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Re: Money for Malvolio

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 2:51 pm
by Puckohue
To: Broar Hofarson
From: Gosar Garngson

I have been informed of the charitable collection for the ransom of Malvolio Korolson. The thing is, he owes me quite the sum. Should he perish in captivity, I count on you to use the collection to repay his debt to me.

Gosar Garngson

((OOC: As far as anyone can tell the moneylenders have no claim on any money collected for someone's ransom (or anything else). Can't blame him for trying though.))

Re: Money for Malvolio

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 3:19 pm
by Erinestra
Broar wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 9:07 am
Dararda wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 8:35 am ooC.: I am to stupid to post in the correct threat. ;)

"Well quite the opposite." Dararda nearly spilled her drink. "Could you tell me what happened to this person? I am pretty run down on money but if I can give a helping hand?"
OOC - If you read through the last turn's results (1630-4 Early Fire Season) you'll see that one of the PC Characters Malvolio was captured while at the Front and is now a Prisoner of War. He can be saved, possibly, by either a Ransom or a Rescue Attempt so as the former is the least dangerous to all involved there is a 'whip-round' being organised to try and raise the 900 Lunars required, so far we have pledges of 150L+50L+a sort of I.O.U of 100L dependent on loot / plunder being gained at the Front this coming month.

If you'd like to chip in something, every little helps, then Broar is co-ordinating the Ransom funds. Just let the GM know in your orders how much you can spare and that it will be sent on to Broar, that way I can arrange for the payment to his captures. We are somewhat short at the moment so if you can 'chip-in' it'll be much appreciated.
The problem is there is actually very little money in the Boldhome economy just now. I blame the Empire for running a tight monetary policy.

Re: Money for Malvolio

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 9:22 pm
by Saling
Again my friends, let us try the rescue...

Re: Money for Malvolio

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:28 am
by Elisia
(OOC: Would the rescue attempt have to be made from the front? I assume they would be holding captives on their lands.)

Re: Money for Malvolio

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:03 pm
by grumbold99
I'm just a young stripling new to Boldhome, so I hope you will forgive my presumptuousness, but hanging around the marketplace and listening to the tales of past heroes it does sound extremely risky attempting a rescue, even when the rescue party has all the advantages they can muster. The odds of it succeeding and nobody dying in the attempt appear poor, but I daresay bold military types with a burning desire for bolstering their reputation may do it anyway.

Coming from a long line of hard-working Locaem shopkeepers - as mother tirelessly reminds me - inclines me more to the prospect of accumulating a ransom. Of course this is no easy task as our army has yet to return victorious from campaign dragging wagon trains of loot behind them, which would incline successful campaigners to be generous with their share of the prize. We could wait in anticipation of just such an event? It seems military triumph is only a matter of time now that King Argrath is personally leading the bulk of the army on campaign.

Still, purely as a precaution, in the meantime some effort should be made to accumulate the ransom from other sources. Malvolio is a highly thought of and active member of the community. The talk among the hawkers, peddlers, hot-pie sellers and market traders turns daily to speculation about his fate. It's the most common topic after the best way to get leather really supple and the right size, shape and weight for a battle axe. I am confident he will be cheered upon his return to discover just how hard we were campaigning in his absence.

Those with some standing in Boldhome could appeal to the cults of Issaries and Storm Bull for donations? It may also reap dividends to approach Gosar Garngson. He might be willing to extend Malvolio further sums of money as a hedge against his guaranteed losses were Malvolio to perish in captivity or while attempting to escape. Individuals attending a tavern could give a quick speech and appeal to the charitable good nature of fellow drinkers.

Re: Money for Malvolio

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:54 pm
by Saling
"My good Grumbold!" Don't fear the gods smile upon those that grap the moment. Let us both show the enemy what they have to expect if they threaten a Boldhome hero."

ooC.: If we find some more capable and not to critical companions we could be the heroes of Boldhome and build the foundation of our legends. ;)