The Cult of Broar!!

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The Cult of Broar!!

Post by Torben »

Dear friends,

My old chum Erik, he of the Colymar Tribe, has approached me and I know circulated amongst the City the very fine proposal that a cult be created in my name, to worship me.

I know Erik and I have had our ups and downs in the past but it was all in good heart really and I've always known the respect and admiration that Erik holds for me, some of these warrior types can find it hard to express and show their sentiments / emotions etc and so I've always acknowledged and respected that with Erik, merely playing along with his various little scenarios. Bless him, he's a sweet fellow really and if it weren't for the old personal hygiene issues then I'd be hard pressed to find fault in him.

Anyway, lets get back to my cult. So, to cut a long story short, I'm going to appoint Erik as my High Priest which means that post is gone HOWEVER that does leave a glut of Priests, Rune Lords, Assistant Priests, Assistant Rune Lords, God Talkers, Initiates etc posts all up for offer and this is where you all come in!

I'm opening up for purchase any of the currently vacant posts, as per above, all at really decent prices! See below -

Priest - 100 lunars

Rune Lord - 100 lunars

Asst Priest - 50 lunars

Asst Rune Lord - 50 lunars

Initiates - 30 lunars

Lay Members - 10 lunars

It's a first come, first secured basis, of course if someone feels they'd like to offer more than the purchase price, just to make sure they get the role in case many apply, then that's fine just send the additional on top.

In return for the purchase of a post the new cult member will also receive the personal earthly support of their God, in the form of influence, free drinks at my Inn, medical care and Homelore knowledge PLUS the services as a Second at any duels you may have as - luckily - Chalana Arroy does not prevent a devoted member being a Second. Now this is more than you get from your non-earthly gods!! This is direct, hands on stuff, and you have a god you can actually see and speak to......any worries, concerns, problems etc you can come and have a chat with God Broar the Benevolent and he will sort it out for you, no waiting for a dream or a vision, no looking for lightning strikes or bushes bursting into flames a straight sit down chat and a beer with Broar.

It is also worth mentioning that the Cult of Broar the Benevolent is the only mortal / earthly based cult in Sartar. We lead the way in direct physical aid to our worshippers and the opportunity for cult members to personally meet their god. None of the other cults can offer you this!

My dear friends, I look forward to your worship, and the lunars of course, and let us all go forward in the collective comradeship that will unite us within the Cult of Broar the Benevolent.
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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