1630 - 3 (Late Sea) - Turn Report

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1630 - 3 (Late Sea) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Late Spring in Boldhome
In Boldhome during late spring, the moneylenders were swamped with work as newcomer Malvolio of the Aranwyth, Hundred-Thane Ondureen, and newly arrived Cowbone of the Vantaros all took out loans. Despite appearing richer than most, Cowbone still took out a loan, leading to speculations about his plans.

Afur asked the Warlord of the Colymar Cavalry, Okinakt Yrshison, to volunteer the regiment for the front, but was declined. Undeterred, Afur volunteered his squadron to join the Colymar Tribal Levy and left Boldhome. At the same time, Haebis left Boldhome to join the Torkani Tribal Levy.

Those who opted to enjoy a life of luxury in Boldhome during this time included Cowbone, new arrival Erik of the Colymar, Hundred-Thane Ondureen, and Subaltern Wonderful. Erik became a regular at The Red Beaver while Malvolio was mostly seen at Fantarn’s.

Wonderful was denied permission by Lt Warlord Sartarvud Korolsdaughter of the Wolf Runners to be excused from regimental duties.

Week 1
During the first week, Cowbone was denied acceptance into the Free Philosophers regiment, being told to “Grow a beard” by the Warlord, a reference to the regiment’s patron god Lhankor Mhy. Jarrek and Wonderful spent the week at their respective regimental barracks, practicing their regimental duties and weapons. In another part of town, Erik Stargazer tried to court Silast Anolanson with a fine fur coat, but Silast slammed the door, saying, “It’s almost summer.”

The Duel for Rastik
Rastik Ernalsulson was having a quiet time, contemplating the mysteries of the Seven Mothers, when Eodal and Erinestra both paid a visit - at the same time. They were both courting him, and it didn’t take long before weapons were drawn and the duel began. Eodal fought with a spear and Erinestra with a battle axe.

Erinestra took the initiative, but Eodal blocked her attack and placed her in a disadvantageous position. Eodal was not late to exploit the situation and made a deep, but non-crippling, wound in Erinestra.

Erinestra quickly regained her senses and struck a definite hit that left Eodal off balance. She used the momentum to keep the initiative, but Eodal managed another effective block that exposed Erinestra. His counterattack was weak though, and Erinestra easily blocked it. He kept the initiative though, but made another weak attack, this time ending in a disadvantageous position. Despite this, he pushed the attack and landed a definite hit that instead left Erinestra off balance.

Eodal kept the initiative and bruised Erinestra, pushing her back. She made an effective block, but Eodal kept on pushing the attack, landing yet another hit, and then yet another definite hit.

Erinestra, who started out as the stronger fighter, was now clearly losing to Eodal’s slightly better weapon expertise.

Erinestra managed to block the next attack and take the initiative. Her attack came close but Eodal was able to avoid her axe and riposte. Erinestra, however, kept the momentum and struck the killing blow.

RIP Eodal.

Erinestra dusted herself off and prepared to overwhelm Rastik with expensive gifts. Turns out he’s already Wealthy and not impressed by her gifts. He wasn’t that impressed by her battleworn appearance either, and rejected her proposals.

Week 2
During the second week, Erik became a lay member of the Temple of Ernalda while Malvolio became a lay member of the violent chaos-hating warrior cult of the Storm Bull.

The Temple of Uleria was bustling with activity as Erinestra, Jarrek, and Wonderful all worshipped there. Ondureen took part in a Babeester Gor ritual as part of her cult duties, toadying to the Rune Lord and getting her axes blessed.

Week 3
In week three, Erik applied to the Snakepipe Dancers, was accepted as a Warrior, and bought a horse. Malvolio was accepted into the Free Philosophers and bought the rank of Ten-Thane, along with a horse. Jarrek continued to spend his time practicing the battle axe at the barracks while Ondureen participated in more ceremonies at the shrine of Babeester Gor, where an ox was sacrificed before the upcoming war season. Wonderful took part in ceremonies at the Temple of Orlanth.

Week 4
During the fourth and final week of spring, Malvolio initiated into the trader cult of Issaries, and Erik made fun of the stables at the Snakepipe Dancers barracks. Ondureen hosted a party at The Red Beaver, attended by Jarrek and Wonderful, and which Erinestra was on her way to, but was intercepted by her Issaries cult superiors, who reminded her to participate in at least one cult ceremony during springtime. At the party, toasts were made for those about to go to war.

At the Front
On the battlefield, the sound of clashing swords and battle cries fill the air as brave warriors engage in the deadly dance of war. The tribal levies, fueled by fierce loyalty and a burning desire to protect their people, charge forth to secure the lands around the lost town of Bagnot.

But the Colymar Tribal Levy falters and is forced to retreat in the face of the enemy's ferocity. Despite this setback, Hundred-Thane Afur rises to the occasion, displaying unparalleled courage that will be sung by the Boldhome bards for generations to come. Though he is only granted a second mention due to lack of vacancies, he manages to seize 350L worth of loot and has a chance to get a well-deserved title upon his return to Boldhome.

The Malani Tribal Levy's operations are equally intense, resulting in inconclusive outcomes and heavy losses, including the new acting Warlord. However, Broar emerges victorious, having "secured" some 250L worth of enemy supplies.

And in the Torkani Tribal Levy's case, the battle takes a deadly turn, as they too are forced to retreat, with Haebis being among the fallen soldiers. The price of war is high, and its toll is felt deeply by those who wage it.
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Re: 1630 - 3 (Late Sea) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Reports of another duel
Unfortunately it seems things got out of hand for some guests on the way home from the party. The petty insults between Jarrek and Wonderful due to their regimental enmity grew into fierce quarreling, and soon weapons were drawn.

(Report from duel between Jarrek and Wonderful coming soon)
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Re: 1630 - 3 (Late Sea) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

The Duel at The Red Beaver
Jarrek drew his battle axe and Wonderful her spear. Jarrek advanced, but as both duellists maneuvered for position neither gained an advantage. Jarrek lounged, but Wonderful riposted and drew first blood. She pushed the attack, but Jarrek blocked. He swung at Wonderful, but again she riposted with a hit.

Jarrek came close with his next attack, but Wonderful was able to avoid the axe. Her counterattack failed and instead received her first wound from Jarrek’s counterattack. Wonderful ducked his next swing. Jarrek kept the initiative but was unable to get a hit in. Instead Wonderful managed to scratch his arm. Inspired, Wonderful scratched his other arm, getting him off balance. Finally Jarrek managed to riposte her attacks.

Wonderful inflicted a series of minor scratches until Jarrek again riposted, inflicting a wound that made Wonderful surrender.
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