What....there is no Cult Broar the Benevolent you say?

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What....there is no Cult Broar the Benevolent you say?

Post by Torben »

"Ah, this looks like the place....yes, lots of white robed people walking about, various infirm looking types being helped around and that great big sign that reads 'Temple of Chalana Arroy'....at last I've found it! All I've got to do now is find someone who can direct me to these Broar, Brear or Broaranna individuals, as I managed to borrow a few hundred lunars off of the money lender fellows so I've got enough here to buy the position of Rune Lord in this 'Cult Broar the Benevolent' that the one-legged King gave me the letter about. Gosh, I can't wait to become a Rune Lord, the family will be so proud and all that, especially as this Cult Broar doesn't seem to look down on us Dungshuvlers, unlike loads of other Cults, Inns and Regiments in this City".

Spotting an elderly Initiate filling up jugs at a water fountain just inside the main entrance, the enthusiastic young Torben wanders over and addresses him.

"I say, excuse me, pardon the interruption but I'm looking to join Cult Broar the Benevolent and I believe they have a recruiting team here? I'm going to become a Rune Lord don't you know, it's all very exciting!! Now can you tell me where I can find either Broar, Brear or Broaranna please"?

A short while later a scruffily clad youth came sailing through the air to land in a crumpled heap in the road outside of the Temple gates, slowly rising to his knees he turned back towards the Temple and cried out "Right, I'll get you for that! What in the name of the God's did I do wrong?! I was being all polite and even had my money ready yet the next thing I know there's a great big fuss and people shouting something about Chaos and is it him in disguise again? Why on Sartar several people rolled up my left trouser leg and started pulling and staring at my leg I've no idea? I think you've all been quite rude and to tell me there is no Cult Broar the Benevolent when I've already met a King who told me there is is most confusing. It seems the best thing I can do is head off to a place where I can learn the truth and I'm sure I saw somewhere there being a temple to a god of knowledge? They're bound to know and I'm sure they won't be so rude"!

Dusting himself off, young Torben bid a good riddance to this supposed Cult of peace & harmony and set off to find the temple of the god of knowledge.

Torben Dungshuvler
Own spade and bucket, will travel.
Torben Dungshuvler
Lt.Warlord, Free Philosophers Regt
Initiate of Orlanth / Lay Member of Lhankor Mhy
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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