Rufus - an introduction

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Rufus - an introduction

Post by Rufus »

Rufus Bronzer approaches the gates of Boldhome. He pauses, straightens his shoulders, walks tall and enters the fabulous city that he is determined to make his name in. Proud son of a chieftain belonging to the Kheldon tribe, the most noble of all the tribes, he expects to be treated with the respect due to his lineage. Back home people feared his strength, his skill with weapons and truth be told, his headstrong nature.

But here, such virtues would be welcomed! Confidently he approaches the gate, only to be confronted by an emerging wagon whose driver calls out cheerily "Watch out farmer, don't want to run you over!" Rufus checks his anger, "Farmer!" - he is a of noble blood not some uncouth agricultural labourer! Nevertheless, where at home he might have thrashed someone showing disrespect, for now he steps aside. He realises that he is not known here (yet), that the driver meant no offence and sadly his travel clothes give no clue to his importance.

Entering Boldhome is a stunning experience. The size of the city, the immensity of the buildings, the crowds of people all busily engaged in making a living. For a while he trudges around, just trying to take it all in.

Eventually, wearied from travelling and from gawping at the sites. he stops at a nice looking bakery and asks for one of the tasty looking cakes and is stunned by the price. "How much?!" he chokes incredulously. "Back home for that price I would get a tray of cakes!" The baker has none of it, "Well, you are not home now and as I charge guild prices, there is no better option!" Dazed, he pays and moves away. What had seemed a fair amount of money given to him by his family, he now realises will be pitiful in this town. How will he live, let alone prosper?

He tries to think through what to do and realises he is completely out of his depth. His hopes of glory look to be dashed - he cannot face the ignominy (and worse) of returning home or a life of poverty bringing shame to his family name. As the light starts to fade, he comes to a plaza he has not entered before to see a magnificent temple, the most impressive building he has ever seen.

Entering, he sits in one of the pews, hoping for inspiration but the emotion of his plight gets to him and he starts quietly sobbing. Anyone watching would have seen no sign of his desperation except for the shaking of his shoulders.

Wrapped up in himself, he does not notice someone coming up to him until they say "My son, you seem troubled. Share your problems with me." He looks up to see a kindly mature lady in the robes of an Orlanth priest gently smiling at him.

She sits beside him as Rufus tells his tale. He tells of his family and tribal history and she is impressed, agreeing that the Keldron tribe is regarded as noble and loyal to the King. He states with pride his aptitude with weapons and likewise nods appreciatively. Then he explains about his noble father's heavy drinking and his foolish "get rich quick" schemes and the financial difficulties that resulted. And then quietly, he explains why he had to leave home. Seeking to restore the name of his family and its fortunes, he led a raid with some of his boisterous friends onto a Lunar Empire outpost. Recklessly he followed up the initial success heedless of the enemy organising resistance. Suddenly attacked by a large organised force of Lunar soldiers, he had to to escape. He was able to cut his way free but others were not so lucky and some were killed or badly wounded. Instead of bringing honour to his family name, his reputation was gravely damaged such that he could not remain with his family. A sum of coins was handed over and he was advised to go to Boldhome and make his name there. "Perhaps you will be able to return with fame and power bringing honour to you tribe and family" - and so Rufus the red haired journeyed to Boldhome.

The priest reassures Rufus. You have a great name, even I have have heard of your tribe and family and you would be welcome to join us, assisting even leading our ceremonies and passing your time here. Who knows, you may in time become a priest? But maybe not, for I think you are a man of action and the duties of an initiate are significant.

I think a military life might be best. It can be a good route to fame, glory and even great wealth. Serve Orlanth as a lay member and seek to join a regiment of high standing. Perhaps one of the magic using ones would be best? How much money do you have? Ahhh! That little. Never mind, there are those who will advance you sums though at ruinous interest. But with boldness and good fortune, you might earn sufficient to pack back any loan and come back with a glorious reputation!

Heartened by her words, Rufus immediately pledges to join the cult of Orlanth.
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
Chieftain's son.
Posts: 337
Joined: Sat May 20, 2023 11:13 pm

Re: Rufus - an introduction

Post by Quatlu »

While visiting the Orlanth temple, Quatlu noticed one of the priests speaking with a sad young man in the chapel. As the priest left the young man seated in a pew, he motioned for Quatlu to come over and spoke a few words, then the priest turned and continued on his way. Quatlu walked over to the sad stranger dressed in plain clothing and said, "Looks like you could use a friend to speak to, stranger. My name is Quatlu Carasilson of the Colymar, and I'm a lay member here. I gather you're new to Boldhome? I've only been here a couple of months myself, and it can be hard in a strange place, especially one as big as Boldhome." He paused as the young man looked up at him, and Quatlu asked him if he had eaten lately. "If you'd like to have a simple meal and talk, I'd be happy to accommodate you and share what I know about life here in Boldhome. You definitely started out well, as you came to the Temple of Orlanth, and things will look better for you with a full stomach." He paused briefly to gauge the man's reaction, then smiled and motioned for the stranger to accompany him. "Come on, the Pea Pod restaurant is right around the corner, and they have the best split pea soup in the city. Cheap and filling."
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
3rd Army Adjutant
Asst. Rune Priest of Orlanth
Colymar Tribe
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Re: Rufus - an introduction

Post by Torben »

Young Broar had caught rumour that his new friend, Rufus, had been waylaid by some stinky Colymar type, at the Temple of Orlanth and was this very minute being led off to some downmarket eating establishment, known as the Putrid Pea or something, one of those nasty, dirty places that the Colymar like to frequent, unwashed plates, messy cups etc.

He had to act fast to save poor Rufus but how.....go anywhere near those Colymar nutters and they start issuing challenges left, right and center so he'd have to be subtle. Surely Rufus would have the sense to eat at the Scribbled Scroll instead, far superior and none of that moldy split pea soup rubbish.

Perhaps he could hire one of the many street urchins that plagued Boldhome, a couple of lunars should be enough to get the kid to tell that interfering Quatlu imbecile that his tent had caught fire and so he needs to run home asap and once he clears off get the urchin to take Rufus to the Scribbled Scroll where Broar would be waiting with a slap up feast. Yes, that seemed a great plan.

He began hastily scribbling a couple of notes, he just hoped that this Quatlu could actually read?!
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Re: Rufus - an introduction

Post by Rufus »

Rufus accompanies Quatlu as a meal would be welcome. He believes though that he needs to make his fortune as the basis for making his mark upon society.

As such he believes heading to the front with a suitable regiment is the best option to meet those aspirations.
The priest has discerned that a magical regiment would be best - perhaps based upon Rufus's (bold/inept) attempt at a raid on the Lunars.....

Any assistance would be appreciated! He has heard of the courage of the Colymor cavalry - and hopes to see one of their famous charges whilst at the front - quoting the poem

Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
“Forward, the Colymor Brigade!
Charge for the Lunars!” he said.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
Chieftain's son.
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Re: Rufus - an introduction

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu listens to Rufus as he enjoys the hot, nourishing soup and the fresh, toasted bread. He seems an honorable chap, and Quatlu agrees he might try a magic regiment instead of a warrior regiment. "I don't know about your abilities, as we've just met, but if you want to go the magic route, you might try the Free Philosophers. They are dedicated to one of the Light Bringers, the god of knowledge, Lhankor Mhy, and would not require you to buy a horse. I first tried for the Twin Spears, an Orlanth cult which is both a cavalry and a magic regiment, but I was not chosen. I was accepted in the Colymar Cavalry, though, where I currently serve as a Ten Thane. I am studying at the Lhankor Mhy Military Academy at the moment, and I can vouch for them as an honorable cult. If magic is your goal in battle, and your purse is a little light at the moment, then this would be a great regiment to start in. You'd just need to join the cult as a lay member, or an initiate of you have the charisma, and you could then work your way up the promotions ladder. You should try and buy the highest rank you can to start you on the road to promotion. You can always join Orlanth as a lay member, but remember you must worship at the temple at least once every three months or be penalized." He paused to let Rufus take it all in, and then added, "Maybe you should just try the one cult at first until you get your feet wet, eh?" Seeing Rufus was almost done with his meal, Quatlu paid the bill and added, "If you wish to go to the Lhankor Mhy temple, I can show you the way if you'd like".
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
3rd Army Adjutant
Asst. Rune Priest of Orlanth
Colymar Tribe
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Re: Rufus - an introduction

Post by Rufus »

Rufus is grateful to Quatlu for the kindness shown. However, he has pledged himself to Orlanth and will keep to his commitment, if only as a lay member.

Studying with the Lankhor Mhy and perhaps joining that cult is good advice - certainly something to consider for the future.

He will proceed to see what regiments find him suitable and then head to the front - requesting that his regiment joins him.

He hopes to see Quatlu with him in battle as he expects Quatlu to achieve great renown.
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
Chieftain's son.
Posts: 337
Joined: Sat May 20, 2023 11:13 pm

Re: Rufus - an introduction

Post by Quatlu »

He listens to Rufus as he offers his thanks for the kindness shown, and Quatlu smiles as he accepts the compliment. "I am delighted to hear of your faith in Orlanth, and will welcome you as a sword brother. If you can get in, may I suggest the Twin Spears Regiment for enlistment? They have both cavalry and magic contingents, and are highly placed in the army. I would invite you to join my own regiment, but I do not know if they accept men of other tribes, no matter how honorable and noble a candidate such as yourself may be. If you are accepted into the Colymar Cavalry, I would be proud to welcome you to E Troop." He paused for a moment, then added, "If you are rejected by your first regiment, I suggest you only try only one more that month to avoid picking up a negative modifier for additional recruiting efforts."

"I am planning to attend an Orlanth ceremony at the Temple this coming month in week 2, and would be honored to celebrate with you, my friend. With your zeal for combat, I have no doubt we shall serve and bloody the Lunars together on the same battlefield. May Orlanth guide your steps this month, sword brother."
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
3rd Army Adjutant
Asst. Rune Priest of Orlanth
Colymar Tribe
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Re: Rufus - an introduction

Post by Ararg »

[OOC: a note delivered by an urchin]


Let me know if you need any help. There are a lot of overly chatty people here who prefer drama to hard work.
Thane Ararg Rakelison of the Balkoth
Lay-member of the cult of Orlanth
Mularik’s Company
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Re: Rufus - an introduction

Post by Quatlu »

Hail Sword-Brother Rufus,

After meeting you at the temple of Orlanth last month, I am glad to hear that you have secured yourself an honored position as a ten thane of Mularik's Escort. A noble start to your path in Boldhome, and I salute you. Our hundred thane of the Colymar Cavalry has requested that our regiment be sent to the front this season, but if I remain in Boldhome, I hope to see you at the Orlanth temple in Week two for the ceremony with the high priest. May your rise be meteoric, and your honor a burnished blade to fell the enemies of the King.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
3rd Army Adjutant
Asst. Rune Priest of Orlanth
Colymar Tribe
Posts: 178
Joined: Mon Jun 26, 2023 12:33 pm

Re: Rufus - an introduction

Post by Rufus »

To the esteemed and valiant Quatlu,

I hope to be at the front with Mularik's company.

This will serve the honour of Boldhome but I hope this will also be a way of seeking my own fame and fortune.

Personally I hope that the Colymar cavalry will be at the front as well and that we see our names amongst those honoured by being mentioned in epistles as well as looting Lunar baggage trains or similar!

I would be grateful if you could ask for regiment in general and my squadron (the 3rd) in particular to be sent to the front as the more people asking, the more persuasive it will be to my commanders. Indeed, an esteemed member of society as yourself can ask a 100 thane to accede to your request as a favour (if you other plans then that is completely understandable). I certainly will be so doing this month but should you need a favour returned at some point in the future then I would hope to reciprocate.

I am focussed on serving at the front after being sadly rejected by a young lady and so my mind is unclear on what I should do if my commanders do not volunteer for the front. If in that sad circumstance I then decide to remain in Boldhome, I may well accept your kind invitation which I appreciate.
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
Chieftain's son.
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