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Money for Malvolio

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 1:03 pm
by Torben
People of Boldhome,

Grave news from the Front, at the ongoing siege at Slavewall, our good friend and military officer Ten-Thane Malvolio Korolson has been captured as he sought to escape from the city. What terrible news and the Gods only know what will help to the poor fellow if help is not forthcoming?!

However....such help, or purse, is at hand as for a sum of 900 Lunars we can seek to barter for his freedom and see him safely returned home, free once again to lead our forces against the foe.

I have a few lunars I can offer up, sadly I'm a man of somewhat limited means BUT if we all chip in together then maybe we can raise the funds between us. I'll begin the donations by pledging 150 lunars so that leaves 750 still to find, who else is prepared to give generously, remember it could well be you facing a similar situation and wouldn't you be keen to learn who your true friends were and that help is coming? Of course, you would who can ever forget that old Lankhor Mhy saying "He/She who throws in a big bag of coins will surely reap rewards later".

Since I'm also still laid up in this nice Chalana Arroy hospital, with not much to do except go over in my mind, again & again, the glorious victory over Afur I can happily act as the Ransom Co-ordinator so send your donations to me and I'll keep everyone updated as to how our target of 900 lunars (well, 750 lunars now) is progressing.

Broar Hofarson
Lankhor Mhy cultist
Member of the Magnificent Malani Tribe

Re: Money for Malvolio

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 9:54 am
by Erinestra
That is dire news indeed. Sadly i have little spare funds but will happily pledge 50L.

Re: Money for Malvolio

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 10:03 am
by Torben
Erinestra wrote: Wed May 31, 2023 9:54 am That is dire news indeed. Sadly i have little spare funds but will happily pledge 50L.
Well done, every little that great Lankhor Mhy High Priestess Tess Koe once said! That now brings the ransom funds to 200 Lunars so we just need another 700.

Come on the rest of you, even you Afur and Erik, Colymar you may be but don't be Tightpurses too! Who is decent enough to follow the efforts of me, a humble destitute cotters son, and beautiful Erinestra, an up and coming Shopkeeper....surely some must step forward?

Re: Money for Malvolio

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 11:12 am
by Finn
I'm at the front and have no money, but if it helps I'm happy to make my mark on a wax tablet to pledge a sum of 100L, pending good looting!


p.s with the Money Lenders hot on my trail if/when I return to Boldholm, I doubt I'll be returning till I am in-funds lol

Re: Money for Malvolio

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 12:29 pm
by Torben
Wonderful wrote: Wed May 31, 2023 11:12 am I'm at the front and have no money, but if it helps I'm happy to make my mark on a wax tablet to pledge a sum of 100L, pending good looting!


p.s with the Money Lenders hot on my trail if/when I return to Boldholm, I doubt I'll be returning till I am in-funds lol
Hmmmh...errr...well...I guess it's something though I'm not too sure how much credit will be given to it by some greedy Lunar jailer? However the thought, if not the actual money, is there so thank you but just remember to send actual money should you gain any loot this coming month.

Re: Money for Malvolio

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 4:04 pm
by Saling
Dararda finally reached her destination. The city of Boldhome was swallowing the young tribal warrior in his streets. With big eyes and a swirling head she tried to take in all the new impressions. 'Where to start?' She asked herself not sure what the future might bring she checked her purse again. 'Well a drink and something to fill my belly would not be a bad start..." Just moments later a cool drink was running down her throad.

Re: Money for Malvolio

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 9:15 pm
by Torben
Dararda wrote: Wed May 31, 2023 4:04 pm Dararda finally reached her destination. The city of Boldhome was swallowing the young tribal warrior in his streets. With big eyes and a swirling head she tried to take in all the new impressions. 'Where to start?' She asked herself not sure what the future might bring she checked her purse again. 'Well a drink and something to fill my belly would not be a bad start..." Just moments later a cool drink was running down her throad.
Are you taunting us?! Here we are trying to raise money to rescue a fellow warrior in distress and instead of an offer to help, via the pledge of some lunars, we are spun stories of how said lunars are to be spent in drinking and eating....outrageous!

Re: Money for Malvolio

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 8:35 am
by Saling
ooC.: I am to stupid to post in the correct threat. ;)

"Well quite the opposite." Dararda nearly spilled her drink. "Could you tell me what happened to this person? I am pretty run down on money but if I can give a helping hand?"

Re: Money for Malvolio

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 9:07 am
by Torben
Dararda wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 8:35 am ooC.: I am to stupid to post in the correct threat. ;)

"Well quite the opposite." Dararda nearly spilled her drink. "Could you tell me what happened to this person? I am pretty run down on money but if I can give a helping hand?"
OOC - If you read through the last turn's results (1630-4 Early Fire Season) you'll see that one of the PC Characters Malvolio was captured while at the Front and is now a Prisoner of War. He can be saved, possibly, by either a Ransom or a Rescue Attempt so as the former is the least dangerous to all involved there is a 'whip-round' being organised to try and raise the 900 Lunars required, so far we have pledges of 150L+50L+a sort of I.O.U of 100L dependent on loot / plunder being gained at the Front this coming month.

If you'd like to chip in something, every little helps, then Broar is co-ordinating the Ransom funds. Just let the GM know in your orders how much you can spare and that it will be sent on to Broar, that way I can arrange for the payment to his captures. We are somewhat short at the moment so if you can 'chip-in' it'll be much appreciated.

Re: Money for Malvolio

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 9:24 am
by Saling
ooC: All fine. Any plans for a rescue mission?

Dararda heard the sad fate of Malvolio. "Perhaps I might get a few Lunars. But it won't be much. Any chance we might get this poor fellow out of the tribes hands? I am currently available and if we figure out a rescueplan..."