1631 - 8 (Late Earth) - Turn Report

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1631 - 8 (Late Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Duel at the Dragon Gate

As the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, a lively throng assembled at the venerable Dragon Gate, eager to witness the day’s highly anticipated duels. The air was abuzz with anticipation as Regimental Healer Broaranna was to face her formidable opponents: First Lieutenant Warlord Erik and, later, Ten-thane Baroness Ivarenna. Whispers and murmurs rippled through the crowd, consensus suggesting there was just cause for the confrontations. Ondurga busied himself with the preparation of breakfast, while the imposing figure of Warlord Quatlu stood nearby, his presence adding to the tension of the morning.

When the moment arrived, Erik stepped forward, his voice ringing out as he called for Broaranna. From within the crowd emerged an elderly woman, her demeanor unassuming, as she proclaimed herself to be Broaranna Hofarsdaughter, a proud member of the Malani Tribe. Almost immediately, a one-legged, one-armed woman in the back added to the confusion, shouting, “My name is Broaranna Hofarsdaughter, of the Malani!” Before the echo of her declaration had died away, a pregnant woman stepped forward, her voice strong and clear, “Me too… I’m Malani Tribeswoman Broaranna Hofarsdaughter.” A little girl, barely more than a toddler, opened her mouth as if to join the chorus, but instead burst into tears, the enormity of the moment overwhelming her.

It was evident to all that none of these women could possibly be the true Broaranna. Erik’s patience snapped; his voice thundered with accusation as he denounced Broaranna as a rogue, a cheat, and a coward, his words cutting through the morning air with the sharpness of a blade. The stage was set for a day of dramatic encounters at the Dragon Gate, where truth and honor were about to be fiercely contested.
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Re: 1631 - 8 (Late Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Financial Matters

Hundred-thane Garoor, Baroness Ivarenna, and Baron Rufus all found themselves indebted to the city's shrewd moneylenders. Each had their reasons for seeking out loans: Baron Rufus, with a heavy heart, used his borrowed silver to settle an old and burdensome debt. Garoor, ever the practical one, directed his newly acquired funds towards the purchase of his third essential steed, completing his trio of required horses.

Meanwhile, Warlord Afur indulged in the opulence of becoming a patron of Silk & Sapphires, a luxurious establishment known for its exquisite textiles and dazzling gemstones. Not to be outdone in their displays of wealth, Broaranna, Erik, Fionn, and Harold engaged in conspicuous consumption, flaunting their affluence with lavish spending that turned heads and sparked murmurs of both admiration and envy throughout the community.
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Re: 1631 - 8 (Late Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »


In a series of notable appointments, King Argrath elevated Jarnaris Onelsasdaughter (Balm) to the esteemed position of Warking. The Trickster High Priest, known for their cunning and unpredictability, appointed Yanen Derdtipsdaughter (Co) as their Aide, adding a new dynamic to their retinue.

However, Minar Oathson (K) faced a conundrum as he found himself without any Hundred-thanes within the 2nd Brigade eligible for the role of Brigade-thane. This absence of key appointees left a significant gap in the brigade's leadership.

Regarding Regimental Adjutants, there were notable absences as well: Warlord Quatlu of the Royal Foot Guards chose not to appoint one, and similarly, Warlord Baron Rufus of Mularik’s Company also refrained from making an appointment.

Among the Hundred-thanes, several were notably not appointed to prestigious roles: Hundred-thane Fionn was overlooked for the position of Aide to a Balkoth Chieftain or Chieftess, and Hundred-thane Garoor did not receive an appointment as Aide to an Aranwyth Chieftain or Chieftess. Conversely, Hundred-thane Grumbold secured a significant appointment as Aide to Queen Joreen Brogrevalorsdaughter of the Locaem.

Ten-thane Baroness Ivarenna gained the honor of being appointed Aide to Enstalos, the Balmyr Tribal King, a position of considerable influence. Additionally, Serbitar was appointed Aide to Baroness Merne Toaktsdaughter of the Culbrea, further solidifying his standing within the noble ranks.
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Re: 1631 - 8 (Late Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Cult Activities

Erinestra made a dramatic decision to leave the cult of Eurmal the Trickster. Her attempts to influence others met with limited success; she was unable to persuade a Rune Lord of Issaries to step down, and Baron Rufus similarly failed to convince an Assistant Rune Lord of Orlanth to resign.

Seeking advancement, Erinestra requested a promotion to Rune Lord of Issaries, only to find that no vacancies were available. Grumbold, too, sought elevation but was not promoted to God Talker of Issaries.

On a more successful note, Fionn achieved promotion to God Talker of Lhankor Mhy. In contrast, both Baron Rufus and Ivarenna aspired to become Assistant Rune Lords of Orlanth but were unsuccessful, despite Baron Rufus’s efforts to leverage his influence. Afur and Erik were both considered for the same position, but ultimately, Erik was the one selected.

Afur's quest for promotion to God Talker of Orlanth was unsuccessful. While both Baron Rufus and Ivarenna were in the running, it was Baron Rufus who was ultimately promoted, thanks to his higher societal status.

In other matters, Garoor received a reprieve from a week of Storm Bull cult duties, granting him a brief respite from his religious obligations.
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Re: 1631 - 8 (Late Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Legal Matters

Broaranna, troubled by the practices of the moneylenders, brought her grievances to the Deputy of Public Harmony, Insterda Jarlvasdaughter. Insterda dismissed the case, forwarding it to the City Lawspeaker, Tosti Runefriend, who oversaw economic crimes. Tosti, however, dismissed the complaint, asserting that moneylenders were entitled to manage their affairs as they saw fit.

Undeterred, Broaranna sought the arrest of Warlord Quatlu. The Deputy of Public Harmony, maintaining her stance, declared that she was not in a position to question a Warlord's decisions regarding regimental membership.

Broaranna also accused Erik of treason and requested his arrest. This claim, too, was dismissed by the Deputy of Public Harmony due to a complete lack of evidence.

In a twist, Fionn petitioned the City Lawspeaker to arrest Broaranna on multiple charges. However, without any evidence to substantiate his claims, the City Lawspeaker dismissed the fraud allegation and referred the remaining accusations back to the Deputy of Public Harmony. Once again, due to insufficient evidence, the Deputy dismissed all charges.
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Re: 1631 - 8 (Late Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »


Varadan stepped forward to serve as a warrior in the Balkoth Tribal Levy, demonstrating his commitment to his tribe and its defense (NOR2).

Meanwhile, Harold and Serbitar became familiar faces at Geo’s, a popular gathering spot. Ivarenna, on the other hand, found her place at the Red Beaver, where she became a regular, enjoying the lively atmosphere and camaraderie it offered.
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Re: 1631 - 8 (Late Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 1

Grumbold, Harold, and Serbitar sought solace and companionship at the temple of Uleria, indulging in the temple's intimate rituals. Both Grumbold and Harold found themselves enraptured in states of erotocomatose lucidity, with Grumbold feeling particularly generous and donating a few extra Lunars to the temple.

Baron Rufus focused on honing his martial prowess, training diligently with his spear at the temple of Orlanth. Afur, demonstrating his deep devotion, participated in a ceremony at the same temple, his conspicuous piety evident to all. Similarly, Fionn showed both conspicuous piety and a degree of sycophancy during a ceremony at the Lhankor Mhy library, currying favor with the Priest.

In the realm of military advancement, Erik, Hundred-thane Julian, and Quatlu took a significant step by enrolling in a course at the Military Academy, dedicating themselves to improving their strategic and combat skills.

Meanwhile, Erinestra attended to her shop, ensuring its smooth operation and maintaining her livelihood amidst the flurry of activities surrounding her.
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Re: 1631 - 8 (Late Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 2

Afur attended a ceremony at the temple of Ernalda, bringing Sod along and displaying notable sycophancy towards the Chief Priestess. Ondurga, on the other hand, joined a ceremony at Clown Tower, where she ingratiated herself with the Chief Trickster. Broaranna, showing deference despite the rigid social hierarchies, participated in a ritual at the Chalana Arroy hospital, currying favor with the Rune Lord. Garoor, too, showed a similar tendency at the Storm Bull temple, where he sought to impress the Chief Bull.

The temple of Orlanth was particularly crowded this week. Erik was present with Yealla, offering thanks for the safe return of Baron Rufus. Harold and Serbitar demonstrated conspicuous piety, as did Julian, accompanied by Harmeleenrios. Ivarenna also participated, while Baron Rufus was there with Daraea, and Quatlu with Darra. All of them showed deference and sycophancy towards the High Priest, aiming to curry favor and display their devotion.

(Please see later post for two duels resulting from the encounters at the temple of Orlanth.)

Meanwhile, Erinestra remained focused on her business, diligently tending to her shop.
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Re: 1631 - 8 (Late Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 3

Baroness Ivarenna sought to join the prestigious Snakepipe Dancers but faced rejection. Garoor dedicated his time to practicing the broadsword at the Thieves’ Arm barracks, while Baron Rufus honed his spear skills at the temple of Orlanth.

Fionn took on the role of instructor at the Military Academy, where his students included Erik, Julian, and Quatlu, eager to learn from his expertise.

At the Chalana Arroy hospital, Broaranna and Serbitar participated in a solemn ceremony. Broaranna displayed conspicuous piety and both made efforts to curry favor with the High Priestess.

Afur immersed himself in the study of Harmony at the temple of Ernalda, deepening his understanding of this essential virtue.

Meanwhile, Erinestra and Grumbold remained devoted to their livelihoods, diligently tending to their shops and ensuring their businesses thrived.
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Re: 1631 - 8 (Late Earth) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 4

Broaranna hosted a party at the Scribbled Scroll, but her plans fell short as the only guest, Garoor, was denied entry due to his low status. Crestfallen, Garoor sought solace at the Red Beaver, where he drowned his sorrows.

In pursuit of martial prowess, Harold and Julian practiced the broadsword at the Colymar stables, although Julian muttered about having preferred spear training. Quatlu focused on mastering the battle axe at Mularik’s barracks, while Baron Rufus continued his spear training at the temple of Orlanth.

Afur, accompanied by Sod, Baroness Ivarenna, Ondurga, and Serbitar, took part in a ceremony at the temple of Orlanth. All of them toadied to the High Priest, seeking to curry favor through their conspicuous piety.

Simultaneously, Grumbold and Erinestra, along with Arng, attended a ceremony at the Issaries market. They too showed deference to the High Priest, aiming to strengthen their standing within the community through their devout participation.