Autumn at the Pea Pod

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Re: Autumn at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

"It is important to me that you know that your friends and fellow Orlanthi stand firmly with you, in the challenges of both peace and war. The offer stands, Rufus, if you should wish to take advantage of it. As to revenge on the Lunars, I should be pleased to help you in this regard when my current studies are completed."
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Asst. Rune Priest of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
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Re: Autumn at the Pea Pod

Post by Julian »

Julian Startarvutsun is content and slips down to the Pea Pod for a ‘swift half’! As he crosses the tidy curtelege of the place he notices the blowsy, flowering plants set in tubs and window boxes. “Ah! He sighs the world always seems happier in Autumn, a season of mellow fruitfulness. And I wonder if any of my friends are in here?”

He’s looking particularly for Qualatu and Eric.

Seeing Qualatu he calls out to the landlord, “Sir, two flagons of your best ale over here and one for yourself; the place looks splendid.” And he joins his friend.
Well my friend you were out duelling and were wounded? Are you OK and what is the prognosis?
I’ve not seen you since Fionn’s advanced Battle Training at the academy. I found it pretty tough but how was it for you?” And they discuss what they learned and raise a cup to Fionn and the rest of their class mates.

“You know,” Julian muses, “ Don’t tell anyone but I’m not sure that I’m cut out for the cavalry and advancement under the eye of the monarch in a Guard’s regiment could work out better in the long run? What do you think? I’m always willing to listen to your advice.”

“More drinks here Landlord!!”
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Colymar Tribe
Orlanth by Choice
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Re: Autumn at the Pea Pod

Post by Erik »

The late Autumn Sun still retained warmth as Erik made his way to the Pea Pod. "Not yet the season for Pea Soup, but not far off" he thought. I fancy a bit of Pork Pie and tangy cheese for supper tonight with some seasonal pickles".
Erik entered the tavern to see Julian and Quatlu in conversation and in time to hear Julian mentioning a possible change of regiment. "Add a flagon of Autumn Ale to that drinks order Goodman Jorl" he called. "Julian, as you know I transferred out of the Colymar Cavalry when I realised that it was not the best unit for me. It is a great regiment and Afur an excellent commander, but my Battle skill is low and my Power good - hence my studying under Fionn at the Military Academy this last month - and I feel I learned a lot. If I wish to progress at any level above Warlord I need to improve my Battle Skill a bit. If you are in a similar position I would suggest you consider either Mularik's Company or the Eaglebrown Warlocks. Clearly Mularik's Company is the better regiment, but there would be a block on promotion since I have no intention of accepting a Warchief post until my Battle skill is at a reasonable level - and Rufus may feel the same. Promotion may come more swiftly in the Eaglebrown Warlocks, but you would face a challenge from myself and Rufus whenever we met. Which may (or may not) be a useful way to improve your weapon expertise!"
Erik took a swallow of his nutty ale. "Great Ale as usual Jorl. Julian, your other choice would be to join the Royal Foot Guards under Quatlu here. You already have the qualifications for a Thane's rank. This of course would still leave you using Battle Skill rather than Power whilst on campaign. So which would suit you best?"
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Re: Autumn at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Having enjoyed a fine discussion of his recent duel and resultant injuries, Quatlu eagerly engaged in the exchange of thoughts on the Battle class with Fionn. He had just completed a Power Class and had started a Battle Class this past month in anticipation for next Fire Season.

When Erik came in, Quatlu welcomed him warmly and invited him to join them. Erik's comments to Julian were well spoken, and Quatlu agreed with him on a potential path for Julian in the Guard's Brigade. "Julian, while the opportunities for you in Mularik's would let you exercise your Power skill, the Battle skill is required for more senior advancement. I would welcome you as a Ten Thane this month in the Royal Foot Guards, where I can keep you under wing while you grow your Battle skills at the Battle Academy. Grumbold is currently planning to apply for the post of Lt. Warlord this month, and it would be a good time to join as a Ten Thane as a higher seniority level for a new officer. I know Afur will miss you, as you are a stalwart warrior and a rising officer of merit. The decision is, of course, up to you."

"By the way, Erik, did I see that you're posting for an Assistant Rune Lord's post with the Great Temple of Orlanth? I wish you the best of luck in this promotion, my friend, and I would welcome your support for myself, too, as I am trying for a promotion to Rune Lord. Should I be promoted, that will open a new vacancy for Assistant Rune Lord for one of our rising brethren." He pick up his mug and offered a toast, saying, "To rising in abilities and responsibilities!"
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Asst. Rune Priest of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
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Re: Autumn at the Pea Pod

Post by Julian »

Julian, openly pleased by his friends care and support. So he orders more drinks from ‘Mein Host’, Jorl.

He says quietly to his friends, “You are so very kind that I consider I owe you a great debt! When it falls due I will not fail you!”

And the evening slips away in bonhomie and cigar smoke
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
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Re: Autumn at the Pea Pod

Post by Julian »

And I will offer my apologies to Arfur
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Colymar Tribe
Orlanth by Choice
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Re: Autumn at the Pea Pod

Post by Julian »

Apols Arfur, Julian calls out- I misspoke your name - it was the beer talking.
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
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Orlanth by Choice
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Re: Autumn at the Pea Pod

Post by Rufus »

Rufus met up with the others at the Pea Pod, glad to be discussing his favourite subject (namely himself and his worries) but also enjoying hearing how his friends were getting on.

He announces that parts of Mularik's Company will be returning back to the front. He is outraged by his earlier misfortune and keen to seek revenge!

"Should you know of anyone you would recommend then I would welcome them into the regiment." He continues after drinking more of his beer (no expensive wines at the moment!). "In particular, I am looking for a regimental adjutant - so if you know of a suitable individual, then that role is theirs's for the taking. We also need a commander for the third battalion - which I intend to lead to the front in the meantime."

Rufus is genuinely pleased with Erik's promotion in the cult of Orlanth - even if he hoped for the position. However, Rufus is delighted that he has progressed to God Talker and no doubt further opportunities will arise in the future.

He is also much interested in Fionn explaining military strategy. Ideas and concepts he had not considered so clearly explained! He wonders whether his ignorance of such matters contributed to his misfortunes. He decides that training in such matters would be helpful once he has funds to invest in such a course of action.

And so the evening continues - even if Rufus is somewhat frugal in his participation.
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
Chieftain's son.
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Re: Autumn at the Pea Pod

Post by Erik »

Erik was pleased to see that his commander, Rufus, looked to have recovered from his ordeal in captivity in the hands of the cruel Lunars. "You show good honour in striking straight back at the foe" he said, raising his glass to toast his Warlord. "Should you command it I will of course join you at the front. However, I would, if possible, prefer to continue my studies at the Military Academy for a while. Moving to matters of Orlanth, I am honoured to have been chosen as an Assistant Runelord, but it my hope to rise further, if possible, to the rank of Runelord by the next Sacred Time. The thought of leading a Heroquest somewhat appeals to me. At the same time I wish to improve the quality of the priesthood within the temple by providing a path for the promotion of good people such as yourself Rufus. I note that Ivarenna has called on the rash (if honourable) Bjorn Bullbreath to step down from his rank of Assistant Runelord. I will support her in this call."
Erik paused to call for another round of drinks and some bread and cheese for all. "You may be aware of the latest insults of Broar or Broaranna as he is now calling himself. He insulted a lady who showed the good taste to reject his advances, and dragged my name into the affair. Whilst I know nothing of Oneldna other than that she seems to be a blameless and well connected lady, I had already warned Broar I would challenge him each time he insulted me. I have therefore instructed my stablelad, Bob, to act as my second in this matter and issue the challenge - he is used to having to deal with dung. I have no doubt that Broar will play the coward again - for the 4th time! - but if you fancy an early breakfast at the start of Early Dark, you are all invited to join me at the Dragongate to bear witness to Broar's lack of honour."
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Re: Autumn at the Pea Pod

Post by Rufus »

Rufus acknowledges Erik’s kind words and sincerely wishes him well in his aspiration to be a Runelord. Rufus too would like to go on a hero quest but suspects that he would not be sufficiently high in the cult to lead it but believes his magical power would help in any mission he was a member of. He knows that Erik possesses great personal courage but wryly notes that this is unlikely to be put to the test in Erik’s recent challenge to whatever Hofar purports to be in Boldhome. He requests Erik stays in Boldhome to look after the regiment and ensure it is up to strength whilst he takes the 3rd battalion to the front.
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
Chieftain's son.
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