"Yes, young lay member, I hear you wished to speak with me again"?
"Absolutely learned God Talker scholar fellow cultist friend person, it's about this false beard business".
"Very well, what is it you wish to know"?
"Right, what I want to know is why do I have to wear one?! I mean, who made up the rule, did they think it through properly, and does it really have to be compulsory because, you see, just take a look at the one I've been given!! Firstly, it's the damned size of the bugger, next it's mega itchy and it's black......look up and you'll see my own hair is blonde so it's ridiculous that I've got a different colour beard, who thought that through! They laugh, you know, the other lay members and some of the Initiates....I've overheard them sniggering when I come into a room and I'm sure it's because of the beard! Furthermore I'm convinced that there's something living in it, somewhere, but because the wretched thing is so bushy I can't see inside it properly but, at night, I hear it....moving in there....it could be anything.....what if it's one of those poisonous spider things that can kill a man with a single bite...shudder, doesn't bear thinking about but no-one seems to care"!
"I'm afraid young man that it's cult regulations that we must all either grow a beard, like my fine one here", the scholar pointed to a distinguished grey goatee that graced his elderly cheeks, "or, elsewise wear a false one. That dates back to the formation of our cult and is a reflection of the Great Sage God Lhankor Mhy himself".
"Gosh, really, so that's a definite then, I've got to keep the beard....well, on that point, that reminds me of something else that I wanted to bring up, our image! Don't you think that we might be putting people off from joining, to some degree, as everywhere I look in the Temple all the members seem to be like 60+, these beards put at least 10 years on you, and surely the High Priest must have some concern that we're losing potential followers to other, more youthful looking cults, like, say, Orlanth or Humakt.....Yelmalio even? All due respect and everything but as a newbie I thought it only right to raise the issue".
"I thoroughly advise you to dispel such negative thoughts from your mind young man, the Cult has existed for many, many years and we continue to grow. Throughout Sartar people come to seek the knowledge and wisdom from our temples and to speak with our Priests and Rune Lords, they know of our standing and worth in the world, we stand proud amongst our fellow Lightbringers as you will soon realise if you apply yourself to study and lore research. Go now and begin such, take the time to read from our extensive volume of tomes and scrolls, delight in the joy of learning, immerse yourself in information. Join Scholar Paulus overthere, he's just about to begin a new class that is to focus on the fine subject of architectural developments in Dwarven society across the years 1400-1560".
"Oh....great.....Scholar Paulus you say, would I'd be right in thinking that's him there, the one with the white beard sat at the front of that little group of people with the grey beards, all with several large books on their desks....including the fellow in the back row who appears to be asleep. Marvellous I'll just go and get my scrolls and quills, unfortunately I left them back at my lodgings but I'll be back soon, don't worry, wouldn't want to miss out on this........"
Meanwhile....back at the Lhankor Library
Meanwhile....back at the Lhankor Library
Torben Dungshuvler
Hundred-Thane, Free Philosophers Regt
Initiate of Orlanth / Lay Member of Lhankor Mhy
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
Hundred-Thane, Free Philosophers Regt
Initiate of Orlanth / Lay Member of Lhankor Mhy
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods