Hurrah, another splendid Party! ALL invited (All!!)

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Hurrah, another splendid Party! ALL invited (All!!)

Post by Torben »

My dear friends,

Many of you have contacted me privately to express your thanks at the magnificent parties that I have been hosting and asked for more! So, too, have those poor unfortunates who have missed out due to other prior commitments.

Well, fear ye not, for I have decided to hold another one and this time EVERYONE is invited, even those Colymar types (outdoor seating will be provided to enable others to be spared the stench) because I wish to show you all how lovely Chalana Arroy has no boundaries when it comes to sharing a good time with anybody. See, what a great and nice cult we are, and, more importantly, what a thoroughly decent chap I am by opening the door to the likes of Evil Erik and 'Apless Afur, I can embrace my Goddess's philosophy regardless of any old tribal enmity or regimental squabbles.

Come along all, it's Week 4 of the coming month (Early Earth Season), I'll be at the doors of the Scribbled Scroll to welcome each of you AND...AND...there's a mystery present for all who attend, I reckon better even than the 25 Lunars statuettes handed at the last party.

Best wishes and a hearty cheers,

Broar H
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Re: Hurrah, another splendid Party! ALL invited (All!!)

Post by Erinestra »

Ah Broar, your parties are the talk of Boldhome, I hope to see you there again.
Erinestra Harvanasdaughter
Third daughter of a Free Carl of the Locaem tribe
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Re: Hurrah, another splendid Party! ALL invited (All!!)

Post by Saling »

Count me in. Looking forward for a nice evening and some drinks.
Dararda Jarnasdaugther Warrior of the Snakepipe Dancers
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Joined: Fri May 26, 2023 4:44 pm

Re: Hurrah, another splendid Party! ALL invited (All!!)

Post by Lavi »

It was a delightful party certainly better than that boring one that Afur hosted. Yawn.

So yes, I will be at your next party. My thanks to you.
Lavi Sharpspear of the Locaem tribe.
Looking for options.
Lay member of Lhankor Mhy.
Charisma 4.
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