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Re: Loremaster's Guild

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 9:33 pm
by grumbold99

I cannot say that I am in possession of any actual facts, but I did slip the subject into the conversation at the last meeting of the Merchant's Guild.

While partaking of the usual libations in somewhat more generous volumes than others, a couple who wish to remain anonymous confided what they had been told. They said that membership was so secret that one would know they had been invited to join by finding a pristine brown and white striped feather lying on a piece of finest vellum upon their writing desk. Upon finding such, the recipient should pen an original treatise upon some esoteric subject to display their dedication to learning and declaim it from the steps of the temple of Lhankor Mhy after a notable ceremony - a holy day or ceremony led by the high priest. Should the speech be considered worthy, induction into the Loremaster's Guild will be assured.

I hope this information proves useful.
