Chalana Arroy charms, get yours here!

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Chalana Arroy charms, get yours here!

Post by Torben »

My dear friends,

It saddens me to learn that several of our more prominent city members, who were also members of the military, have lost their lives over recent months in wars against both the Lunar Empire and the forces of Chaos. Precious lives lost too early, families mourning a loved one, regiments lamenting their dead etc etc. help is at hand! Having recently been elevated to the lofty heights of the Initiate ranks within Chalana Arroy I am more than suitably placed to try and bring that extra protection to our brave troops in the form of a Lucky Chalana Arroy charm!! Yes, for the very reasonable, some may even say bargain, price of just 20 lunars I can have one of these sweet beauties delivered to you all ready to start aiding you when facing the foe. I'm almost cutting my own throat here with these prices, when you think of the effort that goes into each one, the making of the charm, the ceremonial blessing, the delivery etc and you can get one for just 20 lunars!!

Each charm is individually made and blessed at a Chalana Arroy ceremony. They come in the form of a small figurine of the Blessed Mother that can easily be worn around the neck and under armour, totally discreet and your enemy won't even realise that they're pitted against someone who is protected by such a wonderful item....well, not until it's too late for them anyway!!

So, to receive this extra protection just send me the 20 lunars and you can step into the fray with confidence and a God on your side.....actually, in fact, two Gods because I can pop on my own blessing too, that of Broar the Benevolent, which makes enemies less willing to attack you as they will see you as a really decent kind of person, a person they would not wish to harm or kill.

And it wouldn't be a Broar offer if there wasn't a guarantee that should you not find the charm useful to you and you are subsequently mortally wounded then the whole 20 lunars will be refunded upon return. Can't say fairer than that now, can I !
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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