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1632 - 1 (Sacred Time) - Turn Report

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2024 8:59 pm
by Puckohue
As Sacred Time approached, Groom Torben bought and consumed a dose of hazia, increasing his contact with the spiritual world.

Lt Warlord Garoor settled a debt with the moneylenders, while Warlord Fionn engaged in conspicuous consumption.

Titles, Appointments & Cult Ranks

King Argrath decided against giving Baron Rufus the title of drighten at this time.

Groom Torben was not appointed aide to a Balmyr baron.

Baroness Ivarenna was unable to convince a rune lord of Orlanth to resign, despite using her own influence and that of her appointment. However, Baron Rufus, also using his influence and that of his appointment, manages to convince Rune Lord Broin Avaellason to go on a cult mission and resign from his position.

Baroness Ivarenna was not promoted to assistant priest nor to rune lord of Orlanth.

Baron Rufus was promoted to assistant rune lord of Orlanth.

Warlord Quatlu was promoted to assistant priest of Orlanth.

Ten-thane Ondurga was promoted to initiate of Eurmal.

Re: 1632 - 1 (Sacred Time) - Turn Report

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2024 9:03 pm
by Puckohue
The Arming of Orlanth

On the initiative of Assistant Priest Quatlu, preparations were made to perform the heroquest The Arming of Orlanth. Hundreds of citizens gathered in the temple of Orlanth. High Priestess Teganeth recited the myth:
One day, at the Hill of Victory, Orlanth met with the Vingkotlings for a Property Celebration. There he planned to review his possessions, and those of his tribe, as was first done at Longhearth.

But the feast went poorly. First, Orlanth's wife was not present. This disturbed the god, as it always did, for the seat beside him was empty, and half of his conversations were spoken to empty space. And others from his household were gone, too, so that the beer was flat, the hearth was cold, and the food was no better than cold porridge.

Furthermore, the feast was disturbed. Whenever some person was called upon to admire or present a tool, he was called away by some combat or other duty elsewhere. Often they did not return.

At last Orlanth lost his temper. “What is this?” he cried. “Not since Ernalda was borne away have I felt so angry. Where is the respect which is due me in this time?”

And they said, “It is with the Grand Order, Great Lord.”

“And where is the Grand Order?” he demanded. And everyone agreed that it was gone, because the god of it had been taken away by the darkness.
Orlanth brooded so darkly that he made the Bad Rain. When clouds gather black, and do not drop their rain, and sink to the ground, monsters can come out of them. They did then, the first time, and Orlanth had to rise from his chair to drive Nasty Urain away.

“The world has fallen,” he said afterwards, “when a chief cannot have peace through a meal. I will go and regain this Grand Order.” He called for the Knowing God to come to him, and asked what the Grand Order was.

“It is a mirror of fire,” said Lhankor Mhy. “It is not for everyone. Some are consumed by it. Others turn bone cold.”

Orlanth asked where it was. “Past the edge of the world,” said the Knowing God. “I do not know the roads myself.”

“Then I will find them,” said Orlanth, “and I will return with the Grand Order so that we can have a decent meal.”

Then Heler armed Orlanth with all the apparel of war. First he laced on a pair of greaves, and made them fast with dog-hide thongs. He put over his lord's broad shoulders a shirt of the finest linen, cut sleeveless to show the proud marks, and over that a stout sleeved corset of red and green.

Then over Orlanth's head he put the great coat of mail named Turnspear, which reached to his knees, and was so fine and supple that it did not make a sound when he walked. Then Heler girded about his lord's waist a stout belt cut with magical figures, which bore the sword whose name is Humakt. On the right side hung Babeester his trusty axe.

He wrapped his long hair as a cushion, and held it in place with a ribbon from his wife. Orlanth wore a stiff coif, marked with runes, and then Heler placed the proud helmet named Spare Me, which was made by a lord of the dwarfs, upon his head. Heler placed the shield of Arran in his left hand; and in the right were the pair of swift javelins, called Lightning; and the stout Thunderbolt spear. Then he called for his chariot, borne by the steeds called Crisis and Rage, and his driver, Mastakos. Orlanth mounted, and before his clan he named Yelmalio chieftain to command them while he was gone.

He said, “If you will swear to support me, and to remember me, and respond in the right ways when it is time, then we will never be separate, and our destinies will be bound together whatever we do.” So his people swore to remember him and support him, and they made the Eternal Ring in their midst, and set armed men to defend it all around. This way, if he needed them, they could help their lord.

“With these things,” said Orlanth, “and my own Virtue, I will find the Grand Order again.” And he departed from the Hill of Orlanth Victorious upon his quest.
Quatlu is chosen to be the leader of the heroquest. With Rune Lord Erik, assistant rune lords Baroness Ivarenna, Baron Rufus, and Afur, initiates Julian, Ondurga, and Torben, and lay member Harold, a large following depart to the Hill of Orlanth Victorious.

Re: 1632 - 1 (Sacred Time) - Turn Report

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2024 9:04 pm
by Puckohue
Week 1
Erinestra brought Arng to the library of Lhankor Mhy where they participated in a Sacred Time ceremony and toadied to the high priest. Fionn participated in a Sacred Time ceremony at the Humakt temple, showing conspicuous piety and toadying to the priest. Grumbold brought Oneldna to the Orlanth temple where they participated in a sacred time ceremony. Garoor was also there, showing conspicuous piety.

Week 2
Erinestra participated in a ceremony at the Issaries temple. Garoor participated in a ceremony at the Storm Bull temple and toadied to the priest. Fionn enrolled in a cult studies course, and Grumbold tended to his shop.

Week 3
Fionn continued his cult studies. Erinestra tended to her shop. Garoor participated in a ceremony at the Chalana Arroy hospital, toadying to the high priest. Grumbold participated in a ceremony at the Issaries temple.

Week 4
Erinestra and Grumbold tended to their shops. Fionn participated in a ceremony at the Lhankor Mhy library, toadying to the priest. Garoor, not having been relieved of a week of cult duties, brought Terdis to the temple of Storm Bull, participated in a ceremony and toadied to the rune lord.

Re: 1632 - 1 (Sacred Time) - Turn Report

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2024 9:14 pm
by Puckohue
Return of the HeroQuesters

The heroquesters return to Boldhome, having succesfully performed The Arming of Orlanth.

((As a result, the highest commander of any battle will enjoy a +1 bonus to their Battle skill during 1632.))

Erik and Quatlu will be considered for titles.

Afur, Julian, Rufus, and Harold will be recommended for cult promotion.

Harold was mentioned in battlesongs.

Erik and Quatlu brought back jewelry worth about 1.000 Lunars. Baroness Ivarenna less than half of that, and Baron Rufus more than that.

The bad news is that Ondurga died during the heroquest, and that Julian is currently stuck on the heroplane, having had the part of Mastakos, the charioteer of Orlanth, and ran off in the distance.