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Gathering at the Pea Pod

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2024 9:28 pm
by Quatlu
Quatlu sat down on his seat at the fireside table, the now familiar surroundings of the Pea Pod serving as a welcome respite from a busy month. He, Julian and Harold had all three made the trek north together to visit the families of their lovers, and it had been a momentous time for fellowship between the three Orlanthi and feasting with the girls' families. A most rewarding journey that they would all remember for many years to come. Proprietor Jorl came over to the table, bringing the Wind Lord a large mug of his favorite mulled wine and some savory, seasonal snacks from Mama in the kitchen. He smiled and thanked his genial host before taking a long pull on the mug, followed by a satisfied "Ahhh".

Last month had been a significant point in time for Quatlu, as he had been granted the honor to lead the temple ceremony on Windsday, Movement Week, in Storm Season, the High Holy Day among Orlanthi participants. The out-of-body experience of flying in the One Direction to Kero Fin was most assuredly to be etched in his mind and spirit for the rest of his life. The great feast in Karulinoran, the Great Hall of Orlanth never seemed to end, with his ancestors and the heroes of history in attendance, and the gods themselves seated at the high table in the distance. The feast ended as he eventually fell asleep and awakened back in Boldhome. What a memory to recall!

A pop from the fireplace brought him back to himself and he looked around him, aware that he had slipped into a dreaming place. He smiled and chided himself, taking another swig of mulled wine and a snack from the basket on the table. Jorl brought Quatlu a fresh mug of mulled wine and waited for his attention, then said, "Ah, begging your pardon, Master Quatlu, but I just wanted to remind you that we will be closed for Sacred Time, but will reopen for early Sea Season."

Re: Gathering at the Pea Pod

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2024 10:54 am
by Julian
Julian was quiet in the Pea Pod his eyes having a far away look in them. He found comfort in the familiar surroundings but the noise of other customers was banished by his mind. He was reviewing the mystical experience and the travel he had experienced.

“Sorry” he said to his friends and smiled, “Travel sure does broaden the mind…. But Jorl, Shut you say? I had forgotten that, but not that I hope to be away next season……”

He returned to his pint, still musing on what to do about the challenges he faces

Re: Gathering at the Pea Pod

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2024 9:23 pm
by Quatlu
Quatlu nodded as Julian was reminded of the pub closing for Sacred Time. "We'd all miss Jorl and his fine establishment, but many of his regulars will be on Hero Quest. I know you, Erik, Afur, Baron Rufus, Baroness Ivarenna, Harold, Ondurga and Torben Dungshuvler have committed to join me on the Hero Quest, and I presume that the others who previously said they would join us will follow through. It should be a fine act of devotion, and I am looking forward to it.

Re: Gathering at the Pea Pod

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 5:07 pm
by Erik
There was the usual winter chill, with the sky dark with snow laden clouds, threatening to dump another layer of white onto the already icy streets. Erik gave thanks for his stout boots as he strode (somewhat carefully) towards the welcoming door of the Pea Pod. Despite the cold it was still warmer than the recent encampment outside Goldedge he thought to himself with a mental chuckle.
As he pushed the door open a blast of warm air carried the welcome odour of spiced ales and cider and of Jorl's famous pea soup. Swiftly entering the inn Erik closed the door against the cold outside and shrugged off his warm cloak to hang it by the door before crossing the bar floor to join his friends near the crackling fire. "Mulled Cider please Goodman Jorl, and a large bowl of pea soup. And whatever my friends are having".
Taking his seat Erik held his hands out to the fire to bring warmth back into his fingertips. "I cannot stay long" he told his comrades. "I have much to do before we leave on our Heroquest in the morning, but I wanted a last visit before the place closes for Sacred Time . My stable boy Bob and my new groom Torben (who has volunteered to join us, good for him) are preparing the horses and Ondurga has prepared trail rations for the trip. I called in at the Mularik's Company Barracks on the way here to see that the troops were well cared for after the campaign and I plan to visit the Temple of Orlanth on my way home to pray for out success and to burn some incense to remember our fallen colleagues. Then it's back to Queensgift House for one last night in a warm bed with Yealla."
Jorl arrived with his soup and cider. "Goodman, I have a tale to amuse you. During the siege the Lunars sent a parley party out from Goldedge to try to discuss terms. They wanted to agree to surrender the city to us on condition we allow them to march back to their own lines with all of their arms and equipment. We of course refused, we had them in a trap, and we knew that they were on half rations due to the Thieves' Arm under Garoor having intercepted many of their resupplies. So when they entered the command tent they were met by us tucking in to bowls of your pea and ham soup. "Would you care for a bowl" I enquired casually? "We are just having our usual mid morning snack". "Never!" replied their commander. If our men in Goldedge are starving, we will starve with them". At which one of his juniors burst into tears. "But sir" she cried. "They've got CROUTONS!". You can imagine the effect on their morale when that story got back to the garrison." He paused whilst the party laughed at the story, Jorl seeming the most amused.
"Let us raise a glass each and drink two toasts. The first to our good fortune in the Heroquest. The second to Goodman Jorl and his wonderful Inn, his Mulled Ale and Cider and his siege winning Pea and Ham soup!"

Re: Gathering at the Pea Pod

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 9:05 pm
by Quatlu
Quatlu was glad to see Erik back from campaigning, and gave him both a firm handshake and a pat on the back. He nodded as Erik ticked off the list of things he had done to prepare for the Hero Quest, and raised a toast to Erik's thoughtfulness. The story from the Front left them all laughing, and he admired the way Erik had used Jorl's Pea Soup as a weapon against the Lunar enemy. "Fast thinking there, Erik."

Quatlu raised his mug to follow Erik's lead and toast the success of the Hero Quest, and to their genial host, Jorl, for his steady contributions to the morale and victory of the King's forces on campaign.

Re: Gathering at the Pea Pod

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 9:01 pm
by Ivarenna
Ivarenna approached the Pea Pod. She brushed off the snow from her thick bearskin coat just outside the entrance way, opened the door and walked inside. She hung up her coat and looked around the room.

She was pleased to see several familiar faces inside.

"Greetings Qautlu, greetings Julian, greetings Erik, greetings Jorl."

Ivarenna orders a jug of mulled cider for the table from Jorl.

"Well, gentlemen, it appears Sacred Time us upon us once again! As you know I am not one to beat about the bush! Let us talk of the Heroquest that we are undertaking!"

Re: Gathering at the Pea Pod

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2024 1:50 am
by Quatlu
As Baroness Ivarenna entered the Pea Pod, Quatlu grinned and indicted her arrival to the gathered comrades. "Hail and well met, Baroness!", he called across the room. After she had seated herself and greeted the group by the fire, Quatlu said, "In answer to your question, I have indicted to the High Priest of the Great Temple that we wish to undertake "The Arming of Orlanth" quest during Sacred Time this year. I have proposed it on the Cautious level, as to my knowledge none of us has ever undertaken such an adventure before, and I am not sure what we will find. However, after the incredible experiences encountered during the High Holy Day ceremony, adequate words fail me to predict exactly what we might encounter on this Hero Quest."

Re: Gathering at the Pea Pod

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2024 12:44 am
by Rufus
Rufus finally enters the Pea Pod, just as everyone of else was leaving.
His formerly fine clothes are now looking a bit tired and worn - but he is in reasonably good spirits.

The campaign had finished well and it is rumoured that the King might consider Rufus for further promotion amongst the ranks of the nobility. That would be truly an honour! Rufus is also delighted that Erik will soon be ennobled. It had seemed so wrong that such a mighty warrior should be without recognition.

He apologises for being late but explains that he has been down to the Temple of Orlanth to see if he can drum up support for one of the Rune Lords to go on a cult quest and thereby vacate his position.

However, he is excited to be joining Quatlu's hero quest.

Finally, he needs to go see Daraea - "being at the front can be a bit lonely - if you see what I mean"

Re: Gathering at the Pea Pod

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2024 11:54 am
by Erik
Jorl closed the door of his shuttered Inn behind him and set out for the temple of Issaries. The Pea Pod was closed during Sacred Time, the curtains closed on the windows, tables and chairs piled in a corner to enable Jorl (or rather his potboy) to give the flagstones a thorough cleaning), the beer, cider and wine barrels untapped (apart from those which needed drinking up before the end of the month - a hard job, but one that Jorl regarded as a sacred duty), the soup pots upturned and glistening clean on the work surface in the Inns' tidy little kitchen. Jorl was on his way to the Great Temple to give thanks for the success of his Inn in the previous year and to light a candle for those of his regular customers who were even now venturing upon a Heroquest. He thanked his deity that his trading cult was tolerant of all others and that he could pray for the success of those who followed other cults as well as other devotees of Issaries. The Innkeeper looked forward to their return. The Pea Pod was always full to bursting upon it's re-opening in the first week of Early Sea, but to see the heroes return and hear their stirring tales - that would pull in even more customers, he was certain of that. Would the spring weather be good enough that he could put out tables and chairs in the yard? Perhaps he could stretch an awning over the courtyard, in case of spring showers, along with charcoal braziers to keep the customers warm? Happy with thoughts of another good and profitable year ahead Jorl walked on. Would he like to go on a Heroquest, he wondered? Perhaps one day - but not yet!