The Pea Pod revisited

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The Pea Pod revisited

Post by Erik »

Despite the Winter season the day in Boldhome was sunny and clear although cold. At least there was no cold wind coming down from the mountains today, the type of wind that finds it's way through the warmest of cloaks to chill and freeze the skin. In other words it was a good day for a winter walk, especially if the walk was via a welcoming tavern such as the Pea Pod.
Erik opened the door of the hostelry to find a warming fire burning in the hearth and the cheerful aroma of the taverns famous pea soup drifting through the air. "Greetings Goodman Jorl" he called to the tavernkeeper as he hung his cloak upon a peg by the door and made his way across the room to the table near the fire that was now accepted as "their" table by the regulars at the Inn. "A flagon of mulled cider please and I will take a small bowl of soup whilst I await my friends, I expect to be on campaign soon, and I will take every chance to enjoy such great food whilst I can. Are you sure we cannot persuade you to apply for QuarterMaster of the Army? The troops morale would be very high if they had you in charge of their rations!"
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Re: The Pea Pod revisited

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu quickly entered the Pea Pod and shut the door behind him, telling those by the door, "Sorry about the draft", as he secured the latch. He looked around at those present and saw his friend Erik already waiting, and he held us his hand in greeting as he walked over to the table by the fire. "Greetings Erik", he said as he doffed his cloak, "I tell you with this wind whipping things up I could not get here fast enough this evening". He hung the cloak on a stout peg and took a seat, extending his hand to his friend in a friendly greeting. "Ah, already tapping the hot soup, eh? A capital idea... capital. JORL!", he called out and motioned with his hand to repeat the soup and drink order for himself. With the preliminaries done, he asked Erik, "What news have you to share between us old warhorses?"
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Asst. Rune Priest of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
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Re: The Pea Pod revisited

Post by Torben »

Torben peered forlornly through the window of the Pea Pod, there was that nice Erik man, the one who had stolen the King's leg but who had been very helpful to him when he arrived in the City by offering sound advice and a job!

The Erik was sitting amongst a group of men, they all looked very comfortable and friendly, and, oh, how he wished he could go inside and join them but the burly doorman had refused him entry upon the grounds that 'He stank like a latrine pit and the suspicious looking stains on his boots, trousers and shirt were hardly befitting of an eating establishment'. Well, what did they expect from a man of his upbringing and status, it was funny how so many people expected 'the bogs', as his old dad called them, kept clean and yet so often sneered at the folks that did it!

Sigh, it had been very much the same story ever since he had arrived, turned away by Inns, laughed at by several Cults when he had enquired to join as an Initiate, despite his very focused mind and great capacity for magical prowess, told to go away by a host of regiments etc. What was an ambitious young man to do in order to progress a career if no-one would even give them a chance in the first place?! It all seemed rather unfair!

His hand strayed back into his trouser pocket where he had kept the piece of paper given to him by the one-legged King, taking out the crumpled sheet he looked at the words staring up at him......"Come join Cult Broar the Benevolent, all welcome, we can make you a God Talker for just 50 lunars.....a Rune Lord for only 100.....bring your donation / joining fees to the Temple of Chalana Arroy and ask for Broar, or Brear or Broaranna'. Maybe this is the way forward, he thought, I quite fancy being a Rune Lord and it seems as if this Cult Broar the Benevolent aren't prejudice against us Dungshuvlers.

With a whistle and a spring in his step the hopeful young Torben, turned his back on the Pea Pod and went looking for a street sign that showed the way to the Chalana Arroy Temple, although he thought I must pay a visit to those money lender fellows first.
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: The Pea Pod revisited

Post by Erik »

"Greetings Quatlu" said Erik as his friend pulled up his chair. "The soup is as tasty as always and I will miss it soon, for I understand that Rufus plans to take the Company out to chase the Lunars further back from our lands. Which means that I shall not be here to help you plan the Heroquest for Sacred Time, but we will return just in time to be able to take part in that worthy venture. I also plan to be at the Dragongate, at dawn, at the start of the month just before we ride out. I challenged Broar to a duel and, although it is reported that he has returned to his tribal lands, we have all heard that one before! I am not going to give him the chance to claim I failed to appear for an affair of honour!"
Erik called for another round of mulled cider before continuing. "I wonder which tribal lands he could return to? I have no idea where "Tribe Broar" have their lands and I suspect he may not be welcome in Malani lands after all the insults he has cast on his own ancestral tribe. As for his cult affiliations, I would ask you to arrange a cult tribunal to eject him from his membership of the cult of Orlanth, it would be a stain on our honour for him to be associated with the Storm Lord. I would hope that the cult of the Blessed Lady take the same course. As for Eurmal, it is for them to decide on keeping him - but to be honest he seems to be a good fit for the Trickster! And, of course, he will presumably remain as the one and only member of the cult of Broar!"
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Re: The Pea Pod revisited

Post by Rufus »

Rufus rushes in to see his friends at the Pea Pod. He sniffs the air as the Pea Pod seems a bit malodorous before he claps eyes on a poor peasant in the corner. He wonders why the land lord has allowed in a gong farmer/muck raker into the establishment. Still, feeling benevolent as well as condescending, he asks the landlord to supply the ruffian with a cup of the weakest beer available. Who knows, the poor chap might actually progress in society and would remember Rufus’s generosity with gratitude…..

He addresses his friends and informs them he will be incommunicado (not incognito :)) as he has to concentrate on preparing the regiment to go on campaign (OOC - about to enter Yellowstone national park for a few days and the park does not allow Wi-Fi :)).

He wishes everyone well, especially Erik - before observing that the scoundrel Broar must have had a drink problem - as he had become legless…

His friends wince at Rufus’s clumsy humour.
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
Chieftain's son.
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Re: The Pea Pod revisited

Post by Erik »

(OOC: Rufus, Have fun in Yellowstone, watch out for exploding geysers!)
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Re: The Pea Pod revisited

Post by Julian »

Julian enters the Pea Pod and smiles. It’s warm and there is a hubbub of conversation mixed with the scent of pea soup, barnyard and mulled cider. Jorl is serving tables and so he walks over to his friends. “Sorry I’m late but I was busy with the Regiment. You know I’m trying to get promoted (again) as my lover has been teasing me about sliding back down the greasy pole! I’ll take a pint of rum and water thank you…. Oh and I almost took part in a duel…. Yes, honestly! Oh, it was with Broar but he declined. Frankly I doubt I’ll get a taste for such antics. Good to hear your news and of your successes. I still have a lot to learn!”
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
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Orlanth by Choice
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Re: The Pea Pod revisited

Post by Harold »

Harold entered the Establishment hoping to meet & Greet his friends.
On entering He was shocked & somewhat taken aback upon seeing a Gentlemen who had obviously suffered some for of violent assault Harold approached to see if he could be of assistance,

The Gentleman in question was nursing a glorious shiner of a black eye.

“Would you mind explaining what happened to you Sir?”
“ Something's you just can’t explain, you believe me. Take this morning for example, I went into the cowshed to milk old Maisey the cow, put me stool down & me milking pail & got going on her teats. When all of a sudden, she puts a hoof in the pail, so me thinks what should I do, so I takes me boot lace ties it round her leg & ties the other end to the side of the stall. Then I settles down & gets going again, but low & behold she puts the other hoof in the pail. So I has to do the same thing, bootlace out Tie her leg up & everything is sorted. Get me self comfy & then carry on with the job in hand so to speak. But, then her tail starts swishing & hitting me. What was I supposed to do? Both shoe laces were being used, so I thought I could use me Belt, so I tied me belt around her tail, & as I was reaching up to tie it round the rafters me trousers fell down. In that very moment the Wife opened the Cowshed Door, I am telling you, some things you just can’t explain”
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