Yet another challenge to Broaranna

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Yet another challenge to Broaranna

Post by Erik »

Missus Broaranna Hofarsdaughter’

Me Maister Erik Stargazer ‘as told me t’write t’ye on account that ‘E cannot be bothered wi’ ye no more an ‘E says that wot wi me bein used to clearin up ‘orseshit I wos right person t’write this. Ye writ a letter to t’lady Oneldna Yankasdaughter an ye called ‘erself bad names an said me Maister ‘ad paid ‘er t’turn ye down. Now me Maister ‘ad nowt t’do wi it, twer ‘er choice cos ye is nowt but a smelly cow herd. An me Maister warned ye that if ye called ‘im names agin ‘E wud challenge ye. So ye is challenged t’ a duel at dawn, start o’ Early Dark at Dragongate.

Bob, Horsegroom to Erik Stargazer
(Cook ‘elped me wi’ some o this letter cos I not be that good at it but I do be learnin,)

(OOC: Erik challenges Broaranna to a duel at the Dragongate, dawn at start of Early Dark due to Broaranna's insults to Erik in her letter to Oneldna Yankasdaughter).
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Re: Yet another challenge to Broaranna

Post by Broaranna »

Erik wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 12:58 pm Missus Broaranna Hofarsdaughter’

Me Maister Erik Stargazer ‘as told me t’write t’ye on account that ‘E cannot be bothered wi’ ye no more an ‘E says that wot wi me bein used to clearin up ‘orseshit I wos right person t’write this. Ye writ a letter to t’lady Oneldna Yankasdaughter an ye called ‘erself bad names an said me Maister ‘ad paid ‘er t’turn ye down. Now me Maister ‘ad nowt t’do wi it, twer ‘er choice cos ye is nowt but a smelly cow herd. An me Maister warned ye that if ye called ‘im names agin ‘E wud challenge ye. So ye is challenged t’ a duel at dawn, start o’ Early Dark at Dragongate.

Bob, Horsegroom to Erik Stargazer
(Cook ‘elped me wi’ some o this letter cos I not be that good at it but I do be learnin,)

(OOC: Erik challenges Broaranna to a duel at the Dragongate, dawn at start of Early Dark due to Broaranna's insults to Erik in her letter to Oneldna Yankasdaughter).
Young Bob,

I was most surprised to receive your 'communication', at first I mistook it for some used latrine material then I saw the name Erik scrawled at the bottom so re-evaluated my assumption that perhaps it was a long overdue request for medical assistance about those voices in his head. Of course, I should have guessed it was nothing more than yet another call for a duel....totally predictable really....I'm sure Bob, that you agree with me, your employer is a complete psychopathic fruit cake of a fellow, mad as a tusk-rider and just as smelly!

You seem a decent chap, to be honest, obviously somewhat limited in the educational / learning arts but one of those stalwarts that so often go unnoticed and equally unrewarded through life, overlooked by the supposed high & mighty types. How on earth you ended up being a Horse Groom to Evil Erik is beyond me, was it some form of judicial penance that was served upon you in respect of a criminal conviction? Either you got 5 years in jail or instead work for him? Mind you I bet you've got a few stories you can tell's no secret Bob that there are rumours circulating around Boldhome......sordid rumours and gossip about certain 'goings on' in Evil Erik's stables....late night 'goings on'.....involving some of the mare's he has stabled there. Apparently lots of neighing and whinnying has been heard with one person saying they saw a distressed looking filly galloping away from the stables, after crashing through the doors, and there was a pair of Mularik's Officers Trousers hanging off of her tail !!

Anyway, I've an offer for you young Bob, come work for me. I'll give you double what Erik pays you and more time off PLUS free medical care all the time you're in my employ. Now, what do you think about that eh.....pretty impressive....and, as a bonus, for every one of those stories about 'goings on' in the stables I'll pay you 50 lunars, if half of what I've heard is true you'll be a rich man in a very short time Bob.

All the best,

Broaranna Hofarsdaughter
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Re: Yet another challenge to Broaranna

Post by Erik »

Ye must tink I were born yesterday! Cum an' work fer ye? Ye've nivver paid a bit o' wot ye owe 'em, ye nivver paid those poor wimmen ye conned inter goin' t'Dragongate fer ye larst month did ye? Me Master is a good man an treats me reel well 'e dus. Master says in a year or so 'e will ask 'is friend Afur t' take me inter Colymar Cavalry an I can be a soljer like master be. Mistress Ondurga an' her staff at Queensgift 'Ouse looks after me an teach me t' read an write an' be a good man. Give all that up t' work fer likes of ye? Ye is dafter than a duck wot thinks 'e be a dragon!
Ye dun't learn nuffin either. Ye keep on sayin' bad things about master. Well t' challenge stands an Master says I can cum t'Dragongate at start o' month t' see fer meself wot a cowherd ye be.

Horsegroom to Erik Stargazer

(OOC: The challenge to Broaranna stands, dawn at the Dragongate at start of Early Dark. There can be little doubt as to cause, but I ask neutral players to vote on it in any case).
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Re: Yet another challenge to Broaranna

Post by Broaranna »

Erik wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 11:20 am Ye must tink I were born yesterday! Cum an' work fer ye? Ye've nivver paid a bit o' wot ye owe 'em, ye nivver paid those poor wimmen ye conned inter goin' t'Dragongate fer ye larst month did ye? Me Master is a good man an treats me reel well 'e dus. Master says in a year or so 'e will ask 'is friend Afur t' take me inter Colymar Cavalry an I can be a soljer like master be. Mistress Ondurga an' her staff at Queensgift 'Ouse looks after me an teach me t' read an write an' be a good man. Give all that up t' work fer likes of ye? Ye is dafter than a duck wot thinks 'e be a dragon!
Ye dun't learn nuffin either. Ye keep on sayin' bad things about master. Well t' challenge stands an Master says I can cum t'Dragongate at start o' month t' see fer meself wot a cowherd ye be.

Horsegroom to Erik Stargazer

(OOC: The challenge to Broaranna stands, dawn at the Dragongate at start of Early Dark. There can be little doubt as to cause, but I ask neutral players to vote on it in any case).
You, Bob fellow

Don't say I didn't give you a chance!

Clearly you're as mad as your master so I've no further interest in communicating with you other than to instruct you to tell your mad master that I accept his challenge...yes, you read that correctly.....I ACCEPT his challenge and let's get this whole business resolved once and for all.

While I have sought to dedicate my life to that of peace and harmony, to put the care of others ahead of my own deepfelt desires and ambition, there is only so much that a man...I mean woman...woman...can take and this Evil Erik has finally exhausted my patience. I'll put the wretch in his place, he'll regret ever messing with me and you just tell him I don't want to see a flood of tears and pathetic grovelling for me to spare his worthless hide when I have him prostrate on the duelling grounds. He has asked for this duel so he is now going to get it and may the Gods - even the Chaotic ones he follows - have mercy upon him.

Broaranna Hofarsdaughter
A lady of peace and harmony (usually...until really pushed and'll see!)
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Re: Yet another challenge to Broaranna

Post by Ondurga »

[To Erik]

"Sir, I'll prepare breakfast again for the dawnrise when Early Dark starts. Bob, from the stables, seems eager to come along to watch the duel should that poltroon actually show his or her face and fight. He can give me a hand."
Last edited by Ondurga on Sun Jun 16, 2024 6:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ondurga Yorisdaughter of the Bachad
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Re: Yet another challenge to Broaranna

Post by Broaranna »

Ondurga wrote: Sun Jun 16, 2024 3:44 pm [To Erik]

"Sir, I'll prepare breakfast again for the dawnrise when Early Dark starts. Bob. from the stables, seems eager to come along to watch the duel should that poltroon actually show his or her face and fight. He can give me a hand."
Less of this doubt over whether I'll be attending, I can proffer 101% assurance that I'll be turning up for the duel, to settle this Evil Erik once and for all. Please reserve a breakfast for me!

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Re: Yet another challenge to Broaranna

Post by Ondurga »

Broaranna wrote: Sun Jun 16, 2024 5:47 pm Less of this doubt over whether I'll be attending, I can proffer 101% assurance that I'll be turning up for the duel, to settle this Evil Erik once and for all. Please reserve a breakfast for me!
Sir, or Madam, or whatever it is you claim to be this week, I shall be sure to bring some of the thinnest gruel I can source for you. You are a disgrace. A perverse and honourless disgrace. A much-mocked disgrace. I shall pour it onto the dry ground. You may suck it up from the stones and dust, or not, according to your perfidious nature.
Ondurga Yorisdaughter of the Bachad
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Re: Yet another challenge to Broaranna

Post by Broaranna »

Ondurga wrote: Sun Jun 16, 2024 6:59 pm
Broaranna wrote: Sun Jun 16, 2024 5:47 pm Less of this doubt over whether I'll be attending, I can proffer 101% assurance that I'll be turning up for the duel, to settle this Evil Erik once and for all. Please reserve a breakfast for me!
Sir, or Madam, or whatever it is you claim to be this week, I shall be sure to bring some of the thinnest gruel I can source for you. You are a disgrace. A perverse and honourless disgrace. A much-mocked disgrace. I shall pour it onto the dry ground. You may suck it up from the stones and dust, or not, according to your perfidious nature.
To: The Ondurga person,

What a very rude individual you are, there was no need for such a reply, especially to a blessed Healer such as myself but I guess there is no accounting for some people....especially those at the very bottom of Boldhome society, you know the actual bottom of it, lowest of the low, no-one else underneath etc!

Still, as I've said many times before, I'm not a heartless person and my desire is only to spread peace, love, harmony and kindness amongst my fellow Boldhomians so may I make a suggestion to you...there's this horse tender / stable lad who works for Erik the Pyscho, he of the 'tiny tackle' and insane bloodlust obsession. Well, this Bob, as the stable lad is known, I reckon he'd make a good catch for you as the two of you seem right sorted for each other. Why not pay him a visit, I hear he loves horse dung so maybe you could pick up some as a gift to sweeten him up!

Best wishes,

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Re: Yet another challenge to Broaranna

Post by Ondurga »

Broaranna wrote: Tue Jun 18, 2024 7:21 am Well, this Bob, as the stable lad is known, I reckon he'd make a good catch for you as the two of you seem right sorted for each other. Why not pay him a visit, I hear he loves horse dung so maybe you could pick up some as a gift to sweeten him up!
Bob is three times the man you are, no matter how many 'cousins' you pretend to be. I understand he will also be at the Dragon's Gate to see your duel.
Ondurga Yorisdaughter of the Bachad
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