Once more unto the Pea Pod

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Once more unto the Pea Pod

Post by Erik »

Erik turned the corner to see his favourite little bar looking welcoming in the summer sunshine. The flowers Jorl had put out in the springtime were now a riot of growth and the clever landlord had staggered his flowers so that there were always some in bloom. Despite the attractive tables outside, Erik decided to head for the cool of the interior. The fireplace was now cold and lined with dried flowers from the earlier springtime blossoms, the windows were flung wide which allowed for cooling breezes to refresh the little tavern.
As Erik took a seat near the fireplace Jorl came bustling up. "Welcome back to Boldhome and congratulations on your success against the Lunars! You were proved right - The Lunatics are not coming back to Boldhome! What can I get you?"
"Chilled cider if you have it" came the reply. "And a selection of cold cheeses and meats with some of your tasty pickles and fresh bread. I have been subsisting on campaign rations for the past 3 months, alleviated by the food parcels Yealla sent me. They were a great help and kept the morale up in the officers mess tent, but I have been longing for really fresh food".
Jorl swiftly brought the thirsty man a silver tankard of cider, moisture condensing on the cool surface, before returning to the kitchen to fetch his food. Erik took a deep draught of the refreshing cider before sitting back in his seat and reviewing the letters he had picked up as he left home that morning. The most important was from the palace, an invitation from King Argrath for the officers returning from the front to attend him at the end of the month. "This will please Yealla" thought Erik. "She just about wore me out with her loving greeting last night when I got home from campaign. Looks like there might be a repeat tonight once she sees this invitation!".
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Re: Once more unto the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu found himself trodding a very familiar path through town and near the Great Temple of Orlanth. Soon the Pea Pod came into view, and he felt a sense of homecoming to the little pub. The flowers displayed in the small garden outside were quite becoming, and he paused for a moment to take them in, and enjoy the sense of peace they provided. After so much death at the Front, it was a most welcome sensation.

Seeing no one outside he recognized, he headed inside and moved toward the table by the hearth that had become the meeting place of friends and comrades in arms. So many Sword Brothers some and gone, but none forgotten. He spotted his old friend Erik seated by the now unlit fireplace, with Jorl just leaving a drink for the warrior. Erik, old friend", he called out as he crossed the room to greet the big man with an arm clasp and a clap on the back. "Hail and well met, Sword Brother." He glanced over at the smiling proprietor and said, "Jorl, I'll have one of whatever Erik is drinking". "Have you ordered food yet, brother?", he added to Erik.

He took a seat at their favorite table and considered his friend. A big man of stature and heart, and an inspiration to his men who had done extremely well in the army of King Argrath. Both men had arrived in Boldhome about the same time, becoming friends and pursuing a similar path in their lives. And now Erik had risen to become Lt. Warlord of Mularik's Company and Aide to the City Lawspeaker, blessed by Orlanth, with a fine lover and a strong future ahead of him. Here again was proof that the path to honor and success was open to all men and women of Boldhome. "I understand we lost our comrade Jarrek Garson during the campaign this year. An honorable warrior and a devout Initiate of Orlanth. He will be missed. I'm attending ceremony during the second week this month and will mention him before Orlanth in the Great Temple." He picked up drink and offered a toast to their fallen comrade.

"So, my friend, what news do you bring to us, and what tales of honor and glory would you share", Quatlu asked.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Asst. Rune Priest of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
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Re: Once more unto the Pea Pod

Post by Erik »

"We lost our fellows-in-Orlanth Jarrek and Griselna, and now my friend and colleague Rufus is captured by the Lunars. Orlanth be praised, I was spared and was favoured by my superiors who considered my services worthy of mention. I will join you in the 2nd week in the Temple of Orlanth to honour our comrades." Pausing to take a taste of his refreshing cider Erik continued. "With the capture of Griselna and Rufus, I have been considering what I would do if captured by an enemy. Whilst I would hope that my own resources and my friends would raise a ransom, there is no certainty that it would be accepted. Thus my plan would be to try to escape in the 3rd week of my captivity - giving just enough time for my captors to become complacent. "
"I was disappointed to hear that the temple of Orlanth was unwilling to contribute towards the ransom offered for Griselna. I hope they will feel otherwise for Rufus. He has served Orlanth well and deserves support in return. On a less savoury matter, I note that the Temple of Chalana Arroy has charged Broar, or Brear as he now calls himself. Whilst there are other things I would rather be doing I have decided to set aside a week of my time to attend the trial, and possibly testify what a rogue he is. I cannot understand why the moneylenders of Boldhome advanced him a loan as Brear when he defaulted on the loans he had taken out as Broar! How could they be so gullible? I would not want to be him when their enforcers finally catch up with him and take out the interest owed on his kneecaps!"
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Re: Once more unto the Pea Pod

Post by Harold »

Young Harold felt warm sun playing across his face, the weeks at the front had left him tanned & even scrawnier than before, the joys of living in the field on military rations. All the more reason to be enjoying this his walk around the marketplace of Boldholm since his return. He had already made a few small purchases, & was hoping to find a good Tailor so he could obtain some attire fit for forthcoming Royal Feast.
He wondered, as he perambulated towards the Pea Pod, if those Esteemed Gentlefolk he had met before the summer campaign were still around. He was hopeful they had all survived & returned unscathed from the battles.
Upon entering the street where his destination was located he noticed the floral tribute to the Spirits of Summer. Before entering he paused to admire the wondrous display of flowers before the Pea Pod, watching as the bees methodically went about their labours gathering the bounty of the blooms. It was refreshing to observe such a wonder of nature, peaceful & relaxing. It helped to balance the horrors he had seen whilst he was away from the city.
The door stood invitingly open, Harold ducked under the lintel , crossing the threshold. Stopping just briefly to wipe his boots on the mat, He let his gaze wander around the room, in the hope of finding a face he recognised.
To his great delight he a spied not only Noble Quatlu, but also the Esteemed Erik of Mulariks Company. Harold made his way to their table.
“Good day, Gentlemen may I join you, I have a few questions I hope you may be in a position to answer?”
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Re: Once more unto the Pea Pod

Post by Julian »

Julian, back from the front and a newly promoted Coylmar Cavalry 100 thane opens the Pea Pod’s customer door and peer in. He is delighted to see Erik, Qualtu and Harold amongst the cheerful clientele. With a successful campaign to celebrate and coins in his purse he attempts to catch the eye of the owner as he makes his way over to his friends.

Gentlemen, well met! Landlord, drinks here for my friends and a quart of porter for me! I have come to welcome you back. And to thank you for your service and support. And as the drinks arrive he proposes as toast to “our Dead Heroes, our Honour and Future Victory!”

Then he sits down and takes a great pull at his foaming tankard! Then he smiles. “Good to be back, isn’t it? What news gallant comrades? I felt I needed to see you and check all was well with you.
What are your plans now we’re are home?”

Keep the drinks coming Jarrek old boy..
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Colymar Tribe
Orlanth by Choice
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Re: Once more unto the Pea Pod

Post by Quatlu »

Quatlu set his tankard back on the table after a long swig and replied to Erik, “I salute your promotion, Erik, and I was sorry to see Jarrek slain in battle, as he was a stalwart warrior and a good friend. It’s always good to remember old comrades and keep their memory alive, so we can join in honoring their memory in week 2. Though Rufus was captured this past month, at least he is alive and uninjured. My ransom contribution for the late Griselna, which the Lunars refused, I will now ask to be transferred to help ransom Rufus from their clutches. Maintain the funds in the ransom collection purse and let’s see how he fares.”

On the matter of ransom, Erik’s statement rang true. “If I was captured by the enemy, I’d certainly hope that my fellow Orlanthi would attempt a rescue to free me from enemy hands. The idea of an escape attempt in week three would hopefully lower their guard and improve chances for a successful rescue. It seems that the Lunars don’t want to have to fight one of us later on by accepting our ransom, and I honestly can’t blame them. Though one of their officers was captured earlier in Fire Season and was ransomed, it seems like they do not wish to return the favor. I’ll definitely remember to lead any rescue parties in week three to permit us to work on escape from opposite sides of the same fence.”

“I am delighted to see that the Temple of Chalana Arroy has finally decided to bring charges against that scalawag Hofarson family, but I don’t think the “triumvirate” of Hofarson characters will actually show up for the hearing. How that man manages to repeatedly hoodwink the loan sharks is beyond me. And now I hear that a fourth Hofarson is being prepared to enter Boldhome, in the person of one Bruar. Odds bodkins, what a strange collection of personalities.” He swigs on his cider and then adds, “Mmm, did you see I posted a notice that no Hofarson need apply with the Royal Foot Guards? As I have control over who gets enlisted, I will not approve any such application. I’m glad you will be testifying against him to hopefully bring him to heel.”

At that point Harold Rastison entered the Pea Pod with a big grin and exchanged greetings with Erik and Quatlu. “Another surviving warrior returned carrying his shield and not lying upon it. Hail and well met, Harold. Come and sit, and let a couple of old war horses answer any questions you might have.” He then called out to Jorl, the proprietor, and asked for a drink for Ten Thane Harold. “So how’s life in the Colymar Cavalry, good Harold?”

And then lo and behold, before Harold could respond, another friendly face appeared at the doorway, now adding 100 Thane Julian Sartarvutson to the esteemed company of the table. When he had seated himself and Jorl brought the fresh round of drinks, Quatlu responded to Julian’s toast to absent friends, “Dead heroes, our honor and future victory”.
Quatlu Carasilson
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Asst. Rune Priest of Orlanth
Aide to a member of the City Ring
Colymar Tribe
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Re: Once more unto the Pea Pod

Post by Erik »

Relaxing in his chair Erik turned to conversation to King Argrath's Autumn Feast. "If your lovers are like mine, they are getting very excited about the chance to visit the Palace. I offered to buy Yealla a new outfit, but, independent lady that she is, she said she preferred to choose her own - and I am not allowed to see it before the night of the feast! All I know about it is that I need to choose my own new suit in "Autumn colours" - which I assume means golds, reds and browns. I need to see Erinestra and ask what is currently in fashion as I am woefully out of touch. At the front the fashion seemed to be leather and bronze, tastefully embellished with mud and blood!"
"For the rest of the month, I have challenged Brear to an Affair of Honour over his latest insults, but since he has no concept of honour I have no doubt that he will run away again. It will make the 4th time I have tried to cross blades with Hofarson and he shows his yellow streak every time. I then intend to attend his trial at the Temple of the Blessed Lady, Chalana Arroy, but he will run from that also. It will be annoying, there are better uses of my time. In the 2nd week I plan to do my Temple duties as a Godtalker and light incense in memory of our fallen comrades. - hopefully I will see you all there. Then a week of study before the big event of the Autumn Feast!"
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Re: Once more unto the Pea Pod

Post by Julian »

Julian feeling oh! So much better than a year ago and in a reflective mood marches towards the Pea Pod on a fine evening to see if any of his friends are there?

He notices that the forecourt has been recently swept and that the the garden is well tended. “Ah” the thinks, “This place is on the rise too!” He enters and seeks out Erik, Quatlu and hi other friends. Not seeing them immediately he orders beer and vittles and sits talking to the locals who comment on Julian’s rise in society as evidenced by his new clothes.

Julian points out that he has been (generally) lucky, having found good friends on his arrival here as a poor man. He now hopes to make Boldhome a safer, more prosperous place. I’m sorry, he says,” this sounds like politicking but it’s not - I just feel that this town is my home now and i cherish it”. His listeners cheer and the landlord brings him another drink.
Julian Sartarvutson
A Ten Thane in the
Royal Foot Guards Regiment
Colymar Tribe
Orlanth by Choice
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