An Upcoming Gathering

Announcements and Applications. In character posts.
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Joined: Fri Feb 09, 2024 9:57 am

An Upcoming Gathering

Post by Serbitar »

Greetings from one new to Boldholme

I am very glad to have arrived in the city and look forward to making my home here.

For those not serving amongst the brave souls at the front, I would like to invite you all to join me at Fantarns Inn on the last day of middle fire where I will be hosting a gathering so we may all meet and get acquainted.

Many, such as myself, are new to Boldholme and I would very much enjoy meeting you all for food, drink and convivial conversation. It could potentially benefit us all as we get to know each other and our new city.

Please, if you are free, drop by and say hello, I hope, and look forward, to meeting you all in the near future

Serbitar Darason
Posts: 153
Joined: Sun Apr 16, 2023 5:13 pm

Re: An Upcoming Gathering

Post by Ararg »


Your invitation is much appreciated. I am newly come to Boldhome and know no-one here. I would be very grateful to meet others new to the city.
Ararg Rakelison of the Balkoth
Newly arrived in Boldhome
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