Comments welcome
Loremasters Guild
The patron of the guild is Tosti Runefriend.
Being a member of the guild costs 20 Lunars per turn and gives 3 CPs.
In week 4 of Late Sea Seaon each year, Tosti Runefriend arranges a guild gathering at The Storm Cloud, paying all carousing costs. All guild members may attend with their lovers and may attempt to attract Tosti's notice, with the Guild Master getting a +1 modifier to do so.
To join, a character must have
- taught at one of Boldhome's academies (assisting is not enough).
- presented an accepted thesis (see below).
A member of the Lhankor Mhy cult may submit a thesis on a subject of their choosing concerning an observation, experiment, or invention.
A total of 4 weeks must be spent in research for, and writing of, the thesis. These weeks do not have to be in the same turn.
A summary of the thesis must be published in
The Boldhome Crier.
All guild members vote yes or no on the quality of the thesis (members may not vote on their own theses). All player characters may use influence on the outcome.
A roll of 6 on 1D6 is needed for the thesis to be accepted, with the following modifiers:
- +1 for each level of influence used in favor
- -1 for each level of influence used against
- +1 for each player character member voting “yea”
- -1 for each player character member voting “nay”
Each accepted thesis earns the character 1 CP/turn for as long as they remain a guild member.
Loremasters Guildmaster
(Master of the Loremasters Guild? Head of the Loremasters Guild? Head of the Guild of Loremasters? Master of the Head of Guildlores?)
An appointment:
- Must be a Lhankor Mhy Rune-Lord or higher.
- Must be a member of the guild.
- CHA 10+
- Appointed by Tosti Runefriend.
- CP gain: 6
- Influence gained: 7
- 1D6 to get appointment: 7
- Pay: 20 Lunars.
- Must arrange a gathering for all guild members once per Period (except Spring), at their inn, paying all carousing costs. Failure to do so incurs a NiS.