- 2nd Army adjutant.
- Magical Division commander.
- 1st Division adjutant.
- Tribal Division commander.
- Tribal Division adjutant.
- Magical Union brigadier.
- Heavy Brigade brigadier.
- Cavalry Brigade brigadier.
- 3rd Brigade brigadier.
- Heavy Brigade brigade-thane.
- 2nd Brigade brigade-thane.
- Eaglebrown Warlocks adjutant.
- Eleven Lights adjutant.
- Captain of the King’s Home Guard.
- King’s Champion.
- General Esrolvale Ernaldessasdaughter (D)
- Warchief Fionn
- Warchief Lelina Orlgrevsadughter (E)
- Warlord Afur of the Colymar Cavalry
- Lt Warlord Grumbold of the Royal Foot Guard.
- Lt Warlord Derdis Jarnardason (V) of the Eaglebrown Warlocks
The deployments will stay the same for 1632 - 5 (Middle Fire).