Jarl Toin Beethson of Alone will be the host of Royal Feasts in week 3 and 4.
Normal rules for court attendance is in effect:
Drightens, City ring members, (full) Generals, Guild Masters, and Priests may, once per Turn, attend court as a weekly activity.
Titled nobles may attend for (Noble Rank -1) weeks and Cult members for (Cult Rank -5) weeks.
An attendee may bring their lover (provided they have CHA 10+) or another single guest (provided they have CHA 10+) but must pay for court dress.
An attendee whose lover can attend court in their own right can bring both the lover and an additional guest.
In addition:
Attendees earn an extra CP in addition to what court attendance, carousing, toadying etc earn them. Carousing is free.
You can still attend a Royal Feast even if your Court attendance allocation for the Turn has been spent.
Royal Feasts must be attended by all titled characters unless they are at the front. Failure to attend will cost their CHA in CPs and earn them a NiS. Additionally a 6 in a 1D6 will end any appointment they may have.
Quatlu wrote: ↑Mon Jun 24, 2024 6:04 pmParty Announcement: In celebration of his recent promotion to Wind Lord of Orlanth, Warlord Quatlu Carasilson and his beloved Darra Ulisdaughter will invite Quatlu’s friends and fellow Sword Brothers and Sword Sisters to a private party in Week Two at the Three Suns (Specific Orlanth Worshippers of CHA 8+ and their companions, if any). This includes by specific invitation, Erik Stargazer and Yealla, Afur Brekallisson and Sod, Baroness Ivarenna Hainasdaughter, Lt. Warlord Grumbold Rahlefson, Julian Sartarvutson and Harmeleenrios, and Harold Rastison. Quatlu and Darra will pay for all carousing costs for invited guests and their companions.
Thank you Warlord Quatlu, I look forward to attending with my companion Silast Anolanson.
Baroness Ivarenna Hainasdaughter of the Balmyr
Aide to Goldgotti the City Treasurer
Rune Lord of Orlanth
Hundred-thane, Third Battalion, Mularik's Company
Puckohue wrote: ↑Wed Jun 26, 2024 9:15 pm
Jarl Toin Beethson of Alone will be the host of Royal Feasts in week 3 and 4.
Normal rules for court attendance is in effect:
Drightens, City ring members, (full) Generals, Guild Masters, and Priests may, once per Turn, attend court as a weekly activity.
Titled nobles may attend for (Noble Rank -1) weeks and Cult members for (Cult Rank -5) weeks.
An attendee may bring their lover (provided they have CHA 10+) or another single guest (provided they have CHA 10+) but must pay for court dress.
An attendee whose lover can attend court in their own right can bring both the lover and an additional guest.
In addition:
Attendees earn an extra CP in addition to what court attendance, carousing, toadying etc earn them. Carousing is free.
You can still attend a Royal Feast even if your Court attendance allocation for the Turn has been spent.
Royal Feasts must be attended by all titled characters unless they are at the front. Failure to attend will cost their CHA in CPs and earn them a NiS. Additionally a 6 in a 1D6 will end any appointment they may have.
[ooc rules question: if bringing a guest, can that guest only attend for one of the two weeks or do they need to attend both weeks?]
Baroness Ivarenna Hainasdaughter of the Balmyr
Aide to Goldgotti the City Treasurer
Rune Lord of Orlanth
Hundred-thane, Third Battalion, Mularik's Company
I Thane Julian of the Royal Foot Guards do formally petition my superior Lt. Warlord Grumbold Rahlefson as battalion commander to take a leave of absence for one week (a week off) from regimental duty. I would like to use this time to undertake additional battle training previously planned. Moreover this will allow me to be a better officer.
I also apply to join the much honoured Scribbled Scroll Inn and become a member.
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Colymar Tribe
Orlanth by Choice
Ivarenna wrote: ↑Wed Jun 26, 2024 10:49 pm
[ooc rules question: if bringing a guest, can that guest only attend for one of the two weeks or do they need to attend both weeks?]
They can attend one or two weeks.
Pls also note the rules on court dress. You need a new outfit for each court week in court.
Announcement: This month, in order to permit Royal Foot Guard Subaltern Julian Sartarvutson to better utilize his time during the month, and having seen his posted request for excused duty, Warlord Quatlu Carasilson requests Lt. Warlord Grumbold Rahlefson release Subaltern Julian Satarvutson from his week of required regimental duty this month.
Quatlu Carasilson
3rd Army Adjutant
Asst. Rune Priest of Orlanth
Colymar Tribe
((OOC: Sorry, not sure how I missed that the first Royal Feast each period is a special feast.))
Mularik Ironeye announces that the first Royal Feast in Alone will be Mularik's Winter Feast.
All Cult Initiates and above and military officers (plus their lovers) are invited. There will be no dancing at the feast. The guests will be entertained by choirs from the various cults performing suitably festive compositions.
Guests gain 1 CP for attending the feast and may toady to Mularik (CHA 25), but no CPs for location. Mularik will not be carousing, but guests may do so at their own expense. No gambling will be possible at Mularik's Feasts.
Sir, whilst I would prefer to have nothing more to do with the miserable wretch that is Broar Hofarson, I feel that I would be failing in my duty if I were not to offer myself as a witness in his forthcoming trial. I am therefore at your service in the first week of the month.
Erik Stargazer
Lt.Warlord Mularik's Company
Assistant Runelord of Orlanth
Aide to Warking
Colymar Tribe
(OOC: Erik volunteers to be a witness for the prosecution in the trial of Broar)
Puckohue wrote: ↑Wed Jun 26, 2024 9:15 pm
Jarl Toin Beethson of Alone will be the host of Royal Feasts in week 3 and 4.
[ooc Are characters attending the Royal Feast in week 4 able to toady to Jarl Toin Beethson? I presume his CHA is 15? Are there any other NPCs to whom one could toady?
Baroness Ivarenna Hainasdaughter of the Balmyr
Aide to Goldgotti the City Treasurer
Rune Lord of Orlanth
Hundred-thane, Third Battalion, Mularik's Company