A Festive Meeting at the Pea Pod

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A Festive Meeting at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

With the cold air whipping his cape about him in the wind, Warlord Quatlu Carasilson of the Royal Foot Guards made his way to the familiar and most welcome door of the Pea Pod. Inside he could hear the murmur of many voices and the clink of glasses and mugs on wooden tables, a sound that made him smile. He opened the door and felt a wave of comfortable warmth rush over him from the interior, and he saw proprietor Jorl moving briskly between the tables, bringing fresh drinks and bowls of steaming food to hungry patrons. "As familiar as an old, comfortable pair of boots", he muttered to himself as he entered and walked over to his regular table, which bore a handsome, decorated sign announcing the table as Reserved. He doffed his cloak and hung it on a peg on the wall next to the fireplace and took his seat. Immediately, Jorl ran over to welcome him and take his order. "A mug of hot cider with cinnamon, if you please Jorl", he said in response, and added, "I hope to see the regular gang here tonight."
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Asst. Rune Priest of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
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Re: A Festive Meeting at the Pea Pod

Post by Ivarenna »

Ivarenna entered the Pea Pod. She spotted a familiar face sitting at a table near the fire.

"Greetings Warlord Quatlu! I was told you would be here. I wanted to offer my congratulations on your elevation to Rune Lord. That is most excellent news. Ah, I see you have finished your drink! Please allow me to buy you another.

"Proprietor, two more of whatever Warlord Quatlu has been drinking!"
Baroness Ivarenna Hainasdaughter of the Balmyr
Aide to Goldgotti the City Treasurer
Assistant Rune Lord of Orlanth
Hundred-thane, Third Battalion, Mularik's Company
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Re: A Festive Meeting at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu looked up and his face lit up with a big smile as his friend and Sword Sister Ivarenna came though the door and headed over to his table. He stood as she approached and extended his arm to her to give her a firm handshake of fellowship, and said, "Baroness Ivarneena, you are most welcome indeed, my friend. Please join me and sit near the fire to warm yourself." He stopped Jorl from leaving and said to the Baroness, "I was just waiting for company to arrive before switching drinks to a more potent potable. Shall we make it mulled wine instead of cider?" He seated himself and then said, "Thank you for your well-wishes, Baroness, as I was thrilled to receive the summons from the Great Temple. May I also say how pleased I was to hear that the Priests had chosen to elevate you to Assistant Rune Lord, and I offer you my heartiest congratulations. I hope that the High Priest will permit us to work together in the near future as we engage in Temple business." He raised his freshened mug to Ivareena and said, "A toast to the wisdom of the Temple leadership, in choosing us both for promotion, and may our paths be illuminated with honor and glory to Orlanth."

"I hope the others of our group of friends and comrades will join us soon, as I intend to have old Jorl bring out the good stuff for a real toast to our success. I know Baron Rufus is off at the Front, and I wish him all the best good fortune, but hopefully the others still in Boldholm will drop by."
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Asst. Rune Priest of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
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Re: A Festive Meeting at the Pea Pod

Post by Harold »

Flipping Heck it was ruddy cold, Harold thought to himself as he briskly walked down the street towards the Pea Pod. He thanked his lucky stars that he had bought those thermals even if it had cost extra for the pair with the button up flap at the back.
He was looking forward to meeting his friends today, there seemed much to celebrate especially as Quatlu had found advancement in the Temple.
The lights of the establishment beckoned, & Harold broke into a gentle run as the “need” to enter the establishment grew. He saw his friends sat at the table & gave a wave as he made his way through the crowd, he disappeared from view for a moment, the cold had really had an effect on him. A few minutes later, he returned to the main room, a somewhat relieved look on his face, that had been a close call despite the thermals.
He walked over to their table, shaking hands ( He had washed them) with all those seated there.
“Good evening all, Jorl would you please be so kind as to bring us all something to eat, what’s in the pot today?” He enquired "You can have what you like, I'll pay . Congratulations on the promotion."
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Re: A Festive Meeting at the Pea Pod

Post by Erik »

Erik spared a thought for his friends Fionn and Rufus as he pulled his cloak around him. The wind was a lazy wind, seeming to prefer going straight through anyone in it's path rather than go round them. "Glad I'm not out in the field" he thought. "There is a reason that summer is the campaign season!"
He came around the corner to see the Pea Pod ahead. He entered swiftly, trying not to let any more of the cursed wind into the tavern than necessary and carefully closed the heavy oak door behind him. Shaking off his cloak he spied his friends around a table.
"Greetings and well met" he called out. "Is that mulled wine making that wonderful aroma? Another jug here please Goodman Jorl"
Erik sat down and noticed his friends' eyes looking at the black ribbon tied around his right arm. "A mourning band for Serbitar" he explained. "I wish to mark his great courage and honour. He was a man of great worth and I must respect his choices, but for myself I wish he had not challenged me. There was no need to do so, he carried wounds and could have declined the affair with no shame. He knew from our meeting last month that I was the more skilled with blades, yet he chose to face me first, rather than tackling yourself Quatlu or Grumbold. As I say, I must respect his courage but I bitterly regret his death and wish he had chosen otherwise. I will burn incense and say a prayer in the temple for him and let us all raise and drink a toast to his memory!"
As the company resumed their seats Erik continued. "But I am tardy in offering compliments. Congratulations Quatlu on your promotion to Runelord, and to you Ivarenna on yours to Assistant Runelord. Well done Julian, on your joining the Royal Foot Guards - I am certain you will do well with Warlord Quatlu here to guide you. But on military matters, I have yet to hear how our friends fared on campaign this month. Have any of you heard news from the battlefield?"
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Re: A Festive Meeting at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

As the group of friends sits and drinks while they socialize, Jorl brings forth a tureen of hot soup with bowls and spoons for one and all. The smell of mama's famous split pea and ham soup wafts over the table, followed closely by the added aroma of a large basket of her home made rolls and a crock of fresh butter. Quatlu rubs his hands together gleefully and smiles all around, then passes out the bowls and spoons. "Baroness, would you please start us off?", he says politely to Ivareena. While we wait for any more stragglers, we can get a little hot food in us to take the edge off of growling stomachs. "I think mama has a lamb on the spit for us if you are all game enough?"
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Asst. Rune Priest of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
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Re: A Festive Meeting at the Pea Pod

Post by Julian »

Julian goes along to the Pea Pod his head spinning with the goings on! The legal issues and the duelling are once again proving a challenge to the naive young officer. He’s tired a lot of the time from working hard, training with the Royal Foot Guards and trying to to understand the politics of the town.

As he enters the bar room he sees his senior in all things, the celebrated Quatlu, and his face acquires a grin on seeing the Rune Lord chatting to Sword Sister Baroness Ivarenna by the fireplace drinking quietly about temple business. He doesn’t want to interrupt so he goes over to Jorl and ask for a flagon of beer and stands by the bar in respect for his betters and to gauge the mood of the place.
He raises his drink to the assembly and calls, “Cheers” before taking a deep draught and wiping the froth from his top lip with the back of his hand…
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
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Re: A Festive Meeting at the Pea Pod

Post by Ivarenna »

Ah! Greetings Julian! Please join us!

And thank you Quatlu, the soup is excellent!

And, turning to Erik, thank you also. In turn I congratulate you on your appointment as Aide to Warking Jarnaris Onelsasdaughter.

Well gentlemen, I propose a toast to absent friends! Wishing them success on the field of battle and hoping that they return safely from the front!

To Rufus and Fionn! And also a toast to brave Varadan Crow-Shadow, may his spirit rest in peace.
Baroness Ivarenna Hainasdaughter of the Balmyr
Aide to Goldgotti the City Treasurer
Assistant Rune Lord of Orlanth
Hundred-thane, Third Battalion, Mularik's Company
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Re: A Festive Meeting at the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

"Yes, by all means Julian, come over by the fire and warm yourself", Quatlu says as he echoes the Baroness. "And a toast to our dear comrade Erik, the Warking's new aide!" He then drinks respectfully in answer to the toast for absent friends, and finishes his mug. "Now that we're all here, my friends, let us have Jorl bring forth the roast lamb that we might feast this night." The delicious lamb is brought forth from the kitchen, dripping sizzling fat and smelling incredibly good. "Now that's a meal fit for Orlanth's heroes", he said to his companions. "Jorl, fill the empty cups and let us be merry this night, my friends, for Orlanth has blessed his faithful in many ways and we would honor him and thank him." Once each one has eaten their fill, Quatlu wishes for Jorl to bring out his best brandy as the revelers sit back in their seats and take their ease after this magnificent repast. He bides his time and allows the evening to progress as it should, with laughter and good fellowship, until he feels it is time for a serious discussion.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Asst. Rune Priest of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
Posts: 93
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Re: A Festive Meeting at the Pea Pod

Post by Julian »

Julian happily basks in the urbane company of Quatlu and the Baroness while they eat drink and toast Erik, the Warking's new aide! (To be honest Julian realises how little he know of the politics of this place and who has their hands on the levers and dials controlling serious matters).
He is however in the uniform of the Royal Door Guards and knows he has made the right choice to change regiments. One can never have too much experience or influential friends!
Then he saw Harold, said hello and spotted Eric and so asked him why he wore a black arm-band and of the group for news from the battlefield and of Fionn and Rufus?
Sadly Julian had no update other than gossip to give and thought he really should "get out more" and keep in better touch with such noble folk? He noticed how clean Harold's hands were and wondered if he should ask him for grooming tips?
And isn't Jorl the very best landlord and Boldhome rather lovely if a bloody dangerous place!
But perhaps that was because the large amount of lamb and the many drinks he had imbibed?
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Colymar Tribe
Orlanth by Choice
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