My Lords, I'm available to the first offer!
Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2024 5:56 pm
To: Grumbold Rahlefson, Lt Warlord of the Royal Foot Guard
Rufus Bronzer, Warlord of Mularik's Company
I'm looking to join a regiment and, after careful consideration and the fact I can't get into many, I thought I'd apply to both of you to see if you'll have me in your respective regiments? There is this business about qualifying criteria or some other legal issues BUT, what with you being top people in your regiments then surely you can 'smooth' matters through for me, you won't be disappointed you know!
Being totally impartial I leave it to whichever one of you get's in first for my services, I'll join your regiment. I have to admit I haven't done any soldiering before but I can wield a mean spade and I've a fair set of muscles on me, plus all my own limbs etc.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Torben Dungshuvler
A talent in the making, bound to be an Officer one day.
P.S Grumbold, I've a note here for you from a King Broar. It says for you to give me 100 lunars as I invested 10 lunars with him on my way to Boldhome and that is what he said the profit will be, apparently you owe him some money, so he told me, and all I had to do was to give you the note and "You'd see me alright".
When can I collect the money?
Rufus Bronzer, Warlord of Mularik's Company
I'm looking to join a regiment and, after careful consideration and the fact I can't get into many, I thought I'd apply to both of you to see if you'll have me in your respective regiments? There is this business about qualifying criteria or some other legal issues BUT, what with you being top people in your regiments then surely you can 'smooth' matters through for me, you won't be disappointed you know!
Being totally impartial I leave it to whichever one of you get's in first for my services, I'll join your regiment. I have to admit I haven't done any soldiering before but I can wield a mean spade and I've a fair set of muscles on me, plus all my own limbs etc.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Torben Dungshuvler
A talent in the making, bound to be an Officer one day.
P.S Grumbold, I've a note here for you from a King Broar. It says for you to give me 100 lunars as I invested 10 lunars with him on my way to Boldhome and that is what he said the profit will be, apparently you owe him some money, so he told me, and all I had to do was to give you the note and "You'd see me alright".
When can I collect the money?