1631 - 6 (Late Fire) - Rules Updates

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1631 - 6 (Late Fire) - Rules Updates

Post by Puckohue »

The Cult of Eurmal
These rules also involve members of the cult of Orlanth.

There is always cause to challenge an initiate or higher of Eurmal. This condition ends if a Rune Lord or higher in the cult of Orlanth “binds” the trickster who then comes under the protection of the Orlanthi (and now follows normal rules for duels and trials). The “bound” Eurmali is a scapegoat for the Orlanthi, and will take the Orlanthi's place in any duel, trial or similar, should the Orlanthi say so in their orders. The Orlanthi may also take their bound trickster's place in any duel, trial, or similar, but do not have to.

The "binding" must be ordered by both parties as a cult duty in the same week. It can be dissolved by any part as a pre-Turn order. This will cost an Eurmali CHA/2 CPs, and an Orlanthi CPs equal to their CHA.

A member of the cult of Eurmal will always be found guilty in any trial or similar.
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Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2023 7:17 pm

Re: 1631 - 6 (Late Fire) - Rules Updates

Post by Puckohue »

The Cult of Lhankor Mhy

Added cult duty:

Assist at the Military Academy. Requires Battle 5+. Each week raises the Military Lore skill by 0,25. Every full point can buy +1 when applying for military appointments. Use of points lowers the Military Lore skill by the same amount.

Added to Military Academy:

Teaching at the Military Academy
A member of the cult of Lhankor Mhy may as a weekly order teach at the Military Academy. The teacher gains 1CP/20 CHA worth of students, and keeps half of the fees (student's course fee/number of weeks/2). The teacher's Battle must be higher than the student's, or nothing will be learnt.

Please note that this allows raising your Battle higher than 6, if a teacher with Battle 7+ can be found.

Only one course can be held each week. If multiple teachers attempt to run a course in the same week, then the teacher with the highest cult rank gets priority. If of the same cult rank, then the highest military rank, then CHA, then Battle. If stilla tie, by duel.

If the intent to teach is formally announced, the character’s Battle skill will be made public.

New Appointment:

Master of the Military Academy
A military appointment.

Rank: Lt General or higher (military appointments normally require the specific rank)
Min CHA 10
Special: Battle, Lhankor Mhy
#: 1
Appointed by: High Priest of Lhankor Mhy
CP: 14
Inf: 5
1D6: 6
Pay: 10
Notes: The Master of the Military Academy need not be present for courses to be held. However, if the post is vacant, no courses can be held. The Battle skill of the Master is the upper limit for how high you can train your skill at the Academy.

Please note that this allows raising your Battle higher than 6, if a Master with Battle 7+ is appointed.
Posts: 2711
Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2023 7:17 pm

Re: 1631 - 6 (Late Fire) - Rules Updates

Post by Puckohue »


Updated rules on ransoms.