Hello Boldhome, wow!

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Hello Boldhome, wow!

Post by Torben »

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if anyone felt like being a decent sort and taking a newcomer under their wing, so to speak?

You see I've literally just arrived in the City and the place is just so huge and everything I don't really know where to start, what's more worrying is that the place seems a 'bit pricey' which is somewhat of a concern to a fellow like me who hasn't a lunar to his name. I did originally have 10 lunars when I left home, just by the Dancing Apple Inn in Balmyr but on my way here I met a strange fellow with a wooden leg who was riding hell bent for leather on his way to raise an army, I think that's what he said?

He stopped briefly to ask me if I wanted to invest in a diamond mine that he owned with some dwarves, apparently whatever I invest will make 10 times that in only 1 season. Who would say no to that! He did seem a bit disappointed when I explained that I only had the 10 lunars but he said not to worry that would have to do and gave me a note to give to someone called Grumbold when I get to Boldhome and this Grumbold will pass over the profits to me of 100 lunars. That's amazing as my entire family would need to work for 5 years to get that sort of money and I saw that when the fellow signed the note he is a King!! Fancy me, a humble Dungshuvler getting to talk to a King, how proud they would be of me back home!

So does anyone know where this Grumbold lives? The King also warned me about somebody called Evil Erik, I think that was the name, and a Deputy Harmony whoever that may be? Apparently these two stole the King's leg and lots of his money, I must admit it all got a bit confusing and beyond me still I'm here now and I'm determined to make the best of things.

I look forward to making loads of new friends and really contributing to life in the City, I've got to learn more about the various Gods and Cults and Army Regiments and...and....so much more, very exciting!

Can anyone recommend how a chap can accumulate some lunars so that he can survive here?

Torben Dungshuvler
I own my own spade and bucket
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2023 6:06 pm

Re: Hello Boldhome, wow!

Post by Erik »

Welcome to Boldhome Torben,

Fate does seem to have dealt you a poor hand, but I have no doubt that you can pull yourself up the social ladder. The best way to gain Lunars is to take them from the enemies of Boldhome - that is by becoming a soldier and winning plunder. However, you may wish to spend a month or so in the city, joining a cult and trying to smarten yourself up in order that you can apply to a better sort of regiment.
You might wish to consider applying to either Runelord Quatlu or myself for a position as a servant in his large house or in my small mansion. The pay is not great, but you do not need to worry about support costs and there is always the chance of a little below stairs romance. You normally only get one week off per month for your own affairs but I offer my staff two weeks. You might like to consult my very efficient Housekeeper Ondurga about the role.
Being of the Balmyr Tribe you could consider becoming a merchant, in which case you might consult Grumbold of Silks and Sapphires or Erinestra of Erinestra's Boutique, both well established and well respected merchants of this city. However, I understand that you need Lunars to make Lunars, so this may be a more difficult career path for yourself.
Should you choose to join the Cult of Orlanth I look forward to seeing you at the Temple. I wish you well

Erik Stargazer
Lt.Warlord Mularik's Company
Assistant Runelord of Orlanth
Aide to Warking
Colymar Tribe
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Re: Hello Boldhome, wow!

Post by Torben »

To: Erik Stargazer
Lt.Warlord Mularik's Company
Assistant Runelord of Orlanth

I have to admit all these high class people contacting me is most overwhelming, I almost feel lost for words....fortunately only almost, thus I can manage a reply!

The advice was most welcome, as to was the offer of a job and I shall definitely keep that in mind as I weight up the best options for me here. You are kind to recognise that fate has, indeed, dealt me a poor hand as I've always felt I was destined for greater things than working dungheaps, surely it must for I'm convinced I've the potential to succeed....I just need to figure out at what exactly!

The King chappie that I met, the one with the wooden leg, he said something about ensuring I join a cult and an Inn but I've already made some enquiries and no cult will take me as an Initiate and no Inn as a member....sigh....I've yet to try a regiment and you mentioned this Rufus so maybe I should try him?

Anyway thanks again for the advice, it's great to have friends.

Torben Dungshuvler
Own spade and bucket, will travel
Torben Dungshuvler
An unfortunate pawn in the hands of the Gods
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