"Damn.....and double damn......in fact 7 times this season lousy damn", cried out God Broar, "What is wrong with this City and it's clearly corrupt administration? Every single application I make gets rejected! It can't be me, there has to be malign powers at work, some treacherous agent of the powers of Chaos secretly plotting against me as I offer true grace and magnificence to Boldhome yet someone, or some thing, is orchestrating a campaign against me and, therefore, the City too".
Rummaging through his heaps of notes and writings God Broar paused for a moment to reflect........"There's got to be a key player here, there must be a source behind all this, trouble is just who is it? Let's have a quick recap at what has happened over the last 4 weeks....hmmmh....promoted to God Talker.....appointed as an Aide, to one of the posts I wanted.....it's clear isn't it....it's him again...Evil Erik,,,he's the one and behind this veil of Orlanth membership I just know he's actually a minion of Krasht the Devourer, or maybe it's the Cacodemon or perhaps even Mallia, Goddess of Disease, probably the latter to be honest as that may explain why he stinks so much! There can be no way otherwise that he would have secured such appointments ahead of me, Evil Erik doesn't deserve them, I deserve them, they are rightfully mine and I simply won't be cheated!!
Trouble is, now, what to do about it? How can I strike back? No point asking the Blessed Mother for guidance as she'll just tell me to turn the other cheek or something, just be nice to him and perhaps he'll change....pah, how is an agent of Chaos ever going to change, especially one as tainted as Evil Erik. As for Old Beardy Chops, Lhankor Mhy, it'll take forever to get a straight answer from him, all he ever says is veiled in mystic vagueries.
HOWEVER, I'm a God aren't I so I might as just as well ask myself, at least I'll get a straight answer and I'm going to answer myself for free, none of that surrendering up power nonsense! Ok, well here goes.....-
Oh Divine Broar the Benevolent, most blessed amongst Gods make clear to yourself a foolproof and cunning plan to rid Boldhome and the world of the menace that is Evil Erik Starkraving. Share to myself the best way to triumph and then the people will marvel in your splendor and give praise to you for saving them from a nasty Chaos threat.
Right that should do it, all I need do now is just have a little nap and wait to be told in my dreams what to do.....job almost sorted.
I grant myself Divine Intervention!
I grant myself Divine Intervention!
Torben Dungshuvler
Lt.Warlord, Free Philosophers Regt
Initiate of Orlanth / Lay Member of Lhankor Mhy
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods

Lt.Warlord, Free Philosophers Regt
Initiate of Orlanth / Lay Member of Lhankor Mhy
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods