1631 - 9 (Early Dark) - Turn Report

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1631 - 9 (Early Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Boldhome stands as a majestic sentinel amidst the encroaching cold, its grandeur framed by the towering Quivin Mountains. The city nestles in a valley where the first snowflakes of the season begin their gentle descent, dusting the stone streets with a silvery sheen.

Duel at Dragon Gate
As the crowds arrived at the Dragon Gate, Broaranna was already there. In her armour and armed with both a spear and broadsword she stood quietly, a lone figure cutting a picturesque sight as the sun crept up behind her. When Erik arrived with his housekeeper Ondurga, Broaranna began flexing her muscles, swinging her sword around and making thrusts with her spear as if in readiness for the contest!

As Ondurga served Erik breakfast (and offered Broaranna a bowl of very thin gruel), Broaranna said "Ah, Itsy-Bitsy Erik, or rather the Chaos Demon that calls itself Erik Stargazer... you've turned up at last, some of us have been waiting around for an hour at least, eager to get this matter concluded. I was just about to STOP…”

Broaranna raised her voice at this point, and glanced over her shoulder into the crowd.

“…and have breakfast. All this hanging around makes a woman hungry!”

“So, are you ready to begin Evil Erik? I hope this lesson that you are about to be taught will finally put a STOP…”

She raised her voice again and looked around the crowd.

“...to your madness and incessant challenges. Just before we start however, allow me to carry out a couple more practice swings with 'old faithful' here.”

Broaranna swung her broadsword in a dramatic fashion a few times.

“Oh, yes, I can feel all the old moves coming back to me now... the famous Broar… I mean Broaranna, backhander slash... you're in for it now Itsy-Bitsy... I'd say get yourself ready and let the duel begin... don't let me STOP…”

She raised her voice for the third time and intently looked into the crowd, giving a small nod.


At this point, about half a dozen people wearing white robes ran in. Broaranna seemed to try to argue with them, and some of them held her back. She finally succumbed to the entreaties and said...

"Sigh... I suppose you're right... I don't know what I was thinking. Mine is a path of peace, harmony, kindness and love and yet this demon almost... ALMOST... seduced me into breaking my holy vows which would have seen me thrown out from our beloved cult and seen another Lightbringer less in the world, exactly what this chaos agent wanted and I hope everyone here plainly saw that!"

Erik watched the spectacle with resigned detachment. “Has Braoranna actually paid the bribes she offered to get you to turn up?” he asked the white robed persons. “I will be very surprised if she has.”

Turning to those that have come to support Erik, Broaranna spoke again.

"You poor fools, it's clear this demon has his claws into you already and you have sadly fallen into his trap. Allow me to help you break the spell, as luck would have it I happen to have a few vials of ‘Demon Free Tonic' on me, in the saddle bag back there, I can let you have them for just 50 Lunars each and I'll guarantee you'll be cured and chaos free by the end of the week, no, honest you will, totally. Come see me at the Chalana Arroy temple or the Scribbled Scroll and we can talk business."

With that, surrounded by the small crowd of white-robed people, Broaranna left Dragon Gate and headed back into the City. She could be heard saying...

"But I was going to fight him you know, if you lot hadn't turned up it was game on... you all saw I was there right so there can be no talk of cowardice..."

Still the crowd booed her.
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Re: 1631 - 9 (Early Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Money Matters
Hundred-thane Garoor, Ten-thane Baroness Ivarenna, and Warlord Baron Rufus, each with their own ambitions and burdens, sought the aid of the city's moneylenders. For Garoor, it was the third consecutive turn that found him here, his brow furrowed with the weight of repayment. The baron, a figure of imposing stature and martial prowess, procured the three steeds requisite for his esteemed rank and took into his service a skilled groom to tend to them.

Meanwhile, in the bustling markets and lavish halls, Warlord Afur, Broaranna, and Serbitar, the loyal aide to a baroness, engaged in acts of conspicuous consumption that turned heads and loosened tongues. Their spending was extravagant, a testament to their wealth and a display of their status.

Garoor's evenings increasingly found him in the familiar environs of Geo’s. Baroness Ivarenna, on the other hand, made the opulent Three Suns her regular haunt, a place where the elite gathers under the light of crystal chandeliers to discuss matters of import and indulge in the finest luxuries Boldhome has to offer.
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Re: 1631 - 9 (Early Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Regimental Resignations and Promotions
Regimental Healer Broaranna tendered her resignation from her post at the Twin Spears regiment, her decision marking the end of her service amidst whispers of her future plans.

Meanwhile, Hundred-thane Fionn embarked on a delicate mission of persuasion, attempting to coax Lieutenant Warlord Dangak Esynnson of the Free Philosophers regiment into retirement. In his efforts, Fionn even went so far as to contribute generously to Dangak's retirement fund, hoping the promise of financial security might sweeten the proposition. Yet, despite these earnest endeavors, Lieutenant Warlord Esynnson remained unmoved, his steadfast nature unyielding to the lure of early withdrawal.

Simultaneously, in the bustling corridors of power, Hundred-thanes Garoor and Grumbold took a different path to elevate their standing. Through considerable expenditure and strategic maneuvering, both secured the prestigious rank of Lieutenant Warlord—Garoor within the ranks of the Thieves' Arm, and Grumbold amongst the esteemed Royal Foot Guards.
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Re: 1631 - 9 (Early Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

King Argrath named Leikan the Mayor as City Administrator, a role of great influence and responsibility, while Orstalor Spearlord was again bestowed the title of City Warmaster, marking him as the chief strategist and defender of the city.

Erik, formerly the Aide to the City Lawspeaker, was reassigned as Aide to Warking Jarnaris Onelsasdaughter.

Baroness Ivarenna found herself honored with the appointment as Aide to Jarl Minonast Gargson of Wilmskirk, further cementing her status and influence. Similarly, Fionn was appointed as Aide to Chieftain Hofath Tergson of the Lantor clan of the Balkoth tribe, a role that promised both challenges and opportunities for the astute hundred-thane.

However, not all were met with success. Garoor, despite his efforts and ambitions, was not appointed as Aide to the Aranwyth king, a disappointment that hung heavily over his aspirations and future plans.
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Re: 1631 - 9 (Early Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Cult Ranks
Erik's attempts to persuade the Assistant Rune-Lord of Orlanth to step down met with steadfast resistance, his arguments falling on deaf ears. However, Baroness Ivarenna wielded a combination of compelling arguments and undeniable influence, ultimately succeeding where Erik had failed; the Assistant Rune-Lord resigned under her pressure.

Grumbold, with the backing of the influential Erinestra and Baron Rufus, managed to convince an Assistant Rune Lord of Issaries to relinquish his position. Their combined efforts proved too persuasive to resist.

Not all ambitions were realized, however. Warlord Afur's hopes for a promotion to God-talker of Orlanth were dashed, as were Erinestra's aspirations to become a Rune Lord of Issaries.

Amidst these shifts, Baroness Ivarenna's fortunes rose as she was promoted to Assistant Rune Lord of Orlanth. Meanwhile, Warlord Quatlu ascended to the rank of Rune Lord of Orlanth.
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Re: 1631 - 9 (Early Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Erik, leveraging the newfound influence of his recent appointment, endeavored to persuade Lieutenant Warlord Silamath Senrenradnason of the Twin Spears to volunteer his battalion for the front lines. Despite Erik's compelling arguments and authoritative position, the Lieutenant Warlord remained unmoved and steadfastly refused to comply.

In contrast, Hundred-thane Fionn, embodying both bravery and a sense of duty, stepped forward with his battalion, volunteering their services for the front. Alongside him, Warlord Baron Rufus also demonstrated his commitment by volunteering with the 3rd battalion of his regiment, ready to lead his troops into the fray.
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Re: 1631 - 9 (Early Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 1
Baroness Ivarenna sought to join the Snakepipe Dancers, but her request was summarily denied. Ten-thane Harold, in search of solace and connection, found both at the temple of Uleria, where he partook in intimate companionship.

Meanwhile, Serbitar ingratiated himself with the High Priestess during a ceremony at the Chalana Arroy hospital. Broaranna, intending to attend the same ceremony, was intercepted and arrested by a ferret of the Deputy of Public Harmony before she could arrive. An official announcement regarding her arrest is anticipated.

Afur brought Sod to a sacred ceremony at the temple of Orlanth, participating with solemn devotion. Garoor, on the other hand, attended a ceremony at the Storm Bull temple, bringing Terdis, apparently his lover, along and currying favor with the Chief Bull through obsequious behavior.

Julian and Quatlu immersed themselves in rigorous study at the Military Academy, honing their skills and knowledge. Erinestra, meanwhile, devoted her time to tending her shop, maintaining her livelihood with diligent care.
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Re: 1631 - 9 (Early Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 2
Serbitar sought solace and intimate companionship at the temple of Uleria, finding comfort in the embrace of the goddess's followers. Meanwhile, Julian joined the prestigious Royal Foot Guards, purchasing the rank of Thane. Despite his aspirations for the title of Ten-thane, he found himself stymied by his lack of requisite social standing.

Harold honed his broadsword skills at the Colymar barracks, while Quatlu practiced with the battle axe at the Royal Foot Guards barracks. Grumbold and Erinestra diligently attended to their respective shops, ensuring their businesses thrived.

Afur brought Sod to the temple of Ernalda, participating in a ceremonial observance and ingratiating himself with the High Priestess through deferential behavior. Garoor took part in a ritual at the Storm Bull temple, demonstrating his devotion. Ondurga attended a ceremony at Clown Tower, where she obsequiously honored the Eurmal Chief Priest, displaying conspicuous piety.

Amidst these activities, Erik remained dedicated to his studies, continuing his course at the Military Academy with unwavering focus.
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Re: 1631 - 9 (Early Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 3
Garoor diligently honed his skills with the broadsword at the Thieves’ Arm barracks, immersing himself in the martial arts practiced within its secretive walls. Across the city, Serbitar dedicated himself to the blade, training at the temple of Orlanth, where the echoes of storm and thunder seemed to harmonize with his focused efforts.

Grumbold, meanwhile, remained steadfast in the management of his shop, attending to the needs of his clientele with a careful eye for detail and service.

Afur, accompanied by Sod, and Erinestra, with Arng in tow, ventured to the temple of Issaries for a ceremonial gathering. Their participation was marked by Erinestra's deference to the Priest, subtly acknowledging his authority and wisdom.

In parallel, Erik, Julian, and Quatlu immersed themselves in their studies at the Military Academy, each pursuing mastery of their chosen disciplines with unwavering dedication and ambition.
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Re: 1631 - 9 (Early Dark) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

Week 4
Erinestra, driven by a sudden whim or perhaps a deeper purpose yet undisclosed, donned a fake beard and joined the cult of Lhankor Mhy, the deity of knowledge.

Meanwhile, Garoor dedicated himself to rigorous training with the broadsword at the Thieves’ Arm barracks, sharpening his skills with the precision and focus of a seasoned warrior.

The temple of Orlanth bustled with activity throughout the week, presided over by the commanding presence of the High Priest. Afur, accompanied by Sod, Erik with Yealla by his side, Grumbold, Harold, Baroness Ivarenna, Julian in the company of Harmaleenrios, Ondurga, Quatlu with Darra, and Serbitar—all gathered to partake in the solemn ceremony. Each participant, in their own way, displayed deference and homage to the High Priest, acknowledging his authority and the sanctity of the rites.

Yet, amidst the reverence and camaraderie, tensions simmered beneath the surface. As often happens in such gatherings, disputes arose that demanded resolution. The Ernaldan God-talker, Afur, staunch in his beliefs, challenged the presence of a mischievous Eurmali to a duel—a clash of ideologies played out with steel and honor. Meanwhile, despite lingering wounds, Serbitar, ever mindful of his noble lineage, issued challenges of his own. Erik, Quatlu, and Grumbold found themselves summoned to the dueling grounds by Serbitar's insistence that his heritage be respected in the traditional way of the sword.

Afur vs Ondurga
Even still slightly wounded, Afur, armed with his broadsword, was the favorite against Ondurga armed with her spear.

Ondurga took the initiative, but Afur managed to secure a stand-off, with both duellists maneuvering for position but neither gaining an advantage. It was Afur who found an opening and inflicted a serious wound on Ondurga. He followed up with a hit which left Ondurga off balance. But at this point Ondurga blocked the attack and placed Afur in a disadvantageous position. She failed to exploit the situation, with both duellists again maneuvering for position but neither gaining an advantage. Afur again won the stand-off, inflicting yet another serious wound on Ondurga, who surrendered.

Serbitar vs Erik
Erik was first in line to face off against Serbitar. Erik with his spear was the absolute favorite compared to Serbitar with his broadsword.

It didn’t take many seconds before Erik inflicted a mortal wound on Serbitar, killing him.