1631 - 11 (Late Dark) - Rules Updates

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1631 - 11 (Late Dark) - Rules Updates

Post by Puckohue »

New Rules and Clarifications

Floggings and amputations net the King’s Executioner 5 Lunars a piece.

Chalana Arroy-members volunteering will do so as regimental healers.

Debt to moneylenders must be paid back in full at a single time.

Toadying rules at ceremonies are the same as for parties.

Royal presence also at ceremonies.

Added rules on pregnancy and children.

Added rules on Loremasters Guild and Guild Masters.

Removed the limit on number of jarls.

Probably done before next deadline

Rework Healing, Homeland Lore etc to skills. BR 1 or 2 gives the effect. This change will harmonize these abilities with the rest of the system, including teaching.


As already announced, the rules on leaving a cult will be updated the upcoming Sacred Time.

Wills and testaments.
Posts: 2711
Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2023 7:17 pm

Re: 1631 - 11 (Late Dark) - Rules Updates

Post by Puckohue »

Please also see this poll on the rules on going incognito: viewtopic.php?t=1196
Posts: 2711
Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2023 7:17 pm

Re: 1631 - 11 (Late Dark) - Rules Updates

Post by Puckohue »

If a player character is to appoint a position, but does not, an NPC will be appointed unless it is explicitly stated in their orders that the position is to be left vacant.