Autumn at the Pea Pod

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Autumn at the Pea Pod

Post by Erik »

As Erik came round the corner he saw the Proprietor of the Pea Pod on a step ladder putting up bunting. Seeing the ladder beginning to wobble, he dashed forward to steady the steps. "Careful!" he said "I expect to see danger at the front, not here at the Pea Pod!"
"Thanks" replied Jorl. "Now can you help we finish with the bunting and then put up the Banner? We have to have the old place looking good for when Rufus gets back. We need to show how glad we are to have him home." "Of course", said Erik "but how about you hold the steps whilst I go up the ladder? You are a great advert for the good food at this place but perhaps you are putting too great a strain on the rungs of this step ladder!"
"You calling me fat?" roared Jorl in mock anger.
"Never! Just well upholstered like your chairs. Now lets finish the job and let me try some of your autumn ale. I have a great thirst that needs quenching and an empty tankard that needs filling".
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Re: Autumn at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu approached the Pea Pod and saw the bunting Jorl had used to decorate his pub exterior, and smiled. Yes it was indeed a festive day, as Baron Rufus had been released with a ransom. He wondered how the planned escape attempt would have turned out, but they'd just have to save that plan for another captive. Praise Orlanth for Rufus's release!

He walked inside the pub and immediately saw Erik seated at their favorite table, and after motioning Jorl for two more of what Erik was drinking, he made his way over to the table and called out with a big smile, "Stargazer, you old war horse, how did you beat me down here?" He extended his hand for a firm handshake and took a seat. "Any sign of the good Baron yet", he asked his friend. "Have you by chance seen any of the regular crew yet?"
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Asst. Rune Priest of Orlanth
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Re: Autumn at the Pea Pod

Post by Julian »

Julian feeling oh! So much better than a year ago and in a reflective mood marches towards the Pea Pod on a fine evening to see if any of his friends are there?

He notices that the forecourt has been recently swept and that the the garden is well tended. “Ah” the thinks, “This place is on the rise too!” He enters and seeks out Erik, Quatlu and his other friends. Not seeing them immediately he orders beer and vittles and sits talking to the locals who comment on Julian’s rise in society as evidenced by his new clothes.

Julian points out that he has been (generally) lucky, having found good friends on his arrival here as a poor man. He now hopes to make Boldhome a safer, more prosperous place. I’m sorry, he says,” this sounds like politicking but it’s not - I just feel that this town is my home now and i cherish it”. His listeners cheer and the landlord brings him another drink.
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
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Re: Autumn at the Pea Pod

Post by Erik »

"It seems strangely quiet here this month" Erik remarked to Quatlu and Julian. "I suspect people are planning their affairs for Late Earth. I have quite a bit to prepare for, an application to become Assistant Runelord, a course at the Military Academy, the ceremony in week 2 at the Temple of Orlanth and the possibility of a duel at the start of the month. Broar, Brear, Broaranna or whatever he/she calls him or herself at the moment has stated he/she will attend the duel, but we have heard big words from them before. Three times they have run away from a duel with myself, so I don't hold out great hopes. However, I will welcome all my friends to join me at the Dragon Gate at dawn at the start of Late Earth to see what transpires. And, of course, I want every moment with Yealla I can get. It was knowing she was waiting here at home and sending me her love that sustained me through those tough months at the front. You, Quatlu, must feel the same about Dara. And you, Julian, how is your love life at present?"
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Re: Autumn at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu nodded as Erik spoke, agreeing with his statement about how quiet everything was. "I hope your application for Assistant Rune Lord is successful, Erik and shall pray for your promotion at the temple. Yes, I feel the same about my beloved Darra, and she and I will be at the Ceremony with the High Priest in week 2 to worship with you and Yealla, as well as the rest of our friends. I shall also be at the Dragon Gate at dawn for your challenge to Broar or whatever they are calling themselves this season. Perhaps the money lender enforcers will finally catch up to him/her."

"Julian, I know Erik and I plan to study at the Lhankor Mhy Military Academy this month, are you planning to do so as well? Hundred Thane Fionn is planning to teach an advanced Battle class in week 3, which I heartily recommend to you. The High Priest of Orlanth has alo announced he will lead the ceremony in week 2, so I want to make sure that you and Harmeleenrios plan to join in with us. It will be good to worship together again and share our bonds with Orlanth. A busy month for one and all!" He offers a toast to his friends, and the fallen comrades from the Fire Season campaign. "Gentlemen, to absent friends".
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Asst. Rune Priest of Orlanth
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Re: Autumn at the Pea Pod

Post by Julian »

Julian responds to his friends, Yes! I will join the other students (and I need the training) It’s OK to be strong but skill is 9/10th of the fight! And Gentlemen, I am glad of the rest frankly. It’s good to spend time with my lover.
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
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Re: Autumn at the Pea Pod

Post by Rufus »

Rufus arrives late at the Pea Pod and greets his companions as they were about to leave. It is clear that he is seething with anger at his treatment by the Lunars.

"They appeared in the camp by magic, whilst I lay exhausted after the day's exertions", he explains. "I did not have the power remaining to drive them off but was magically compelled to leave with them. They even took all my three horses as they escaped with me captive. They then have gouged out a large ransom which has left me penniless - whilst still owing money top the financiers. The ignominy of it all. I will have to go cap in hand and beg for further funds. I will settle my affairs in Boldhome this month and then I must return to the front to seek fame and fortune. I fear that I am being tested by Orlanth - for not only was I refused promotion in the cult, but finding wealth on campaign also eluded me by great and most unreasonable misfortune. Then to be captured when I had taken all sensible precautions - it is sufficient to make one wonder whether I have offended Orlanth in some manner. We will see - I will apply again for positions in Orlanths cult"

He pauses and continues "One though, deeply humbling, matter is how you my comrades gathered around in my time of need. Indeed, in my despair whilst held prisoner, I was of the view that should I escape alive the confines the Lunar Empire had placed me in, then I would give up on ambition, leave Boldhome and return to my tribe. However, the kindness shown has been above and beyond what I had any right to expect. The generosity of Afur, Eric and many others has inspired me to continue and I hope, should Orlanth favour me, to repay the amounts handed over to the Lunars - hopefully with loot gained from that selfsame source"

But now, I must go seek out those who will finance my sojourn in fair Boldhome to to spend time with my lady, who I have missed so terribly"
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
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Re: Autumn at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu is jubilant to see Baron Rufus walk into the Pea Pod, and he let's out a whoop of excitement as he greets his friend. He moves forward quickly to intercept his Sword Brother and embraces him in a brotherly hug. "My heavens man, it's so good to see you again. Come and sit... tell us of your trials and tribulations." Quatlu orders a round for his friends and they sit to listen. Quatlu is captivated by the dark tale of Lunar sorcery that compelled Rufus to accompany his captors.

Hearing his friend speak of frustrated plans and the possibility that Orlanth set various trials out for the Baron, Quatlu nods in agreement. "Rufus, I can tell you from personal experience that I believe Orlanth takes an interest in his true followers, placing obstacles in their paths if their actions and aspirations run counter to his will for them. Twice when I have tried to stretch out my hand to over-reach for a higher Cult promotion ahead of the standard promotion path, the Temple Priest cut me off at the knees and denied that advanced path to me. But in the very next consideration for a standard promotion, Orlanth blessed me with favor and easily promoted me to the next step. He keeps us on the path he intends for us, and thus prevents us from taking on an assignment for which we are unprepared. We thus learn humility and to accept his guidance in our cult development. I have no doubt that you will grow and be promoted to the next level, and I shall pray for this blessing for both you and Erik."

"You are a good friend and an honorable warrior, a true Sword Brother to all your friends. I pray you stay the course and see what Orlanth has in store for you. You can always return to your tribe when you are old and gray, eh? Spend your youth with your Sword Brothers and let's prepare ourselves for the next round. As for money, I am not a rich man, but I would be proud to gift you 100 Lunars to help you get back on your feet." He looked at Rufus and asked, "Will you accept this gift, my noble brother?"
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Asst. Rune Priest of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
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Re: Autumn at the Pea Pod

Post by Julian »

Julian has heard the news, not only is there another duel on the horizon but arrests are possible for Broaranna, Erik and good old Qualtu. He asks his friend at the Pea Pod if this is normal? Julian is confused and seeks clarification as to why these people have gone to law when the duelling field is open.Is there a cost to the law and what happens if one of the duellists fails to show up for the fight?
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
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Re: Autumn at the Pea Pod

Post by Rufus »

"You are a good friend and an honorable warrior, a true Sword Brother to all your friends. I pray you stay the course and see what Orlanth has in store for you. You can always return to your tribe when you are old and gray, eh? Spend your youth with your Sword Brothers and let's prepare ourselves for the next round. As for money, I am not a rich man, but I would be proud to gift you 100 Lunars to help you get back on your feet." He looked at Rufus and asked, "Will you accept this gift, my noble brother?"
Rufus is very grateful to Quatlu for this demonstration of generosity. He declines the offer, remarking that such kindness is typical of Boldhome's officers but that he hopes that he can manage - and if he can't then Quatlu would have lost funds to no benefit. Rufus is determined to seek revenge on the Lunars and thereby find fame and fortune. He notes wryly that earlier, he was most interested in fame but lamentably, fortune has risen rather higher on his list of priorities.
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
Chieftain's son.
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