1631 - 7 (Early Earth) - Appointments etc

Announcements and Applications. In character posts.
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1631 - 7 (Early Earth) - Appointments etc

Post by Puckohue »


Aides to Brigadier Warchiefs:
  • Jarik Hagason (K)
  • Lelina Orlgrevsadughter (E)
Ensign, Mularik’s Escort

Ensign, King’s Homeguard

All Regimental Adjutants.

Captain, Mularik’s Escort.

Aide to the Trickster High Priest.

  • Guards (no appointee)
  • Heavy (no appointee)
  • 2nd
  • 4th (no appointee)
  • Guards (can appoint Brigade-thane)
  • Heavy (can appoint Brigade-thane)
  • 4th (can appoint Brigade-thane)
Provincial Military Governors:
  • Alda-Chur
  • Alone
  • Clearwine
  • Jonstown
  • Swenstown
  • Wilmskirk
Boldhome Military Governor.

Inspector-General of Cavalry (can appoint Brigadier, Heavy).

Inspector-General of Infantry (can appoint Brigadiers, Guards and 4th).
Posts: 2711
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Re: 1631 - 7 (Early Earth) - Appointments etc

Post by Puckohue »


Hundred-thane Fionn will be considered for a title.

Chalana Arroy Court Tribunal

In week 1 of Late Earth (1631-8), Brear will be tried before a Chalana Arroy court tribunal, charged with aiding or consorting with Chaos (“High Priest of Cult Broar the Benevolent”), and with promoting Disorder (lay member of Eurmal).

Should he leave Boldhome before then, or fail to attend the tribunal, there would in addition be reason to charge him of treason in a civil court.

The cult tribunal will be headed by the Chalana Arroy High Priestess Ayrrios Terlaidsdaughter (Tov), and Priestesses Onella Solasdaughter (P) and Dulanra Orlolgsdaughter (Tor).

Those wishing to bear witness must announce their intention (this turn).

King’s Autumn Feast

In week 4 King Argrath invites to his Autumn Feast.

All officers who served in the Summer Campaign, plus those usually eligible to attend Court, are invited, together with their lovers. Those officers personally invited to attend will receive their titles. (Those not attending will forego them). New Ball attire will be required, costing 2 x CHA in Lunars with a minimum of 20 Lunars (wealthy lovers will provide their own, but will not furnish same for their beaux. Other lovers will expect their beaux to provide for them).

Carousing is mandatory and will be covered by King Argrath.

Attendees will get 1CP for attending Court, 1 CP for attending the Feast, 1 CP for carousing and (half the difference between the CHA 25 of Sartar’s Palace and their own CHA) CPs. Attendees of CHA 24+ and those receiving titles will, in addition, get the opportunity to toady to the King (SL 30) (must as normally be specified in orders).


Agis decided to return to his Sambari tribal lands.
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Re: 1631 - 7 (Early Earth) - Appointments etc

Post by grumbold99 »

Flush with modest success on campaign, alive and unharmed unlike so many of his compatriots, Grumbold Rahlefson applies to be Assistant Rune-Lord of Issaries and Brigade-Thane of the Guards Brigade.

He also applies to be aide to a Locaem Chieftess in case of disappointment in the military. Sixth time's the charm!
Last edited by grumbold99 on Fri Apr 19, 2024 2:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Grumbold Rahlefson of the Locaem

Scrawny tow-headed beanpole of a lad; usually complaining about the cold, the damp, the pollen or the heat.
Proprietor of Silks and Sapphires. Conspicuously buy your apparel here!
Lt Col of the Royal Foot Guard.
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Re: 1631 - 7 (Early Earth) - Appointments etc

Post by Erik »

To the Noble and Honoured High Priestess Ayrrios Terlaidsdaughter,

Revered and Reverend Lady,

I note that you have called upon the person calling himself Brear Hofarson to appear for trial at the start of next month. I have some knowledge of this person and, although I am not a follower of the Blessed Lady, I would be willing to act as a witness in the trial if you judge me worthy.

I am at your service,

Erik Stargazer
God talker of Orlanth
Lt Warlord Mularik's Company
Aide to City Lawspeaker
Colymar Tribe

(OOC: Erik applies to be a prosecution witness at Brear's trial)
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Re: 1631 - 7 (Early Earth) - Appointments etc

Post by Harold »

Harold Rastison ; wishes to be considered for the position of Regimental Adjutant of His Regiment The Colymar Cavalry. & hereby asks his application be considered for the post.
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Re: 1631 - 7 (Early Earth) - Appointments etc

Post by Quatlu »

Announcement of Enlistment Invitation to Varadan Crow-Shadow: Should the young noble, Varadan Crow-Shadow, wish to apply again for enlistment in the Royal Foot Guards, as Warlord I extend him an invitation to apply and will definitely approve his enlistment and welcome him.

Announcement of Prohibition of Enlistment for Any and All Hofarson or Hofarsdaughter Family Members: Due to the discord and chaos regularly sown in Boldhome by the members of the Hofarson family, and their demonstrated habit of reneging on prior regimental healer responsibilities, any and all members of the Hofarson and/or Hofarsdaughter family applying for enlistment in the Royal Foot Guards will be summarily denied enlistment and/or commission as an enlisted man, healer or officer in the Royal Foot Guards in any capacity. No application for enlistment in any capacity in the Royal Foot Guards will be considered, and any such Hofarson or Hofarsdaughter family applicants will be immediately shown to the door out. This prohibition of enlistment will continue in effect until the judgement of the Chalana Arroy Tribunal is announced, with a verdict of not guilty of all charges.
Last edited by Quatlu on Wed Apr 24, 2024 10:44 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
3rd Army Adjutant
Asst. Rune Priest of Orlanth
Colymar Tribe
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Re: 1631 - 7 (Early Earth) - Appointments etc

Post by Fionn »

Fionn applies to become God-Talker of Lhankor Mhy, and if unsuccessful applies for release from one week of cult duties.
Fionn the dagger, soldier and scholar (Warlord and Loremaster).
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Re: 1631 - 7 (Early Earth) - Appointments etc

Post by Puckohue »

King Argrath has directed the Raging Storm, the Sun Dome Templars, the Tribal Levies, and any volunteering brigades or parts thereof to the Lunar Front for the autumn period.
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Re: 1631 - 7 (Early Earth) - Appointments etc

Post by Ivarenna »

Ivarenna applies to become a God-Talker of Orlanth. IF she is unsuccessful in this THEN she applies for release from one week of cult duties.

Ivarenna applies to become Aide to Enstalos the Balmyr Tribal King. She will accept the position IF her application is successful.
Baroness Ivarenna Hainasdaughter of the Balmyr
Aide to Goldgotti the City Treasurer
Rune Lord of Orlanth
Hundred-thane, Third Battalion, Mularik's Company
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Re: 1631 - 7 (Early Earth) - Appointments etc

Post by Erik »

Not that I wish to apply for the post, but I cannot find the qualifications needed for the position of Aide to the Trickster High Priest.

Erik Stargazer
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