To: The Proprietor(s) of the Scribbled Scroll Inn

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To: The Proprietor(s) of the Scribbled Scroll Inn

Post by Torben »

Dear Sir(s),

As you are aware I have been a loyal member of your establishment for many months now, in fact I am the longest serving member amongst the better known personages of our fair City. Our association has been mutually beneficial, in particular for your Inn as I know of none other that has an actual God as a member!

However......what do I see this month other than the class of the cliental has been allowed to go somewhat downhill by the admission of one Erik Starkraving (aka Stargazer) to the ranks of the 'Regulars'!! Perhaps this was a genuine error, one can only pray that it was, as the fellow is a frightful lunatic, obsessed with violence and hurling unmerited challenges at people all to try and sate his insatiable desire for blood and mayhem.

The Scribbled Scroll will soon find itself tainted by association and those of it's proper members, i.e. we scholars and learned folk, leaving in droves as we're not prepared for our genteel environment to be polluted by this pig! He simply has to go, before we all do! Say you made a mistake with his membership application or something suchlike and revoke it forthwith, speaking on behalf of my fellow regulars we'll give you until next month BUT he must be gone by then.
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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