1632 - 3 (Late Sea) - Announcements

Announcements and Applications. In character posts.
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1632 - 3 (Late Sea) - Announcements

Post by Puckohue »

  • Assistant Priest of Orlanth Saral Fartipson to resign
  • Assistant Priest of Orlanth
  • 1st Division Adjutant
  • Aide to City Ring Member Korolrai Soldason (P)
Regimental Adjutant of the Free Philosophers


Week 1
King Argrath decides to bestow Erik with the title of drighten. He is invited to the royal feast in conjunction with the royal Wintertop envoy, the first week of 1632 - 3 (Late Sea Season).
In fact, all titled characters must attend the feast, unless they are at the front. Failure to attend will cost their CHA in CPs and earn them a NiS. Additionally a 6 in a 1D6 will end any appointment they may have.

Week 2
  • Erik will lead a ceremony at the temple of Orlanth.
  • Betrothal celebration. All residents of Boldhome are welcome except those who might be inclined to disturb the sanctity of the celebration with peremptory challenges to the bride or groom. {regretfully nobles of CHA <11 may not attend}
Week 3
Wedding of Grumbold and Oneldna at temple of Issaries. All residents of Boldhome are welcome except those who might be inclined to disturb the sanctity of the celebration with peremptory challenges to the bride or groom. {regretfully nobles of CHA <11 may not attend}

Week 4
There is a Royal Feast in conjucntion with the major Dagori Inkarth envoy. There will be games at the feast (duelling).
All titled characters must attend both the feast and the games, unless they are at the front. Failure to attend the feast will cost their CHA in CPs and earn them a NiS. Additionally a 6 in a 1D6 will end any appointment they may have. Failure to attend the games will likewise cost their CHA in CPs and a NiS. Additionally a 6 in a 1D6 will end any appointment they may have.