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Post by grumbold99 »

May I ask if the captive can write letters to Boldhome to solicit support or offer to pay some (or all) of their ransom personally? Nobody is likely to be more keen to part with a little cash to ensure their survival than the captive themselves :D

Can they take out loans from the moneylenders to facilitate the payment of ransom?

Can a player reduce the uncertainty of ransom acceptance by paying more? e.g. if we offer 50% more than the current demand it increases acceptance chance to 100% or 5 in 6?
Grumbold Rahlefson of Princeros

Skinny tow-headed beanpole of a man; usually complaining about the weather when not praising the virtues of his wife.
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Re: Ransom

Post by Puckohue »

grumbold99 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2024 2:17 pm if the captive can write letters to Boldhome
No, characters in captivity can only communicate with other prisoners.
grumbold99 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2024 2:17 pm Can they take out loans
No. They can't do anything other than attempt to escape.
grumbold99 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2024 2:17 pm Can a player reduce the uncertainty of ransom acceptance by paying more? e.g. if we offer 50% more than the current demand it increases acceptance chance to 100% or 5 in 6?
Are you seriously considering this? If so I can give it some though.
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Re: Ransom

Post by grumbold99 »

The latter was more of a follow-on to the previous questions.

If I was a wealthy individual that had been captured, I would want to write "home" with instructions that my own wealth be spent to secure my release. I would also prefer to spend more in order to increase the chance of success rather than rot in prison for several months, playing no meaningful part in the game and risking illness waiting for the 50% chance of release after 3 months.
Grumbold Rahlefson of Princeros

Skinny tow-headed beanpole of a man; usually complaining about the weather when not praising the virtues of his wife.
Proprietor of Silks and Sapphires. Conspicuously buy your apparel here!
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Re: Ransom

Post by Puckohue »

grumbold99 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2024 3:37 pm If I was a wealthy individual that had been captured, I would want to write "home" with instructions that my own wealth be spent to secure my release.
I see your point. It would be stupid not to allow the prisoner to raise the ransom. I'll amend the rules to allow prisoners to pay their own ransom, or part of it, when I find the time.
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Re: Ransom

Post by grumbold99 »

Might I advocate for this as a matter of some urgency now that Griselna has sadly expired before an increased ransom could be found and a Warlord of some considerable personal means languishes in a Lunar prison?
Grumbold Rahlefson of Princeros

Skinny tow-headed beanpole of a man; usually complaining about the weather when not praising the virtues of his wife.
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Re: Ransom

Post by Puckohue »

Maybe +10% ”ransom is accepted” per +20% increase of the offered ransom, which would mean 100% at double ransom?
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Re: Ransom

Post by grumbold99 »

That's interesting but breaks away from the system of all rolls being made on d6. How aboout success on 7+ on 2d6. Each 20% extra gives a cumulative +1 to the attempt. (this is a little more favourable to the player)

You were also considering amending the rules to allow the prisoner to contribute to their own ransom. I suspect we may struggle to raise 1200 L for Rufus without his help, but rumour in society would suggest that he's good for it.
Grumbold Rahlefson of Princeros

Skinny tow-headed beanpole of a man; usually complaining about the weather when not praising the virtues of his wife.
Proprietor of Silks and Sapphires. Conspicuously buy your apparel here!
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Re: Ransom

Post by Puckohue »

Sounds fine to me.

I’ve already changed the wording to allow POW:s to pay their ransom (or part of it). Sorry for not communicating this clearly.
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Re: Ransom

Post by grumbold99 »

Excellent, thanks.
Grumbold Rahlefson of Princeros

Skinny tow-headed beanpole of a man; usually complaining about the weather when not praising the virtues of his wife.
Proprietor of Silks and Sapphires. Conspicuously buy your apparel here!
Warlord of the Royal Foot Guard.
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Re: Ransom

Post by Puckohue »

When I find the time I will clarify the rules. This is the intention:

The total of the contributions will be capped at the highest 20%-increment possible. You are allowed to specify that you will only contribute to the basic ransom level (CHAx100), or e.g. 40% above.


Marerraina CHA 5 is a POW. Base ransom is CHAx100L = 5x100L = 500L.

Marerraina contributes 380L.
Gaamk is willing to contribute 200L, but only to the base ransom level.
Lonlanga is willing to contribute 300L.
Silgast is willing to contribute 600L, but only to reach 20% above base ransom.

Marerraina contributes 380L.
500L - 380L = 120L left.
120L/3 = 40L each for Gaamk, Lonlanga, and Silgast, to reach basic ransom level.
Gaamk contributes 40L.
Lonlanga and Silgast contribute 40L each to reach base ransom level.

20% of 500L is 100L.

100L/2 = 50L each for Lonlanga and Silgast to reach 20% above base ransom level (+1).
Silgast's total contribution is 40+50=90L.
Lonlanga has contributed 40+50=90L, and has 210L left until her limit is reached.
She contributes another 200L (+2), for a total of 290L.

Ransom of 380+40+40+40+50+50+200=800L is offered, and will be accepted on 4+ (7-3) on 2D6.
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