Wandering the streets of Boldhome

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Wandering the streets of Boldhome

Post by Ivarenna »

I left the temple grounds and headed for the market. It was raining heavily. Enteth had asked me to pick up a package from Silks and Sapphires. I entered the establishment and was greeted courteously by the proprietor, Grumbold Rahlefson. He sent one of his assistants to fetch the package from the storeroom at the back. A conversation ensued. It appears the silks in the shop are of the finest quality and are imported from far off Kralorela. The sapphires are obtained locally from Dwarf Mine. Again of the highest quality. One would expect no less from an Issaries cultist. I purchased a jewel encrusted torc as a present for Enteth, a second torc for the Axe Sister at the temple, and a simple necklace for myself.

Leaving the shop the rain had ceased, replaced by a strong gale. My journey took me close to the Lankhor Mhy temple. Down a side street near the temple I saw an old man, who I think I recognised as a god-talker of the god of sages, being beaten up by several fanatics robed in black and red. He had clearly been carrying a bunch of scrolls, which had now been dropped into the mud. Hefting my axe I charged the thugs, who quickly scattered. The sage was not badly injured, but in a state of shock. I escorted him back to his temple. He offered me some coins for coming to his assistance, which I refused.

I headed to the Orlanth temple where I met with Enteth, giving her the package she had ordered along with the present. She did not seem particularly pleased with the gift, but accepted it, nevertheless.

I was then on duty guarding the temple to Ernalda. The Babeester Gor Axe Sister was there along with Terdis Sennaleson of the Locaem, an old friend. I had a long conversation with Terdis, who seemed in good spirits. The conversation drifted towards the war against Delecti, the Lich of the Upland Marsh. It is said that he is served by a host of beautiful female vampires, the so called Daughters of Delecti although some name them the Dancers in Darkness. I resolved to join Mularik's Company, elements of which are serving at the front, and fight these terrible undead monsters.
Baroness Ivarenna Hainasdaughter of the Balmyr
Aide to Goldgotti the City Treasurer
Assistant Rune Lord of Orlanth
Hundred-thane, Third Battalion, Mularik's Company
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