To:Her Majesty, the Queen

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To:Her Majesty, the Queen

Post by Torben »

Your Majesty,

People are saying that you've given a house to that Erik Stargazer, a nice house just outside of the City, and that he can now use it has his residence, free of charge and everything!!

I'm not sure why you did this but as he has been given one what about me? Can I have one too, but maybe a slightly bigger one and a bit more prestigious please. As it is all I currently have is some lodgings and I have to also use this as my cult's temple as well, which is hardly befitting for someone of my status and standing.....I'm Boldhome's leading Healer, a member of two cults,a Lightbringer God plus a former veteran of the Front, before I took up my life of peace and harmony AND the only actual ASSISTANT RUNELORD amongst all those who seek to class themselves as notables of our fair City. So, it's only fair & proper that I be given a house too.

I'm sure it was just some administrative oversight, in fact, maybe that house was meant for me but Erik got wind of it and ended up threatening the poor servant of yours that was tasked with dealing with the paperwork (he's like that you know, that Erik, a brutish fellow who is not adverse to intimidating people) so the servant put his name on the scroll, instead of mine?!

Still, I'll leave it in your Majesty's hands and I'm sure it'll soon be sorted out.

May the Gods smile upon you.
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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