1631 - 10 (Late Dark) - Turn Report

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1631 - 10 (Late Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Appointments and Cult Ranks

Lt Warlord Garoor was not appointed Aide to the Aranwyth king.

Neither Warlord Quatlu nor Warlord Baron Rufus were appointed Aide to the City Warmaster.

King Argrath decided against giving Hundred-thane Fionn a title at this time.

Warlord Afur was not promoted to Rune Lord of Ernalda. Lt Warlord Garoor was not promoted to God-talker of Storm Bull, and Lt Warlord Grumbold was not promoted to God-talker of Issaries.

Fionn was reprimanded for not participating in a Humakti ceremony during the autumn period.
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Re: 1631 - 10 (Late Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Money Matters

Baroness Ivarenna and Housekeeper Ondurga both borrowed hundreds of Lunars from the moneylenders. Both also settled old debts, as did Warlord Afur. Broar was stripped from as much lunars as possible while he was in gaul awaiting trial, but his debts were still not completely repaid, and he was disgraced. Being in gaul he was, for now, unable to volunteer for the front.

Afur, Ivarenna, Ondurga, and Erik engaged in conspicuous consumption. Erik spent money on a memorial plaque to Serbitar Darason to be placed in the weapon practice salon of the Temple of Orlanth.
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Re: 1631 - 10 (Late Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 1

Baroness Ivarenna joined Mularik’s Company, buying the rank of Hundred-thane and two more horses.

Erinestra brought Arng to the Issaries market where they participated in a ceremony and toadied to the Chief Priestess. Ondurga toadied to the Chief Clown at Clown Tower, showing conspicuous piety. Barun Rufus, and Afur with Sod, participated in a ceremony at the temple of Orlanth.

Fionn continued his cult studies at the Lhankor Mhy library, while Thane Julian and Quatlu studied at the Military Academy.

Grumbold tended to his shop and Garoor practiced the broadsword at the Thieves’ Arm barracks.
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Re: 1631 - 10 (Late Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

The Trial of Broar Hofarson

City Administrator Leikan the Mayor (K) sat in judgement over Broar Hofarson, accused of refusal to pay debts, slander, and treason. Broar initially tried to delay the proceedings by saying that his two defence witnesses must have been waylaid en route to the trial, probably all down to “that Evil Erik rogue”. He asked that the trial be abolished due to his witnesses not being available and, thus, unfair. His request was, of course, denied.

Having no witnesses on his side, Broar totally denied all charges, and claimed these had been falsely invented to bring him down for being simply too popular a figure in Boldhome and “therefore a threat to those in positions of power who fear for me taking them off of them… particularly the Deputy of Public Harmony job…”

At this point Broar glowered at the DPH: "Don't think I don't know what you and that Evil Erik are up to here!”

“Everyone knows I am the best Healer in the City, a man of compassion and kindness, a man who has been constantly harassed by the City's leading psychopath on an almost seasonal basis yet I have kept true to the tenets of Chalana Arroy and never raised a weapon in anger, even though I could easily have beaten him! Also this ridiculous charge by my own cult about promoting disharmony, or was it treason, who knows, when you get such ludicrous charges it's hard to know what to defend yourself against first. Anyway I deny all of it.”

“Now, I admit, there may have been the slight matter of the outstanding loan repayment to those money lender fellows BUT that's only because I had to go on a HeroQuest to get the Head of the King of the Broos and, by doing so, save the City from forces of Chaos. Unfortunately I lost the head on the way back when I led all the Broo into an ambush with some Dark Trolls but since the City never got attacked there's your proof. I'll easily be able to repay the money if I'm just given a couple more seasons as I've this great deal going on with a group of Mostali miners who are working on a diamond mine they have set up and they cut me in on the profits due to me saving one of them with my marvelous healing skills, the ones I talked about earlier. So, a couple of seasons, everyone gets paid, everyone is happy, what's the problem? Certainly nothing to seek to punish a person over, given the explanation just provided.”

“The daft nonsense about me being my cousins Brear and Broaranna are exactly that, they are people in their own right and why would I, the great Broar, want to pretend to be someone else, particularly a girlie! The only reason I did dress up as Broaranna was to defend her honour against Evil Erik and she fled the City because I was arrested and became frightened. I can prove she is a separate person if you let me go and get her. I'll be back within four weeks then you'll see I was right! Does anyone have a horse they could lend me?”

“I think that about wraps up my defence, it's pretty obvious I'm the innocent party in all this and most people would be quite angry if they had been treated the way I have, however I'm such a peaceful and harmonious man that I let such negativity dissipate and am prepared to let bygones be bygones. All I would ask is that when it comes to the matter of compensation for my troubles I be awarded about 1500 lunars and I'd be prepared to hand that straight over to the money lenders once I get back from collecting Broaranna, shall I collect the monies when I leave today? Like I say I'll bring it back and hand it over to them just as soon as cousin Broaranna is back, they're bound to need a little bit of time anyway just so they can ensure they have the right repayment figure down.”

As Broar fell silent, some Eurmali applauded, reminding the court that Broar - as Brear - joined their cult as a lay member when he participated in the Trickster’s Spring Feast.

At this point the only witness, Lt Warlord Erik was allowed to speak. It was noted that Erik is a member of the same cult as Broar, giving his testimony extra weight. Erik identified Broar as being the same person as Brear Hofarson and Broaranna Hofarsdaughter. As evidence of treason, Erik pointed out the numerous letters Broar wrote claiming to be leading an army of Broo against the city.

City Administrator Leikan found Broar guilty on all accounts, not the least because he became a lay member of Eurmal under his Brear alias. “I sentence him to pay a fine of 700 Lunars, and have his left leg amputated.”

Hearing this, Broar attempted to gain the attention of Chalana Arroy herself but, as nothing happened, apparently failed.

The amputation was carried out as soon as the trial was over, by the King’s Executioner Silast Henamgson. Broar was raving about how he'll come back to haunt everyone. “They haven't heard the last of the Hofars, there are many of us you know, we always avenge injustice against us!”
Due to his disgraced status, Broar will be forced to volunteer for the front as a regimental healer until his debts and fine can be paid. On his return, he will be put in front of the Chalana Arroy cult tribunal that he evaded by assuming his Brear alias.
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Re: 1631 - 10 (Late Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 2

Fionn participated in a ceremony at the Lhankor Mhy library, toadying to the Assistant Priest. The crippled Broar spent the week at the Chalana Arroy hospital.

Erinestra tended to her shop.

Orlanth Party at the Three Suns
Quatlu and his beautiful and wealthy Darra hosted a party at the Three Suns to celebrate his elevation to Wind Lord at the Great Temple of Orlanth, and to share his good fortune with those who share his devout faith and vocation. The guests included Afur with Sod, Erik with Yealla, Harold, Baroness Ivarenna with Silast, Julian with Harmeleenrios, and Baron Rufus with Daraea.

Erik toasted the downfall of “Boldhome’s most eminent scallywag” and discussed possible plans for a Heroquest in the forthcoming Sacred Time.
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Re: 1631 - 10 (Late Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 3

Afur trained the broadsword at the temple of Orlanth. Garoor participated in a ceremony at the Storm Bull temple, toadying to the Bull Priest. Broar spent the week at the Chalana Arroy hospital.

Erinestra studied Homeland Lore at the Lhankor Mhy library, while Julian and Quatlu continued their studies at the Military Academy. Fionn studied cult lore at the Lhankor Mhy library.

Mularik’s Winter Feast
With about 1,000 residents, Alone is small and poor compared to the other cities of the Kingdom of Sartar. A sizable portion of the city’s buildings are badly run-down, abandoned, or in ruins. The city has many taverns and inns along Solitude, the long street running through the heart of Alone.

Although the local tribes are often the target of dark troll raids, troll caravans are not uncommon in the markets of Alone.

Building architecture in Alone has made some adaptations to the heavy snows and the nearby Giants Path. Buildings have high edged roofs, with a tall sharpened, and often poisoned, tree trunk sticking out of the center. The tree trunk is used as a central support for the roof and as defense against the giants.

In this bleak location, Mularik Ironeye hosted his Winter Feast. Among the guests were Baroness Ivarenna, Baron Rufus, Erik with Yealla, and Grumbold with his new lover Oneldna.

The entertainment were choirs and mythological reenactments from members of the local cults; Orlanth, Ernalda, Maran Gor, Issaries, Lhankor Mhy, Argan Argar, and Yelmalio.

mularik2.PNG (117.62 KiB) Viewed 3339 times

Mularik gave a speech about King Argrath being the reincarnation of Mularik’s ancient ancestor, Arkat.

The feast then continued into the night. The baroness and Erik caroused, and everyone toadied to Mularik. Erik asked Mularik to give his blessing to the proposed Heroquest in the upcoming Sacred Time.
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Re: 1631 - 10 (Late Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 4

Ondurga applied to the Eleven Lights, but was denied a place in the regiment.

Afur intended to bring Sod to an Issaries ceremony, but they were intercepted and brought to the Ernalda temple for Afur to perform his cult duty as a God-talker. Grumbold made it to the market, participated in the ceremony and toadied to the chief priestess. Erinestra brought Arng to the Lhankor Mhy library to participate in a ceremony and toady to the priest.

Baroness Ivarenna and Baron Rufus stayed in Alone for the Royal Feast at Jarl Toin’s opulent stead, and there was much carousing and toadying.

Wind Lord Quatlu led his first ceremony at the temple of Orlanth. Participating were among others Erik, Fionn, Harold, Julian with Harmeleenrios, and… Broar, the Orlanth initiate. He was challenged to duel by tribal enemies Erik and Julian. As a Chalana Arroy cultist Broar stood down to all duels, thus breaking a minor warrior cult taboo.

Fionn, Harold, and Julian showed conspicuous piety. Erik burnt incense and said a prayer in front of a new plaque to the memory of Serbitar.
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Re: 1631 - 10 (Late Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »


The Tribal Levies and volunteers are deployed against the Lunar Empire during the Winter Period.

City Administrator Leikan decided that all brigades except the 4th will be sent on the Fire Season campaign in 1632.


The potential lover Enteth Ullasdaughter left Boldhome. The noble, beautiful, and wealthy Daraea increased her Charisma thanks to her involvement with Baron Rufus. The beautiful and wealthy Silast increased his Charisma thanks to his involvement with Baroness Ivarenna.