A Vision, a Miracle & a Quest!

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A Vision, a Miracle & a Quest!

Post by Torben »

My dear friends, for you are all such,

Who'd have believed it eh.....there I was, following Priestly orders, by laying in my hospital bed over here in the Chalana Arroy Temple, undertaking total bed rest...when....all of a sudden....I had a vision! Yes, it was the Blessed Mother herself who revealed to me how much she has been pleased by my adherence to her cult and what a fine example that I have been making to all of the other Chalana Arroy cultists. What's more she had seen how I had been struck down by this mysterious malady and decided to directly intervene to ensure I was cured with immediate effect and, lo and behold, I have been!! Back to full strength, brimming with health and energy, absolutely fully restored and feel the best I've ever done in my entire life, may the God's bless our Blessed Mother for her wonderful gift of healing to those she truly favours. What a miracle!

Of course, the first thing I said to her was now that I'm cured for sure I'll be getting my medical gear together, all my equipment necessary for the Front and reporting immediately to the barracks of my regiment, Mularik's Company. I was simply chomping at the bit, to use a cavalry term, to join up with my regimental colleagues / friends and to march off to the Front.

But, who are we mere mortals (well, I know I'm a God, but you get my point here as I also happen to be a member of my fellow Lightbringer God's cult) to question the thoughts and desires of a God....you see, because the Blessed Mother then tells me that she wants me to prove my worth as a Lightbringer God too by showing to the people of Boldhome that Cult Broar is just as good as all the other 'mainstream' cults that are knocking around AND because the Blessed Mother is considering a Divine Union between her cult and mine and there is a great potential for a heavenly wedding to take place if I do so!!

So, the upshot of all this is that I'm going to have to go away for a short while, on some sort of extra special Hero Quest adventure which means, and I'm trying not to be annoyed over this still, I can't go to the Front. Still, on the positive side I can remain a member of Mularik's Company which I know will be great news to my colleagues as so many have been urging me to stay. I just wish that meant you could get an interim replacement for me while you're all at the actual Front but....gosh....seems what with me not actually needing to resign now there will be no actual vacancy and I'll be able to come back to the Regiment just as soon as I'm back from my extra special Hero Quest. I knew that would cheer you all up.

Whilst I'm away I shall be entrusting the running of Cult Broar to my cousin, Brear Hofarson, one of those Malani Tribe lot but I'm hoping he'll see sense and join Tribe Broar soon. He's a nice lad, as I say, a cousin, my father's brother's son and...this is the funny bit....he could almost be mistaken for me as he does coincidentally happen to look a lot like me, except for the fact his hair is black and mine is brown, plus he has moustache which I don't but, aside from that, many have remarked that we could be twins. I'm expecting him to arrive soon and I hope you'll all give him a warm welcome, be kind to him as a newcomer. If I recall he was interested in the old business side of things so maybe he'll open a small store or something, who knows, time will tell and I'm sure he'll do well for himself while I'm away and with him taking care of Cult Broar any of those pesky creditors that keep turning up demanding money won't be able to hassle him as he doesn't owe anything, obviously, as he's never been to Boldhome before.

See you all when I get back and I'll be sure to have the wedding invites ready to send to you all, for what will surely be the wedding of the Year, the wedding of the decade, the wedding of a lifetime......Broar Hofaron (aka Broar Broarson) & Chalana Arroy, a truly divine marriage!
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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