1630 - 2 (Early Sea) - Turn Report

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1630 - 2 (Early Sea) - Turn Report

Post by Puckohue »

The bustling city of Boldhome was teeming with life during the early Sea season. Locals and newcomers alike were driven by their own desires and aspirations, readying themselves for the exciting opportunities and obstacles that awaited them.

Afur, Broar, Wonderful, and Zollman were all spotted making visits to the moneylenders, no doubt fueling their ambitions for the future. Broar, a fierce member of the Malani tribe, answered the call to duty and joined the tribe's levy, heading straight to the front lines to battle the dreaded Lunar Empire.

Meanwhile, Afur, Ondureen, and Wonderful were living large, indulging in lavish spending and frequenting the inns of Boldhome. Afur chose Fantarn's, Eodal preferred Geo's, while Zollman made himself at home in The Scribbled Scroll. Erinestra, Jarrek, and Ondureen, on the other hand, took pleasure in the cozy confines of The Red Beaver.

The city's temples were also abuzz with new residents. Erinestra joined the trader cult of Issaries, while Zollman pledged his allegiance to the cult of Humakt. Jarrek and Wonderful chose to honor the cult of Orlanth.

Afur set his sights on the Colymar Cavalry regiment, buying himself the rank of Hundred-Thane, and purchasing horses and recruiting a stable hand. Meanwhile, Eodal purchased a new home and threw a housewarming party that nobody bothered to attend - a missed opportunity for those seeking to suck up to the new homeowner.

As the second week arrived, Ondureen initiated into the cult of Babeester Gor, while Zollman aimed to join the Royal Guard, but was denied. He instead found a place among the Malani Humakti in the Fellowship of Death, buying the rank of Ten-Thane. Afur was busy courting the wealthy and influential Sod, only to be harshly rejected.

During the third week, Eodal pledged his devotion to the cult of Yelmalio, while Jarrek was accepted into Goldgotti's Company as a Subaltern. Ondureen wasn't as fortunate, failing to secure a place among the Candle Dancers. She did secure a place among the Bush Rangers, where she bought the rank of Hundred-Thane and the horses needed. Zollman and Wonderful were both fully committed to their respective cults, with Wonderful even going so far as to toady to the ceremony leader.

As the final week approached, Jarrek dutifully carried out his regimental duties, while Wonderful applied to join the Wolf Runners regiment. Despite being from the Vantaros tribe, she was accepted into the Cinsina dominated regiment as a Subaltern. Eodal and Erinestra worshipped at the Temple of Uleria, while Afur became initiated into the cult of Ernalda the Earth Mother.

On the front lines, the defense of the stone walls of the Tarshite town of Bagnot against the Lunar Empire was the top priority. Despite the heroic sacrifices of many, including the regimental Warlord, the Imperial siege works and madness demons ultimately prevailed. Broar was among the lucky few who survived.
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