship and bigger too than the current Temple for Cult Broar, but, on that latter reference, just as soon as I manage to gather together the necessary funds then Temple Broar will be relocating from my present lodgings to it's own, high prestige, complex within the center of Boldhome, as truly befits such a prominent God as myself.

Now, one thing that I couldn't help but take to heart during my Initiate ceremony were the Six Virtues of Orlanth that the Priest fellow made so much fuss about, let me recall again....courage, wisdom, generosity, justice, honor, and piety—essential qualities valued by Orlanth, that's what he said, verbatim, as I made sure to write them all down. Of course, I was hearted to learn that the Cult placed such emphasis upon a core structure of particular the one about generosity because, what with me being a newbie an all that, it was a clear sign to me that Mighty Orlanth had called me to his flock because he knew that he could be of help to me, a fellow Light Bringer God, at a time when I am facing severe pressure from various insidious Lunar Agents and Chaos types masquerading under the guise of Money Lenders.

Yes, my Orlanthi brothers and sisters, these devious fiends are hassling me for monies they claim I owe them BUT it's really an attack against the Light Bringers and us Orlanthi, in particular. They'd like nothing more than to seemingly embarrass us by trying to cause financial ruin to me as I'm not just an Orlanthi but a Chalana Arroy devotee and God Broar too....imagine their aim, scoring 3 hits for the price of one, so to speak, against the forces of Light by targeting just me.

But.....they've made a foolish mistake because,I know, like me, you're not just going to sit back and let them (the Lunar and Chaos forces) win, oh no, we recognise that Orlanth would be the first, well joint first alongside God Broar, to fight back and send these curs packing whilst, at the same time, saying, don't try this tactic against anymore of us as collectively we have the fiscal superiority to beat you!

All it needs is for each of my Orlanthi brothers and sisters to contribute the sum of a mere 30 lunars each to the 'Fighting Fund' this coming season and we can demonstrate that our victories aren't just on the battlefield but back home at Boldhome too, they can touch us nowhere. Be part of it my Orlanthi family, stand proud and firm alongside your colleague, and God, Broar, let us fill our lungs with the cries of freedom, defiance and, more importantly, victory!

P.S Please send the 30 lunars direct to me at my lodgings or pass over to me at our great Orlanthi Temple.
Torben Dungshuvler
Ten-Thane, Free Philosophers Regt
Initiate of Orlanth / Lay Member of Lhankor Mhy
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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