Letter from the Locaem Tribal Levy

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Letter from the Locaem Tribal Levy

Post by Erinestra »

Dear Arng

Thank you so much for the package and letter, the warm socks in particular will come in sooo useful.

I am glad you found out that it was those damned Eurmali’s who are responsible for my “volunteering” for the front. I know, I know, I joined their cult, but I thought they were just, you know, fun loving! And I do love a good party. How was I to know they had it in for me after I gave up my membership? Also I am, darling, a little miffed that when I went “gallivanting” off (as you put it) to join up, that you would not have realised that the Tribal Levy is so not me! And don’t come up with that “but dearest you do the strangest things” line it’s getting wearisome.

Anyway I’ve fallen in with some lovely Axe Maidens. They are a little rough around the edges but they have really taken me under their wing. During the fighting here in Northern Kordros they fought like absolute demons. It really is something to see our premium axe product being wielded by true experts. It was funny though, after we took the enemy commander’s tent there was a chest filled with money. The girls just laughed when I suggest we split it but eventually I said I’d invest it on their behalf. They seemed up for that and I went and watched them torture that funny lunar chappie. Barbeestor Gor rites are very, hmm, out of the ordinary.

So Arng, darling, please do try to keep the Emporium ticking over, and yes I will try to avoid getting killed, it’s difficult to profit when dead!

Your ever loving
Erinestra Harvanasdaughter
Third daughter of a Free Carl of the Locaem tribe
Rune Lord of Issaries
Owner of Erinestra's Emporium Extraordinaire
Charisma: 12
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