So many new faces

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Brear Hofarson
Posts: 36
Joined: Thu Feb 01, 2024 9:36 am

So many new faces

Post by Brear Hofarson »

Hello all,

What a lot of new arrivals to our fair City this season, how exciting!

I understand that some of those newbies will be seeking to go straight to the Front BUT the others will remain here and start to forge their futures. Well, here at Cult Broar the Benevolent we are hosting a special 'Get to know us' event in Week 4 and EVERYONE is invited to come along for an introductory lecture, get free gifts and be automatically enrolled as Lay members of the cult.

The event is to be held at the Scribbled Scroll Inn - a most prestigious establishment, cousin Broar says - with a visit to Temple Broar during the course of the week.

Why not come along, have a great time, get the latest update of God Broar's Hero Quest to obtain the Head of the King of the Broos and....and....get the best up to date prices for a range of positions within Cult Broar the Benevolent, Initiate, Rune Lord, Assistant Priest want it, we've got it and at a bargain price.

See you all in Week 4, All praise to God Broar!
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